Kansas Law Enforcement Memorial - Directory
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Death Date: 6/27/1920
Added to Memorial: 2002
Circumstances of Death:
In the early morning of June 27, 1920, Rock Island Railroad Special Agent Charles F. Artz arrested four men on vagrancy charges near the Rock Island tracks in North Wichita. As Agent Artz escorted the men out of railroad yards to meet a city patrolman who was to take custody of the suspects, three men, not associated with the vagrants, accosted Agent Artz and shot him once in the head. Agent Artz died at the scene.
Richard J. Asten
Type of Officer: Police Sergeant
Jurisdiction: Kansas City
County: Wyandotte
Death Date: 6/11/1998
Added to Memorial: 1999
Circumstances of Death:
On Thursday evening, June 11, 1998, Officer Asten was killed when he was struck by a stolen vehicle being pursued by another officer. Asten was on duty in northwest Kansas City when he learned of the pursuit and realized that the vehicle was headed his way. After parking in a median, he stepped out of his car to deploy Astop sticks intended to disable the vehicle. At that moment the vehicle approached and the driver swerved to strike Asten, who died as a result of the collision. Officer Asten was forty-six years old and a thirteen-year veteran of the Kansas City Police Department.
Jeffrey Atherly
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Topeka
County: Shawnee
Death Date: 12/16/2012
Added to Memorial: 2013
Circumstances of Death:
Topeka Police Department Officer Jeffrey Atherly was shot and killed on December 16, 2012, after responding to the parking lot of a local grocery store on a report of possible drug activity. Officer Atherly and Corporal David Gogian had the three vehicle occupants exit the vehicle, and as the occupants exited, one of them shot and killed both Officer Atherly and Corporal Gogian. Officer Atherly was a one-and-a-half-year veteran of the Topeka Police Department. Prior to joining the Topeka Police Department, he worked at the Topeka Correctional Facility. He was survived by his son; his fiancée and her son; parents; grandparents; and other close and extended family.
Mark Avery
Type of Officer: Corrections Officer
Jurisdiction: Lansing
County: Leavenworth
Death Date: 5/23/1993
Added to Memorial: 1994
Circumstances of Death:
Corrections Officers Mark Avery and Michael Bidatsch were on routine duty supervising the Lansing Correctional Facility recreation hall on May 22nd 1993 when they were attacked and beaten with bar bell plates and a stocking cap stuffed with pool balls. Officer Avery later died at the University of Kansas Medical Center.
Wimberly W. Baker
Type of Officer: Federal Bureau of Investigation
Jurisdiction: Topeka
County: Shawnee
Death Date: 4/17/1937
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Baker, a Kansas City bureau FBI agent assigned to eastern Kansas, was taking out a post office box belonging to Robert Suhay and Glen Applegate, suspect of robbery. When the two appeared to claim the contents of the box, Baker identified himself and attempted to arrest the two men. They turned and fired, killing Baker in the lobby of the downtown Topeka post office.
A. W. Balfour
Type of Officer: Undersheriff
Jurisdiction: Kiowa County
County: Kiowa
Death Date: 7/4/1892
Added to Memorial: 1998
Circumstances of Death:
In early July, 1892, Officer Balfour learned that a man wanted for larceny would be present at a Fourth of July picnic held at Pryor's Grove in southeast Edwards County. On the morning of July 4, Balfour drove to Pryor's Grove, located the man, talked with him for a few minutes, then informed him of the warrant and the fact that he would need to be taken into custody. Balfour was then distracted by the arrival of another man. At the moment he turned his attention to the other man, the arrestee drew a gun and shot Balfour, mortally wounding him. Falling to the ground, Balfour courageously drew his own gun and returned fire,wounding his assailant in the hand. Balfour died at the scene thirty minutes later. Forty-one years of age, he left a wife and six children.
William H. Ballard
Type of Officer: Police Detective
Jurisdiction: Wichita
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 7/20/1920
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
While conducting a narcotics investigation with two officers, Ballard was shot three times and killed as he attempted to search one of the suspects. The other officers were wounded, one seriously. The shooting occurred as the officers concentrated on one suspect while another was partially hidden behind a mattress and had a chance to open fire. A female suspect, jailed for investigation of the Ballard shooting, killed herself in her cell, and a male suspect attempted suicide.
Jimmie Allen Barnett
Type of Officer: Special Agent
Jurisdiction: Santa Fe Railroad
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 4/30/1975
Added to Memorial: 2009
Circumstances of Death:
Santa Fe Railroad Special Agent Jimmie Allen Barnett was patrolling for trespassers on the elevated overpass tracks near Wichita Union Station on the evening of April 29, 1975. S.A. Barnett was walking northbound along the west side of the elevated railroad tracks near a steep, rocky embankment when he was struck by an 18-car northbound Santa Fe freight train. Special Agent Barnett succumbed to severe head injuries the following day, April 30, 1975. Special Agent Barnett had worked as a Special Agent for the Santa Fe Railroad from 1957 until he resigned in 1959 and returned to that position in 1969. He was 44 years old at the time of his death.
Edgar A. Barr
Type of Officer: Corrections Officer
Jurisdiction: U.S. Penitentiary, Leavenworth
County: Leavenworth
Death Date: 3/19/1917
Added to Memorial: 2006
Circumstances of Death:
Corrections Officer Barr was stabbed to death in the prison yard by inmate Ono Manuel. The stabbing was in retaliation for Barr reporting Manuel for misconduct. Manuel had been taking shoes from the prison shoe shop and trading them for tobacco. Forty years old at the time of his death, Barr was survived by his wife.
