National and State Registers of Historic Places
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County: Riley
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Abner Allen House & Outbuilding

Zeandale (Riley County)
Listed in State Register Nov 17, 2018
Architect: Abner Allen
Area of Significance: agricultural outbuilding; domestic; single dwelling
Architectural Style(s): Italianate
The Abner Allen House & Outbuilding is located near Zeandale in rural Riley County, Kansas at 7280 Zeandale Road. The property sits on the north side of Zeandale Road and borders the western edge of Wabaunsee County. The property features a circa 1865 L-shaped stone house with multiple non-historic additions and a late 1800’s stone outbuilding within the farmstead’s curvilinear driveway. The Abner Allen House & Outbuilding are associated with the settlement of the Zeandale Township. The period of significance for the property begins in 1865 with the estimated construction date of the house and ends in 1887 when Abner and Lavina Allen moved to California.
Anderson Hall

Manhattan (Riley County)
Listed in National Register Nov 28, 1980
Architect: Erasmus Carr
Area of Significance: college
Architectural Style(s): Gothic
Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church

Manhattan (Riley County)
Listed in National Register May 30, 2012
Architect: unknown
Area of Significance: religious facility
Architectural Style(s): Other
Thematic Nomination: African American Resources in Manhattan, KS
The Bethel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church building is significant for its role in the development of the African American community in Manhattan. Like the Second Baptist Church, the AME church was one of the key community organizations in Manhattan, serving not only the religious needs of its members, but also the greater community by hosting education, social and charitable activities. The original congregation was organized in 1879, the same year that a number of African American refugees arrived in Manhattan as part of the Great Exodus from former Southern slave states. As the congregation grew in size and prominence, they built a second frame church in 1916, and were able to build this brick building in 1927. The church is the oldest existing African American congregation in Manhattan, and in cooperation with Manhattan's other black churches, members of Bethel took leadership roles in civil rights activities in the community. Although membership dwindled to as low as five members in the late 20th century, the determination of those remaining members have kept the congregation and church in operation through today.
Bluemont Youth Cabin

Manhattan (Riley County)
Listed in National Register Jan 8, 2014
Architect: National Youth Administration (builder)
Area of Significance: outdoor recreation
Architectural Style(s): Other
Thematic Nomination: New Deal-era Resources of Kansas
The Bluemont Youth Cabin was built in Manhattan's Goodnow Park in 1938 with assistance from the National Youth Administration (NYA), a depression-era federal assistance program designed to aid the nation's youth though part-time work and valuable construction training. Over 100 local youth participated in the construction of the cabin through Riley County's NYA program. Designed by Manhattan city engineer Harold Harper, the cabin was constructed of limestone quarried from Bluemont Hill. It is an excellent representative of New Deal-era rustic park architecture characterized by its local building materials and wooded, terraced setting. Once complete, the facility provided meeting space for the Boy Scouts, members of the NYA, and the children of Manhattan. It was nominated as part of the "New Deal-Era Resources of Kansas" multiple property nomination for its local significance in the areas of entertainment/ recreation, politics/government, and architecture.
Community House

Manhattan (Riley County)
Listed in National Register Nov 21, 2006
Architect: Henry B. Winter
Area of Significance: institutional housing; music facility
Architectural Style(s): Commercial Style; Late 19th and 20th Century Revivals
Designed by local architect Henry B. Winter, the Community House is a three-story building built in the 20th century Commercial style. The lower sections of the building's four elevations are of limestone; a decorative concrete separation appears only on the north and west elevations. The rest of the elevations are constructed of red tapestry brick set in red and white mortar. Construction began in 1917 as a joint project between the Rotarians of Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma and the City of Manhattan in order to provide a suitable place for American soldiers to rest and be entertained. The grand opening was held in June 1918 and was attended by General Leonard Wood, who was the commander of Camp Funston at the time. The Community House was nominated for its role in providing housing and recreation for the military during both World Wars.
Dawsons Conoco Service Station

Manhattan (Riley County)
Listed in National Register Sep 30, 2021
Architect: Fred MacLean
Area of Significance: specialty store
Architectural Style(s): Modern Movement
Dawson’s Conoco Service Station, located at the corner of Poyntz Avenue and Eleventh Street in Manhattan, Kansas, was constructed in 1967 by the Continental Oil Company (Conoco). The station sits across the street from Manhattan’s City Park and fronts one of the City’s main thoroughfares. Conoco chose the site because of its strategic location along a major highway running across the state (former U.S. 40). The Modern design of the station exhibits a high degree of historic and architectural integrity. The station was built on Conoco’s Modern Service Station Plan No. 9A (1963), reflecting the company’s efforts to meet the changing consumer needs and desires in the mid-twentieth century.
Downtown Manhattan Historic District

Manhattan (Riley County)
Listed in National Register Oct 2, 2007
Architect: James Holland, Frank Squires, Boller Brothers, etc
Area of Significance: domestic; government office; clinic; communications facility; theater; meeting hall; road-related; commerce
Architectural Style(s): Modern Movement; Late Victorian; Late 19th and 20th Century Revivals; Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movements
The Downtown Manhattan Historic District is just over six square blocks in area, encompassing historic commercial and civic buildings within the central business district. The buildings in downtown Manhattan interpret the history of the community's permanent commercial development, from the construction of the first business in the 1860s to the development and expansion of an enclosed regional shopping mall in the 1980s and 1990s. This collection of 66 buildings reflects a wide range of architectural styles from vernacular two-part commercial blocks to 1950s modern designs.
Elliott (Mattie M.) House

Manhattan (Riley County)
Listed in National Register Jun 2, 1995
Architect: Wolfenbarger, Floyd
Area of Significance: secondary structure; single dwelling
Architectural Style(s): Tudor Revival
First Christian Church

Manhattan (Riley County)
Listed in National Register Mar 10, 2022
Area of Significance: religious facility
Architectural Style(s): Modern Movement; Late 19th and 20th Century Revivals
The First Christian Church is located on the west side of downtown Manhattan, Kansas. The original building was built in 1908 from plans by J. C. Holland. It is a rectangular stone building with symmetrical facades on all four sides, designed to coordinate with the Romanesque Revival Courthouse (1905) and Beaux-Arts Carnegie Library (1904). A “Conservative Modern” education wing was built in 1938. A Modern 1962 addition constituted an overall design change, which is reflected on the interior in the sanctuary, halls, new classrooms, and the main entrance to the structure. The building retains a high degree of architectural integrity from the 1908 and 1938 structures, and dating to the major renovation in 1962.
First Congregational Church

Manhattan (Riley County)
Listed in National Register Nov 13, 2008
Architect: unknown
Area of Significance: religious facility
Architectural Style(s): Gothic
The First Congregational Church congregation formed in 1856 with ties to the American Home Missionary Society and the Manhattan Town Company. Originally built in 1859 as a simple, gable-roof rectangular block, the church has grown considerably since then with three additions dating to 1879, 1904, and 1989. The Gothic Revival-style church is constructed of limestone and includes pointed arch windows, stained glass, and typical Gothic Revival window tracery. The building is nominated for its associations with early settlement and its architecture.
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