National and State Registers of Historic Places
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County: Douglas
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Achning, Ralph and Cloyd, House

Lawrence (Douglas County)
Listed in National Register Sep 15, 1987
Architect: Joseph Edwards
Area of Significance: single dwelling
Architectural Style(s): Bungalow/Craftsman
Bailey, E. H. S., House

Lawrence (Douglas County)
Listed in State Register Nov 22, 2008
Architect: Griffith, William Alexander
Area of Significance: single dwelling
Architectural Style(s): Colonial Revival
On the eastern slope of Lawrence's Mount Oread, the Bailey House is just a few blocks from the University of Kansas campus and is a contributing resource in the National Register-listed Oread Historic District. As the university expanded in the early 1900s, this neighborhood became a popular place for faculty and staff to build residences. Artist and architect William Alexander Griffith designed the house, which was erected in 1908 as a residence for E. H. S. Bailey, head of KU's chemistry department from 1883 to 1933. Bailey Hall on the KU campus was built in 1905 to house the chemistry department, and is listed in the National Register in part for its associations with Bailey as a reflection of his successful career. His residence, which blends several popular styles of the early 1900s including Richardsonian Romanesque, Dutch Colonial Revival, and Craftsman, is nominated for its architectural significance.
Bailey Hall

Lawrence (Douglas County)
Listed in National Register Oct 22, 2001
Architect: John Haskell
Area of Significance: college
Architectural Style(s): Romanesque
Baldwin City School & Gymnasium/Auditorium

Baldwin City (Douglas County)
Listed in National Register Jul 7, 2015
Architect: Smith, Charles A.; Williamson, Thomas
Area of Significance: school
Architectural Style(s): Classical Revival; Commercial Style; Moderne
Thematic Nomination: Historic Public Schools of KansasNew Deal-era Resources of Kansas
Kansas City-based architect Charles A. Smith designed the Baldwin City School, which opened in January 1923. The building embodies Progressive-era tenets particularly involving specialized classrooms. It hosted both elementary and high school classes until a new high school was built in 1969. Topeka-based architect Thomas W. Williamson designed a detached auditorium and gymnasium that was completed in 1942 as part of the Work Projects Administration program. Both buildings functioned as a part of the local public school system until 2011. The property is nominated as part of the "Historic Public Schools of Kansas" and "New Deal-era Resources of Kansas" multiple property nominations.
Barnes Apple Barn

Baldwin City vicinity/Vinland (Douglas County)
Listed in National Register Nov 1, 2006
Architect: Not listed
Area of Significance: agricultural outbuilding; storage
Architectural Style(s): Vernacular
Constructed in about 1857, the Barnes Apple Barn is a gabled, metal roofed limestone structure for the purpose of processing grapes, apples and pears from the Vinland Nursery and Fruit Farm. It was nominated for its association with William E. Barnes, a co-founder of Vinland, Kansas, and the originator of the first vineyard in Kansas. It was also nominated for its architectural significance as an example of a gable-roofed limestone agricultural processing building.
Beal House

Lawrence (Douglas County)
Listed in National Register Dec 29, 2015
Architect: George Malcolm Beal
Area of Significance: domestic; single dwelling
Architectural Style(s): Modern Movement
Thematic Nomination: Historic Resources of Lawrence (2014 post-WWII resources)
The 1950 Beal House is an outstanding local example of Usonian organic architecture. KU Architecture professor George Malcolm Beal expanded upon Frank Lloyd Wright's Usonian design principles by calculating site-specific sun angles using an original heliodon instrument he designed and built for early sustainable design classes at KU. As a result of these calculations, the roof overhangs the nearly all-glass south elevation to take full advantage of solar gain in winter and shade in summer. The house's period of significance spans from 1950 to 1968, when George and Helen Beal moved. The house and site are nominated as part of the "Historic Resources of Lawrence" under Criterion B for its local association with George Beal, who designed and resided here while shaping the transition of the University of Kansas's architecture program from classical to modern and under Criterion C for its architecture and engineering. Though her association is outside the period of significance, State Representative Betty Jo Charlton resided here from 1971 to 2014; she was the first woman legislator from Lawrence, serving from 1979 until 1994.
Bell, George and Annie, House

Lawrence (Douglas County)
Listed in National Register Aug 11, 1983
Architect: George W. Bell
Area of Significance: multiple dwelling; single dwelling
Architectural Style(s): Greek Revival; Italianate
Benedict House

Lawrence (Douglas County)
Listed in National Register Jan 22, 1992
Architect: James Bell
Area of Significance: religious facility; college
Architectural Style(s): Stick/Eastlake; Other
Beni Israel Cemetery

Eudora (Douglas County)
Listed in National Register Jan 2, 2013
Architect: N/A
Area of Significance: cemetery
Established in 1858, the Beni Israel Cemetery near Eudora is the only surviving property associated with the Jewish community in Eudora, which flourished briefly from 1857 to 1867 before moving to Lawrence. Jewish settlers were among the first Eudora residents. Of the 29 heads of families who arrived in Eudora in 1857, approximately seven were Jewish. Many of Eudora's early Jewish family names, such as Urbansky, Cohn, and Katzenstein, grace the headstones of the Beni Israel Cemetery. In 1868, the Jewish community in Lawrence organized as the Society of Beni Israel under the leadership of seven trustees and assumed responsibility of the cemetery. Burials continued at the cemetery until the late 1920s and then remained largely idle until it was reactivated in 1978. Over time, the cemetery came to represent the Jewish community in Lawrence and Douglas County and remains today as a reflection of their collective history and religious and ethnic identity during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It was nominated for its local significance in the areas of early settlement social history.
Black Jack Battlefield

Baldwin City Vicinity (Douglas County)
Listed in National Register Apr 28, 2004
National Historic Landmark, 10/16/2012
Architect: n/a
Area of Significance: battle site
Architectural Style(s): Other
- National Historic Landmark Nomination
- National Register Nomination
- National Register Nomination (Boundary Increase)
- Inventory Record
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