Charles Batterson
Type of Officer: City Marshal
Jurisdiction: Marysville
County: Marshall
Death Date: 4/6/1898
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
On the night of April 6, City Marshal Batterson was assisting the county sheriff as the county jailor, as he often did. While Batterson was sleeping, three men escaped from their cell and attacked the marshal, beating him to death. Two of the men were captured soon after and the third not until 1902.
Maurice A. Bedell
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Wyandotte County
County: Wyandotte
Death Date: 8/29/1954
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Bedell and his partner, Louis LeManske, were on patrol when they were flagged down by a robbery victim who pointed out a field where his assailants were hiding. The suspects were apprehended, but en route to the police department, one of the suspects obtained LeManske's revolver and, in a struggle, shot Deputy Bedell. The shooting suspect was later shot and killed by sheriff's officers.
Larry G. Beery
Type of Officer: Police Captain
Jurisdiction: Kingman
County: Kingman
Death Date: 4/15/1973
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
While making a routine building check at a drug clinic, Captain Beery, in plain clothes, was ambushed by an unknown assailant or assailants. During the ensuing struggle, Captain Beery was shot in the chest with his own weapon. The night patrol had been initiated because of a large number of burglaries in the area.
Bailey Bell
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Leavenworth
County: Leavenworth
Death Date: 2/4/1933
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
While on patrol with Officer Kenneth Hunt, Bell observed an occupied car that had been reported stolen. The officers approached with guns drawn and Bell ordered the occupant out. The door opened slightly and the suspect shot Bell with a sawed-off shotgun he had been holding in his lap. The killer ran, as did his accomplice, who had been inside a store during the affair. Bell had only been an officer since January 18th of the same year, and was the second man on the Leavenworth force to be killed in six months.
Fred Bell
Type of Officer: Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Saline County
County: Saline
Death Date: 9/17/1952
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
During a court hearing for a murder case, the defendant became unruly and combative. As the sheriff attempted to restrain him,they engaged in a scuffle. Bell was struck in the chest, suffered a heart attack, and died in the courtroom.
Elmer E. Biggs
Type of Officer: Police Sergeant
Jurisdiction: Kansas City
County: Wyandotte
Death Date: 9/1/1922
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Sergeant Biggs and Officer Fred Wheeler observed several persons unloading tires from a parked truck. When the officers approached to investigate, the suspects opened fire, killing Biggs instantly and seriously wounding Wheeler. Wheeler later died at the hospital.
Frank Blizard
Type of Officer: Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Elk County
County: Elk
Death Date: 12/30/1920
Added to Memorial: 2003
Circumstances of death:
Shortly after noon on December 30, 1920, Elk County Sheriff Frank Blizard drove out of Howard, Kansas to serve papers on individuals living northeast town. When Sheriff Blizard reached the Paw Paw Creek bridge a half mile from Howard, he apparently drove his car into the creek to clean his tires. Investigators concluded that in the process of driving back and forth to rinse his wheels, Sheriff Blizard ran over a small quantity of nitroglycerine in a bottle or package causing an explosion under rear of the vehicle. The explosion killed the sheriff instantly. Forty-six years old at the time of his death, Sheriff Blizard left a wife and four children.
William F. Bloomfield
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Bourbon County
County: Bourbon
Death Date: 9/16/1922
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Deputy Sheriff Bloomfield was attempting to arrest John Cochran, a well-known bootlegger, for selling illegal liquor. A gun battle ensued at the rural location. Both men were wounded. Bloomfield died shortly after, and Cochran died a day or two later.
Henry Bodine
Type of Officer: Undersheriff
Jurisdiction: Labette County
County: Labette
Death Date: 4/20/1870
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Several versions exist of the shooting of Undersheriff Bodine by a man named Patterson. One indicates that Bodine and Patterson, who met in the street, were having a disagreement and Patterson pulled a pistol, waved it, and shot the undersheriff. Another story indicates that Patterson playfully flourished the weapon at Bodine and it accidentally discharged, instantly killing him. A coroner’s inquest ruled it accidental. Undersheriff Bodine was on duty at the time.
Jacob W. Boelens
Type of Officer: Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Labette County
County: Labette
Death Date: 12/3/1950
Added to Memorial: 1988
Circumstances of Death:
Sheriff Boelens and Undersheriff Dale McBride were returning to Oswego after answering a routine call to Edna when they collided head on with a car occupied by three Montgomery County youth.
Oscar G. Bodley
Type of Officer: Santa Fe Railroad Special Officer
Jurisdiction: Santa Fe Railroad
County: Franklin
Death Date: 8/29/1906
Added to Memorial: 2007
Circumstances of Death:
Oscar G. Bodley, Santa Fe Railway Special Officer, was shot and killed by a freight car robber in the Santa Fe Railway yards in Ottawa during the early morning hours of August 29, 1906. Bodley had been watching the rail yards very closely because of recent boxcar thefts. His assailant, who was apprehended by Special Officer Bodley in the act of robbing the merchandise freight car, escaped the scene only to be apprehended later that same day by the Santa Fe Railway Chief Detective and the Ottawa County Sheriff. Bodley had worked as a Special Officer in the Santa Fe Railway yards for two years and was 47 years old at the time of his death.
Charles Joseph Bohlender Jr.
