Charles Huffman to Governor Arthur Capper

Creator: Kansas. Governor (1915-1919: Capper)
Date: October 23, 1918
Level of Description: Item
Material Type: Government record
Call Number:
Governor's Office, Governor Arthur Capper, Correspondence Files, Numerical File Box 16 Folder 53a
Unit ID: 217149
Summary: In this letter to Governor Capper, Kansas Adjutant General Charles S. Huffman details the situation at Camp Funston during the influenza outbreak of 1918. Ordered by Capper to investigate conditions at Camp Funston, Huffman informs Capper that conditions throughout the area were more than satisfactory to meet the demands imposed on the staff and facilities at the camp. In fact, Huffman states that "I can assure you that no parent or relative need have any apprehension but what boys in camp are receiving the best of attention and treatment."
Space Required/Quantity: [Not stated]
Title (Main title): Charles Huffman to Governor Arthur Capper
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