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Paxico Rural High School

Picture of property 112 Elm St
Paxico (Wabaunsee County)
Listed in National Register Jul 21, 2022

Architect: Walter E. Glover
Area of Significance: education related
Architectural Style(s): Commercial
Thematic Nomination: Historic Public Schools of Kansas

Paxico Rural High School is an example of a high school from the school consolidation movement in Kansas. The school is a “town high school” type (for a population of 250 to 2000), and part of the progressive movement for schools and school consolidation. Paxico Rural High school was at the forefront of the school consolidation movement and the push for improved schools across the state. When Gov. Henry J. Allen took office in 1921, one of his goals for his term was to raise the low marks that Kansas had received nationally. Paxico was (and had been) at the forefront of trends in education and was one of the first to follow his plan. To counter the problems that the town had faced in recent years with school attendance, school officials enticed the local Catholic population with parochial elements (morning chapel, separate entrances for the sexes, etc.) to draw in the needed students; therefore, it is unique because it incorporated parochial school design elements. It is also the earliest example of a Walter E. Glover school in Kansas.

Pierce Ranch

Picture of property
Paxico (Wabaunsee County)
Listed in State Register Apr 3, 1982

Architect: Not listed
Area of Significance: secondary structure; single dwelling; natural feature
Architectural Style(s): Other

Pratt-Mertz Barn

Picture of property 34107 K18 Hwy
Manhattan (Wabaunsee County)
Listed in National Register Feb 3, 2020

Architect: Samuel Pratt
Area of Significance: agricultural outbuilding
Architectural Style(s): Vernacular
Thematic Nomination: Historic Agriculture Related Resources of Kansas

The Pratt-Mertz Barn is a two-story multi-bay limestone barn constructed in 1876 by Samuel G. Pratt.

Security State Bank

Picture of property Main and 2nd
Eskridge (Wabaunsee County)
Listed in National Register May 6, 1982

Architect: Eugene Hopkins, stonemason
Area of Significance: financial institution; post office
Architectural Style(s): Romanesque

Snokomo School

Picture of property 8 miles south of Paxico, Paxico vicinity
Paxico (Wabaunsee County)
Listed in National Register Jan 20, 1995

Architect: Not listed
Area of Significance: school
Architectural Style(s): Other

Southeast Stone Arch Bridge - Lake Wabaunsee

Picture of property E Flint Hills Drive 2.2 miles S of K-4 (Lake Wabaunsee)
Eskridge (Wabaunsee County)
Listed in National Register Dec 30, 2009

Architect: John Brink, WPA Engineer
Area of Significance: road-related
Architectural Style(s): Bridge
Thematic Nomination: Masonry Arch Bridges of KansasNew Deal-era Resources of Kansas

The idea for a recreational lake in Wabaunsee County was conceived in the 1920s and - with the help of Federal New Deal programs - finally became a reality in the late 1930s. Lake Wabaunsee's grand opening was held on August 26, 1939. A single paved roadway encircles the New Deal-era lake and includes two historic stone arch bridges. The construction of the three-arch stone bridge took place in 1937 and 1938 and was funded by the Works Progress Administration. This bridge is nominated individually to the National Register as part of the "Masonry Arch Bridges of Kansas" and "New Deal-Era Resources of Kansas" multiple property listings. Today, lakefront houses dating from the middle and late 20th century dot the perimeter. New Deal-era camp buildings are no longer extant and modern development prevents listing the entire lake site in the National Register. The Southeast Bridge remain an integral part of the historic road system encircling Lake Wabaunsee.

Stuewe House

Picture of property 617 Nebraska
Alma (Wabaunsee County)
Listed in National Register Jan 17, 2007

Architect: Not listed
Area of Significance: single dwelling
Architectural Style(s): Other

The Stuewe House is significant for its association with the early development of Alma and as the location of the Stuewe Brothers Creamery. Brothers Albert and Ferdinand Stuewe purchased a small limestone house (c. 1873) on the west edge of Alma in 1884 where they operated their creamery and cattle businesses for fifty years. The current appearance of the house dates to 1885 when the brothers built a two-story addition. Albert and Ferdinand, who established the Bank of Alma (later renamed Alma State Bank) in 1895, were community leaders who played significant roles in the development of Alma. Ferdinand served as Wabaunsee County Treasurer, State Representative, and was president of Alma State Bank. The property remained in the Stuewe family until the 1960.

Sump Barn

Picture of property 26603 K-99 Hwy
Alma (Wabaunsee County)
Listed in National Register May 19, 2022

Architect: Unknown
Area of Significance: agricultural outbuilding
Architectural Style(s): Other
Thematic Nomination: Historic Agriculture Related Resources of Kansas

The Sump Barn conveys the history of an early Wabaunsee County farm and the important role of the barn as an essential building on Kansas farms and ranches. The 320-acre farm was established by Gustave Droege in 1876 and purchased by Henry Sump in 1903, both descendants of German immigrants. Constructed in 1913, the large barn was built to support Sump’s stock operation raising purebred Hereford cattle, which he sold throughout the Midwest. The farm remained in the Sump family for ninety years; the period of significance spans from the barn’s construction in 1913 to 1972, as the barn still continues its agricultural use that it had for many decades.

Thoes, Peter, Barn

Picture of property 25709 Hessdale Road
Alma (Wabaunsee County)
Listed in National Register Oct 30, 2013

Architect: N/A
Area of Significance: agricultural outbuilding
Architectural Style(s): Other
Thematic Nomination: Historic Agriculture Related Resources of Kansas

Early Wabaunsee County settler Peter Thoes established his home and farmstead shortly after the Kansas Territory opened for settlement in 1854. It was near the Pottawatomi Indian Reserve, which at that time occupied about one-third of what is now Wabaunsee County. It was one of a cluster of properties that took root before the Civil War and the founding of Alma, and even vied for the location of the county seat. Thoes lived on and farmed this same property until his death in 1894. The sprawling and iconic barn on Thoes' property was built in phases from the late 1870s to the early 1890s. It is situated on a farmstead that includes Thoes' stone residence and a few later outbuildings, which are owned separately from the nominated barn. The house burned in 1922, was partially rebuilt, but has been altered considerably in recent years and is not eligible for listing in the National Register; the barn is the primary extant resource associated with Thoes. The barn was nominated as part of the Historic Agriculture-Related Resources of Kansas multiple property nomination in the areas of agriculture and exploration/settlement for its association with Peter Thoes.

Wabaunsee County Courthouse

Picture of property 215 Kansas Avenue
Alma (Wabaunsee County)
Listed in National Register Apr 26, 2002

Architect: Walter Glover
Area of Significance: courthouse
Architectural Style(s): Art Deco; Moderne
Thematic Nomination: Historic County Courthouses of Kansas

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