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Topeka
County: Shawnee
Death Date: 6/13/2000
Added to Memorial: 2001
Circumstances of Death:
On the night of June 13, 2000, Officer Charles Joseph “Joey” Bohlender, Jr., a member of the Topeka Police Department’s helicopter unit, was killed when the helicopter he was riding in crashed while responding to a burglary call. Officer Bohlender and Officer Jeff William Howey were assisting ground units searching for a reported burglar at a southwest Topeka business. The officers were flying in a circular pattern around the business at an altitude of 1500 feet. As the officers were maneuvering a turn over an open elevated field west of the business, the helicopter went out of control for an unknown reason and crashed. During his nine-year career with the Topeka Police Department, Officer Bohlender served in the patrol division, the anti-crime team, the SCAT/narcotics unit, the special response team, and the motorcycle unit. He had been a member of the helicopter unit since May 13, 2000. He twice was awarded the department’s Medal of Valor, in 1996 and 1999. Officer Bohlender was thirty-three years old at the time of his death. He is survived by his wife Linda and three children.
Harry L. Bolin
Type of Officer: Assistant Chief of Police
Jurisdiction: Newton
County: Harvey
Death Date: 6/15/1932
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Chief Bolin was following a car suspected of transporting illegal alcohol. To avoid alerting the vehicle's driver, he was traveling without headlights. He struck a culvert banister and was fatally injured in the accident.
Felix A. Boller
Type of Officer: City Marshal
Jurisdiction: Ogden
County: Riley
Death Date: 12/12/1866
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Boller, marshal of Ogden, observed some soldiers entering the house of a female citizen. The story, as related by the newspapers, indicated that the soldiers intended to “assault” the woman. One soldier was stationed on the porch to guard the entrance. Marshal Boller ordered him out, whereupon the solder shot and killed the marshal. Citizens of Ogden shot and wounded at least one of the suspects.
Edward Lee Bowler
Type of Officer: Santa Fe Railroad Special Officer
Jurisdiction: Santa Fe Railroad
County: Franklin
Death Date: 1/16/1926
Added to Memorial: 2007
Circumstances of Death:
Santa Fe Special Officer E. Lee Bowler and Special Officer H.N. Latimer had been inspecting a standing freight train in Ottawa Junction on January 16, 1926 looking for possible trespassers. As an eastbound passenger train approached, Bowler stepped to a position away from the approaching passenger train to stand on a supposedly empty eastbound track. Neither special officer was aware of another eastbound freight engine approaching, running in the same direction and parrallel with the passenger train. Special Officer Bowler stepped immediately in front of the eastbound freight engine, the noise of its approach being deadened by that of the passenger train. Bowler was killed instantly. He was 51 years old at the time of his death. It was noted in the Ottawa Herald newspaper that Special Officer Bowler had been dangerously wounded by a desperado ex-convict in April 1921 while in the performance of his railroad police duties.
Arch D. Brandon
Type of Officer: Railroad Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Topeka
County: Shawnee
Death Date: 4/19/1931
Added to Memorial: 1997
Circumstances of Death:
A Rock Island special agent was shot and killed by George Varela April 19, 1931 after he had removed him from a train in Topeka. Varela attempted to board the moving train for a second time and Brandon was preventing him from doing so. In a confession Varela claimed he fired the shot when he saw Brandon put a hand on his gun. Three shots were fired and one hit the officer. Fellow officer H. A. Purcell saw Varela fire the shots but did not see Brandon. Purcell pursued the fleeing Varela and the two exchanged several shots. He later gave up the pursuit and returned to the scene of the crime where he saw the dying Brandon. When police officers arrived, the search for Varela continued. Varela swam across the Kansas river and was found hiding about a mile from the crime scene. He would later be convicted of 1st degree murder.
Charles G. Bratton
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Burlingame
County: Osage
Death Date: 12/27/1874
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Burlingame city police officer Bratton was attempting to assist the city marshal in restraining Dan Wortz from abusing his wife. In doing so, he was stabbed several times with a butcher knife.
Dave Break
Type of Officer: City Marshal
Jurisdiction: Florence
County: Marion
Death Date: 10/9/1949
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Marshal Break followed a known drunk, Fred Stanley, home as the suspect appeared to be driving while intoxicated. The marshal pulled into Stanley's drive, proceeded to his car, and found a pint of whiskey. Stanley then shot Break three times. A neighbor fired at the assailant and the fire was returned. Stanley, when cornered in his house by the sheriff and a posse, killed himself.
John J. Breene
Type of Officer: Constable
Jurisdiction: Arkansas City
County: Cowley
Death Date: 11/27/1906
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
On November 17, 1906, City Constable Breene surprised a burglar in his own house. The man, a known burglar that Breene previously had arrested, shot Breene as he attempted to apprehend the burglar. Breene died of his injuries ten days later.
George S. Brown
Type of Officer: City Marshal
Jurisdiction: Caldwell
County: Sumner
Death Date: 6/22/1882
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Brown was at the Red Light saloon attempting to disarm two brothers, Steve and Jess Green, for violation of the Caldwell gun ordinance. As the city marshal was dealing with one brother, the other distracted him; Brown turned and was shot and killed. Supposedly, a reward had been offered for the brothers for the shooting of a U.S. Marshal in Texas.
Harrison R. Brown
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Wichita
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 1/4/1925
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
While walking a beat, Officer Brown stopped to question a man named Duke Kelley. Kelley fatally shot Brown, then confessed to his murder. Brown was the first black officer to be killed in the line of duty in Wichita.
Charles M. Bruce
Type of Officer: Night Police Chief
Jurisdiction: McPherson
County: McPherson
Death Date: 5/14/1933
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Investigating the possible burglary of a service station, Officer Bruce found a broken lock but no one was present. After informing the station owner, he returned to find men outside the station. As he approached the suspects, he was shot. Unknowingly, Bruce had confronted the well-known Gene Johnson gang of bank robbers. Johnson was later cornered by officers from Kansas, Arkansas and Oklahoma and was killed in a fusillade of bullets.
