Harriet A. Parkerson diaries [microform]
Creator: Parkerson, Harriet Arms, 1855-1940
Date: 1891-1900
Level of Description: Series
Material Type: Manuscripts
Call Number:
MICROFILM: MS 1189 (Available thru interlibrary loan to Kansas libraries)
Unit ID: 49032
Abstract: Yearly diaries, 10 v., of Harriet Parkerson, a Manhattan, Kan., resident and niece & adopted daughter of Isaac T. & Ellen Denison Goodnow. Provides daily accounts of activities, as well as listing of income and expenditures, letters, and addresses of friends & business associates. Isaac T. & Ellen Denison Goodnow and the National Grange are mentioned.
Space Required/Quantity: 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm.
Title (Main title): Harriet A. Parkerson diaries [microform]
Titles (Other):
- Diaries [Portion of title]
Part of: Harriet Parkerson diaries and papers.
No Locators Identified
- MS 1189: Harriet A. Parkerson diaries 1891-1900
Index Terms
National Grange
Manhattan (Kan.)
Riley County (Kan.)
Goodnow, Ellen Denison -- Family
Goodnow, Isaac T. (Isaac Tichenor), 1814-1894 -- Family
Parkerson, Harriet Arms, 1855-1940
American diaries -- Kansas -- Manhattan