Ira M. Buchanan
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Junction City
County: Geary
Death Date: 11/13/1869
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
City Marshal Daniel McCleery, because of continued disturbances by a group of Texans, ordered the “rum” and billiard room of a shop closed. When the Texans refused to follow the order, the marshal called on Buchanan for assistance. Buchanan was shot and killed by James Coates and H. M. Childers. In 1872, Childers was found not guilty of actually shooting Buchanan and was freed. The local press said the acquittal was a “put up job,” but the technicality of Chiders’ not being proven to have actually shot was the key point. Coates had not been located.
Timothy Buckman
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Stafford County
County: Stafford
Death Date: 5/8/2007
Added to Memorial: 2008
Circumstances of Death:
Officer Buckman died as a result of his courageous effort to warn residents of approaching tornadoes on May 4, 2007. His patrol vehicle was caught by a massive tornado and flung several hundred yards from the roadway. Officer Buckman died on May 8, 2007 as a result of the injuries he suffered in that incident. Officer Buckman had served the Macksville Police Department for five years. He also served the Stafford County Sheriff's Department since 2002. Officer Buckman is survived by his wife, children, parents, sisters, grandchildren and other family members. Officer Buckman was 46 years old at the time of his death.
James Buffum
Type of Officer: Reserve Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Topeka
County: Shawnee
Death Date: 9/13/1975
Added to Memorial: 2016
Circumstances of Death:
Reserve Police Officer James Buffum died after he and a fellow reserve officer struggled with a juvenile offender while taking the youth into custody at the scene of a disturbance. The offender continued his physical aggression towards the officers after arriving at juvenile intake, shoving Officer Buffum against a wall. After the juvenile was secured, Officer Buffum collapsed at the jail. He was transported to a local hospital where he was pronounced deceased due to a heart attack.
Douglas E. Bunch
Type of Officer: Police Officer Jurisdiction: Kansas City
County: Wyandotte
Death Date: 3/29/1983
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
While assisting with a burglary call, Bunch took part in a foot pursuit. Following the incident, Bunch, who was 38 years old,stopped for a lunch break, where he was stricken with a heart attack and died.
George Burnau
Type of Officer: Undersheriff
Jurisdiction: Jefferson County
County: Jefferson
Death Date: 4/29/1920
Added to Memorial: 2019
Circumstances of Death: On April 29, 1920, Undersheriff George Burnau along with Jefferson County Sheriff Rindom were near the community of Williamstown Kansas in search of an individual suffering from mental illness. Upon locating and approaching the individual, he jumped from a wagon, leading both Undersheriff Burnau and Sheriff Rindom on an extended foot chase through fields and timber. Both Burnau and Rindom became separated from one another during the foot chase. Undersheriff Burnau disappeared during the foot chase but later that day he was found deceased in a field north of Williamstown. Undersheriff Burnau’s cause of death was ruled as heart failure and apoplexy caused by over-exertion from the foot chase. The mentally-ill Individual being pursued later turned himself in at a Topeka hospital. Undersheriff Burnau was 46 years old at the time of his death.
David W. Burns
Type of Officer: Corrections Officer
Jurisdiction: Leavenworth
County: Leavenworth
Death Date: 12/15/1923
Added to Memorial: 1997
Circumstances of Death:
D. W. Burns, records clerk and parole officer at the Kansas State Penitentiary, died December 15, 1923 in St. Louis. Officer Burns was shot four times by escaped convict Ben F. Casey. Burns traveled to Texarkana, Texas to bring Casey and Charles O’Keith back to Lansing after their escape from the Kansas State Penitentiary. The shooting took place as their train passed through Alicia, Arkansas early on the morning of the 14th. Before his death, Officer Burns told the doctor tending to his wounds that he was shot with a revolver believed to have been smuggled to the convicts while at the depot in Texarkana. O’Keith was found the next day in Jackson County Arkansas, but Casey was not found until 6 months after Officer Burns’ death. Kansas authorities were able to locate him due to a robbery arrest in Meridian, Mississippi.
D.F. Calhoun
Type of Officer: Railroad Detective
Jurisdiction: AT&SF Railroad
County: Chautauqua
Death Date: 7/12/1905
Added to Memorial: 2006
Circumstances of Death:
On the morning of July 13, 1905, Detective D. F. Calhoun was fatally wounded by gunfire while attempting to arrest William Chadburn and Ed Madigan for the robbery of several travelers at the Brittum Hotel in Winfield. The shooting occurred on a road near the city limits of Cedar Vale. A resident of Norwood, Missouri, Atchison Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad Detective Calhoun formerly served as a deputy sheriff and city marshal in Galena, Kansas. He was forty years old at the time of his death and left a wife and three children.
Richard A. Calhoun
Type of Officer: Constable
Jurisdiction: Yale
County: Crawford
Death Date: 12/11/1904
Added to Memorial: 1992
Circumstances of Death:
Sandy Calhoun was shot and killed at 2:00 P.M. December 11, 1904 while attempting to pull his revolver from his pocket to "quiet an obstreperous prisoner" named Jim Davis. Constable Calhoun caught Davis in the act of burglarizing the residence of Samuel Stanton in Yale and placed him under arrest. He took his prisoner to the Turner Hall saloon to wait for transportation to the jail in Pittsburg. Davis became unruly and decided that he wanted to leave. Just as Calhoun pulled his revolver his elbow struck the edge of the bar which caused it to be knocked from his hand. When it hit the floor it discharged and struck him. He died five minutes later. Davis escaped in the confusion. Calhoun's gun was a 3[0] caliber Colt's on a forth-one frame. The Pittsburgh Daily Headlight considered this model a "hard shooter". He had served as an acting constable off and on for 4 years at the time of his death. Calhoun served in Company D, 20th Infantry in the Spanish American War and operated a barber shop in Yale when not serving as acting constable. He was 35 years old and left a wife and two children.
Tom Carson
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Salina
County: Saline
Death Date: 11/29/1920
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Officer Carson, on night patrol, was shot and killed by a man he had ordered off the Union Pacific night train. A suspect was apprehended after Union Pacific police fired several shots at the man, who was trying to board a freight train leaving town.
Sidnee Taylor Carter
Type of Officer: Sheriff's Deputy
Jurisdiction: Sedgwick County Sheriff's Office
County: Sedgwick County
Death Date: 10/7/2022
Added to Memorial: 2023
Circumstances of death: Sidnee Taylor Carter, age 22, served with the Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Office for one and a half years in the Adult Detention Facility before transferring to the Law Enforcement Bureau in February, 2022. Graduating from the Sheriff’s Law Enforcement Academy in July, 2022, Deputy Carter was assigned to Patrol, Second Watch. At the time of her death on October 7, 2022, Deputy Carter was in a marked patrol unit, responding to a disturbance call in western Sedgwick County when another motorist failed to stop at a stop sign, striking Deputy Carter’s patrol car. Deputy Carter sustained multiple blunt force injuries and succumbed to her injuries at the accident scene. Deputy Carter is survived by her mother and step-father; her father; two sisters and two brothers.
Willard N. Carver
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Johnson County
County: Johnson
Death Date: 6/23/1952
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Early on the morning of June 23, Sergeant Carver and Patrolman Floyd Gaunt were investigating an attempted auto theft. The officers located a car that resembled the stolen vehicle stalled in a ditch. Carver took cover in a hedgerow and awaited the suspect's return. When two men returned with a stolen pickup to pull the car from the ditch, the officers ordered them to surrender. A gun battle ensued. Carver fired three round before he was killed. The suspects, Charles Isgrigg and William Martin, known as the "pillowcase" burglars because they carried their stolen loot in pillowcases, were wanted for various crimes. Isgrigg was captured the day following Carver's slaying, and Martin, who made the FBI's ten most wanted list, was not capture for two months. Carver was awarded the Medal of Valor by the National Police Officers Association.
Baldwin H. Casebolt
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Chautauqua County
County: Chautauqua
Death Date: 9/10/1926
Added to Memorial: 2002
Circumstances of Death:
Early on the morning of September 10, 1926, Chautauqua County Deputy Sheriff and Cedar Vale City Marshal Baldwin H. Casebolt engaged in a car pursuit of two men suspected of robbing a Wauneta, Kansas store. The suspects stopped for gasoline in Fall City, Cowley County, Kansas near the Oklahoma border. Several minutes later Deputy Casebolt pulled up behind the suspects, got out of his car, and was fired upon as he approached the two men. He died soon after the shooting. The suspects got back in their car and fled the scene. Deputy Casebolt had served with the Sheriff’s Department for two years pandas city marshal for one year. He was also the Cedar Vale city clerk at the time of his death. The forty-five year old Deputy Casebolt was survived by his wife, Nannie, and five children.
Charles Casey
Type of Officer: Undersheriff
Jurisdiction: Montgomery County
County: Montgomery
Death Date: 8/28/1937
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Undersheriff Casey was killed while attempting to arrest murder suspect Frank Foster near Elk City.
Freddie Joe Castro Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Overland Park
County: Johnson
Death Date: 8/31/2021
Added to Memorial: 2022
Circumstances of Death: COVID-19
Freddie Joe Castro, age 23, served as a police officer with the City of Overland Park for 2 years and had been responding daily to calls for service involving persons who had or were suspected of having COVID-19. In July, 2021 Officer Castro tested positive for COVID-19 and was later hospitalized. On August 31, 2021, following a short, courageous battle with the COVID virus, Officer Castro succumbed to medical complications resulting from his COVID exposure. Officer Castro is survived by his Mother.
John P. Cates
Type of Officer: Santa Fe Railroad Special Officer
Jurisdiction: Santa Fe Railroad
County: Sumner
Death Date: 6/1/1911
Added to Memorial: 2007
Circumstances of Death:
Shortly after midnight on June 1, 1911, Santa Fe Railway Special Officer John Cates was checking security seals on the freight cars of a train that had just arrived in the rail yards at Wellington. Loaded freight cars were temptation to thieves and special security precautions were taken by Santa Fe special officers at every division stop. As Special Officer Cates was examining freight cars at the rear of the train, several shots were fired by unknown assailants and Cates was fatally wounded. Special Officer Cates was 46 years old at the time of his death. He formerly was the Guthrie, Oklahoma police chief.
Lewis M. Chew
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Atchison
County: Atchison
Death Date: 10/27/1879
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
On October 26, 1879, a drunken man who was attempting to buy more liquor at a local saloon was refused service. The man threatened the bartender with a gun. When Police Office Chew attempted to arrest the drunk, he was shot without warning.The officer, however, was able to return the assailant's fire, fatally wounding him. Chew died from his wounds the next day.
Cleo Chrest
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Manhattan
County: Riley
Death Date: 1/27/1951
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Officer Chrest was riding in a patrol car with another officer driving. While evidently in response to a call elsewhere in Manhattan, with red lights and sire on, the police car crashed into a vehicle that had crossed the center line. Chrest was killed in the accident.
Michael F. Churchill
Type of Officer: Chief of Police
Jurisdiction: Osawatomie
County: Miami
Death Date: 2/3/1947
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Chief Churchill, with city engineer Harvey Earp, went to the home of George Miller to serve a warrant charging Miller with assaulting his wife following a night of quarreling and abuse. Mrs. Miller accompanied the two men. Finding the house locked and knowing Miller had a grandchild with him, Churchill chopped down the door, went through the house and to a shed in the alley. As he approached the shed, he was shot with a shotgun. Earp and Mrs. Miller fled to safety. A posse of 250apprehended the killer. He was convicted and hanged in May 6, 1950.
Asa N. Clark
Type of Officer: City Marshal
Jurisdiction: Corning
County: Nemaha
Death Date: 1/9/1934
Added to Memorial: 1990
Circumstances of Death:
Asa N. Clark, Corning City Marshall was shot to death January 9, 1934 as he surprised several burglars on the city main street. It is believed that Marshall Clark was able to fire one shot before being gunned down. Four people were later charged in the crime.
Alfred Claycamp
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Trego County
County: Trego
Death Date: 7/14/1962
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
When Sheriff Chet McAtee of Trego County was informed by a farmer of a suspicious pair of hitchhikers, he asked Claycamp,who was a deputy sheriff as well as a WaKeeney city police officer, to accompany him to investigate. They located the hitchhiking couple, Harry Jack Bloomer and his companion, juvenile Shirley Kay Nixon, and wanting to question the couple, the officers offered to take them to WaKeeney. On the way, Bloomer drew a gun, shot and killed Claycamp and seriously wounded Sheriff McAtee. A posse numbering nearly three hundred on horseback, in vehicles and airplanes, tracked the couple and capture them on July 17th.
R. H. Clift
Type of Officer: City Marshal
Jurisdiction: Chetopa
County: Labette
Death Date: 8/25/1878
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Informed that a John Richmond was in possession of a stolen mule and was heading for Missouri, Marshal Clift, who was also a deputy U.S. Marshal, pursued Richmond and stopped him near Chetopa. Richmond agreed to return to town with the marshal but instead drew a revolver and shot him. A man who had followed Clift in pursuit of the thief took the marshal for medical care,but he died the same day. Richmond was captured, but when he was being brought back for trial, he was taken off the train by a mob and lynched from a bridge.
William T. Cody
Type of Officer: Constable
Jurisdiction: Beaumont
County: Butler
Death Date: 6/2/1885
Added to Memorial: 2006
Circumstances of Death:
On June 2, 1885, Constable Thomas Cody was fatally wounded by gunfire while attempting to arrest Dave Hensey at a railroad contractor’s office in Beaumont. Hensey, a railroad foreman, was wanted for shooting a man at a railroad camp near Beaumont.
Richard Coldren
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Leavenworth
County: Leavenworth
Death Date: 3/19/1957
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Officer Coldren and Officer Charles Pierce, in separate cars, responded to bring in a suspect on a trespassing charge. The suspect fled and both officers gave chase. When they stopped the suspect's car, he exited and held a gun on Officer Pierce. Coldren attempted to apprehend the suspect, and in a struggle he was shot. Before he died, Coldren returned the fire, hitting his assailant four times and killing him.
Edward Coleman
Type of Officer: Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Washington County
County: Washington
Death Date: 5/15/1899
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Sheriff Coleman was attempting to serve a warrant on William Hoxie and Robert Algeo, suspects in several burglaries and robberies. Coleman, accompanied by Ira Matthews, went to Algeo's farm and arrested him. Algeo informed them that Hoxie was sleeping in the barn. As he was being apprehended, Hoxie struggled with the sheriff and was shot. As the fighting continued,Hoxie managed to take the sheriff's revolver and shoot him.
Brandon S. Collins
Type of Officer: Sheriff's Master Deputy
Jurisdiction: Johnson County
County: Johnson
Death Date: 9/11/2016
Added to Memorial: 2017
Circumstances of Death:
On September 11, 2016 was killed after initiating a traffic stop on U.S. 69 Highway in Overland Park. Master Deputy Collins had returned to his patrol vehicle when it was struck from behind by a pickup truck traveling at highway speeds. Master Deputy Collins died at the scene due to blunt force trauma from the impact.
Merle R Colver
Type of Officer: Police Detective
Jurisdiction: Wichita
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 8/14/1931
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Detective Colver was questioning two men who were suspects in several gas station robberies, in their hotel room. While questioning them, he began searching the room and was shot in the back by one of the suspects. The assailant was an escaped murderer from Oklahoma.
William Conley
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Kansas City
County: Wyandotte
Death Date: 9/12/1926
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Officer Conley and his partner, E. J. Wilson, observed a car parked under a viaduct. As they approached to investigate, they were met with gunfire. Conley was killed instantly. Wilson returned fire, killing one assailant and wounding another. The suspects had been preparing to rob the safe at the Missouri Pacific depot when they were interrupted by the officers.
Charles T. Connelly
Type of Officer: City Marshal
Jurisdiction: Coffeyville
County: Montgomery
Death Date: 10/5/1892
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Hearing the firing in the streets of Coffeyville as citizens took arms against an attempted bank robbery by the infamous Daltongang, City Marshal Connelly ran to the street. He exited from an alley, directly in line with the firing and the Daltons, and he was shot down. The marshal, along with three private citizens, died as a result of the Dalton's attempt to rob the Coffeyville bank.
Robert Cooper
Type of Officer: Assistant City Marshal
Jurisdiction: Junction City
County: Geary
Death Date: 11/20/1901
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Officers Cooper and James White were attempting to quell as disturbance created by Fourteenth Cavalry soldiers from nearby Fort Riley. The disturbance became violent and both officers were shot and killed by cavalry trooper W. B. Buchanan. The suspect later committed suicide in his cell. Cooper died two days after the November 18, 1901 incident.
Robert C. Cowdin
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Ottawa
County: Franklin
Death Date: 7/7/1963
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Officer Cowdin of the Ottawa Police Department was on loan to the Garnett department, as were other officers from different locations, to lend assistance for traffic and crowd control during the annual Fourth of July sports car races at Garnett. While assisting to quell a riot at the race grounds, Cowdin died of a heart attack.
J. E. Cox
Type of Officer: Chief of Police
Jurisdiction: Dodge City
County: Ford
Death Date: 11/8/1927
Added to Memorial: 1988
Circumstances of Death:
Chief Cox was shot six times by a man he believed to be a chicken thief. This man, later identified by the FBI as JohnWaycoff, stole the Chief's car and escaped. He was later tracked down and killed by the posse in what newspapers referred to as a "grand gun duel."
John H. Cox
Type of Officer: Game Warden
Jurisdiction: Topeka
County: Shawnee
Death Date: 12/6/1916
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
While attempting to arrest Claude Biggers for hunting without a license, Game Warden Cox was shot and killed six miles southwest of Topeka. Biggers removed the officer's commission, threw it away, and ran. He was caught and convicted for murder.
John Crawford
Type of Officer: Deputy Constable
Jurisdiction: Columbus
County: Cherokee
Death Date: 12/31/1929
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
On December 29, 1929, Crawford, deputy constable of Spring Valley Township, was fatally shot at an abandoned coal mine near Columbus. Crawford was with the constable and a justice of the peace taking part in a raid at the mine suspected of housing contraband liquor and a still. Unknown to Crawford, another group consisting of two deputy sheriffs and a federal officer, were also staging a raid on the location. Neither group knew the other was present, and had not earlier notified the other. In the confusion, Crawford was mistakenly killed and a deputy sheriff was wounded. A coroner's inquest exonerated all the officers from blame. Contraband was located in the mine and its owner was arrested for bootlegging.
John M. Cross
Type of Officer: Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Stevens County
County: Stevens
Death Date: 7/25/1888
Added to Memorial: 1988
Circumstances of Death:
Sheriff John Cross and a posse of four men entered the Cherokee neutral strip early on the morning of July 23rd to widowhoods city marshal in serving a warrant on one Sam Robinson. Sheriff Cross could not find the marshal's group and decided to return to Woodsdale. En route they were stopped by Robinson, his gang, and a large group of citizens from Hugoton. Robinson killed four of the Sheriff's group and left one for dead. The Stevens County seat war was going on at the time.
Ray Cunningham
Type of Officer: Railroad Police
Jurisdiction: Augusta
County: Butler
Death Date: 5/28/1915
Added to Memorial: 1988
Circumstances of Death:
Three Frisco detectives, including Cunningham, entered a boxcar at Beaumont Junction to eject several transients from the train. In the altercation that ensued Cunningham was shot and killed.
John F. Curry
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Leavenworth
County: Leavenworth
Death Date: 5/2/1866
Added to Memorial: 1988
Circumstances of Death:
On May 1, 1866, a stone mason by the name of Charles Quinn was fired by his superintendent. Quinn returned with a revolver and butcher knife to receive back pay he thought he was owed. As Quinn was quite threatening, the superintendent left to get help. He met Officer Curry on the street who returned with him. When Curry told Quinn he was under arrest, Quinn stabbed him several times with the butcher knife. Officer Curry died of his wounds the next afternoon. Townspeople lynched Quinn on the evening of the first.
Nicholas P Damett
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff and Constable
Jurisdiction: Sumner County
County: Sumner County
Death Date: 11/20/1920
Added to Memorial: 2004
Circumstances of death:
On the the evening of November 20, 1920, Sumner County Deputy Sheriff Nicholas "Nick" Damett, accompanied by the Oxford city marshal, attempted to arrest two brothers who were walking down an Oxford, Kansas street. The men were suspected of stealing a revolver from a local citizen earlier in the day. Before the two officers could make the arrest, one of the suspects drew a gun and shot Deputy Sheriff Damett in the chest, killing him instantly. Damett was 46 years old at the time of his death and was survived by his wife and 10 year old daughter.
C. LeRoy Damron
Type of Officer: City Marshal
Jurisdiction: Bonner Springs
County: Wyandotte
Death Date: 8/23/1922
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
While on night rounds, Marshal Damron noticed two suspicious looking men on a street corner. It was later learned that the men were serving as lookouts for an attempted bank robbery at Farmers Bank. As the marshal approached them, they opened fire,fatally shooting Damron. Although he was dying, Damron managed to beat one of the men with his nightstick.
James L. David
Type of Officer: Railroad Special Agent
Jurisdiction: Leavenworth
County: Leavenworth County
Death Date: 5/17/2023
Added to Memorial: 2022
Circumstances of death: James Lee David, age 41, a Special Agent with the Missouri Pacific Railroad was assigned to patrol the Leavenworth railroad yards due to a rash of railroad freight car thefts. In the very early morning hours of May 17, 1923, Special Agent David, along with another special agent observed two men attempting to break into a freight car. When the two railroad special agents attempted to arrest the suspects, the suspects responded with gunfire. In the gun battle that followed, Special Agent David was killed and the suspects escaped. Special Agent David was survived by his wife and two daughters.
Benjamin J. Davidson
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Shawnee County
County: Shawnee
Death Date: 11/28/1933
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Davidson, the county jailor and a deputy sheriff, was on night duty when four men led by Cecil Thornbrugh, escaped from their cell. The men beat the jailor with homemade blackjacks, and in the struggle, Davidson and Thornbrugh fell down the stairs. The escapee managed to acquire Davidson's revolver, and shot him once. Davidson continued his pursuit, and Thornbrugh fired two more times, hitting Davidson. The deputy continued to struggle with his assailant. Davidson finally ended up on top of Thornbrugh and died in that position, pinning Thornbrugh to the floor and preventing his escape.
Elmer F. Davis
Type of Officer: Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Dickinson County
County: Dickinson
Death Date: 4/24/1949
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Sheriff Elmer Davis and his brother, Undersheriff Milton Davis, answered a disturbance call at the farm of Charles Rush. Rush,who was described as "having gone berserk," had shot and wounded three persons, including two who lived with him and a neighbor. The ensuing sequence of events is unclear, but both officers had fired their weapons and had been killed inside the Rush house. After shooting the sheriffs, Rush set fire to the house and died in the fire.
LeRoy Davis
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Dodge City
County: Ford
Death Date: 5/18/1929
Added to Memorial: 1988
Circumstances of Death:
Officer LeRoy Davis was shot at close range and killed when he attempted to arrest one Roy Redding for attempting to start several cars in town. Redding stole a car and escaped. He was captured at a farm near Holcum and confessed to the crime. He was quickly sentenced and approximately 36 hours after the killing was sentenced to Lansing.
Milton L. Davis
Type of Officer: Undersheriff
Jurisdiction: Dickinson County
County: Dickinson
Death Date: 4/24/1949
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Undersheriff Milton Davis and his brother, Sheriff Elmer Davis, answered a disturbance call at the farm of Charles Rush. Rush,who was described as "having gone berserk," had shot and wounded three persons, including two who lived with him and a neighbor. The ensuing sequence of events is unclear, but both officers had fired their weapons and had been killed inside the Rush house. After shooting the sheriffs, Rush set fire to the house and died in the fire.
Walter Davis
Type of Officer: Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Lyon County
County: Lyon
Death Date: 8/16/1916
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
After two men reported to the police that they had been robbed, a policemen observed the two suspects and informed Sheriff Davis. The sheriff, the policeman, and another man detained the suspects and, as Davis finished searching one of them, he was shot and killed. One of the men with the sheriff was also wounded, and three posse members were also wounded during a subsequent gun battle with the suspects.
Jesse Dennis
Type of Officer: Deputy
Jurisdiction: Nemaha County
County: Nemaha
Death Date: 11/20/1866
Added to Memorial: 2006
Circumstances of Death:
On November 19, 1866, Nemaha County Sheriff William Boulton formed a posse of several local men to join in the pursuit of four horse thieves. Deputy Jesse S. Dennis was one of three posse members who overtook two of the suspects on the road to Capioma. The suspects, Melvin Baughn and Zach Mooney, opened fire on the deputies, severely wounding one and fatally wounding Deputy Dennis.
Kerry Dean Dick Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Rossville
County: Shawnee
Death Date: 11/29/2021
Added to Memorial: 2022
Circumstances of Death: COVID-19
Kerry Dean Dick, age 53, served with the City of Rossville as a part-time police officer
for 14 years. During early November, 2021, Officer Dick had been responding to calls for service involving persons who had or were suspected of having COVID-19. Officer Dick tested positive for COVID-19 and was hospitalized the same day. On November 29, 2021, following a short, courageous battle with the COVID virus, Officer Dick succumbed to medical complications resulting from his COVID exposure. Officer Dick is survived by his wife.
R. A. Dickerson
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Atchison
County: Atchison
Death Date: 10/23/1899
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Officer Dickerson, of the Atchison Police Department, was sent to assist officers in the town of Doniphan, in Doniphan County,after a store robbery. He served as part of the posse that pursued the suspects first to an abandoned house from which they escaped, and then to the river where they barricaded themselves behind logs and brush. The posse remained near the river the entire night. When morning came, Dickerson was one of the officers that stormed the suspect's hiding place, and he was killed in the process. The posse kept the suspects pinned down into another night, but under the cover of darkness they eluded the posse and were never caught.
Albert J. DuFriend
Type of Officer: Chief of Police
Jurisdiction: Newton
County: Harvey
Death Date: 11/22/1928
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Chief DuFriend and Officer Paul Dutton were responding to a store robbery. While en route, DuFriend suffered a hemorrhage of the lungs, which was evidently caused by his excitement and his asthma. He died within a few minutes of being stricken.
Samuel W. Dunn
Type of Officer: Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Seward County
County: Seward
Death Date: 1/5/1892
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
During a complicated political situation in Seward County involving a political faction, loyal to the late Samuel Wood, and the Stevens County seat war, Sheriff Dunn learned of a plot to assassinate Judge Theodosius Botkin. Botkin, the judge trying the case of Wood's murderer, had raised the ire of the alliance that had followed Wood. They evidently feared that Botkin would not follow through on the case or prosecute it to their liking. The scheme was to kill Judge Botkin as he rode in open country on his way to Springfield for court. The sheriff stayed at Botkins' house the night before, with five deputies, and replaced the judge the next morning on the ride. He and the deputies were ambushed, and in the ensuing gun battle, the sheriff was killed. The political climate in Seward County became so unruly that the state militia was called in to enforce order.
Ottis L. Durkee
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Chetopa
County: Labette County
Death Date: 5/31/1933
Added to Memorial: 2004
Circumstances of death:
In the early morning of May 31, 1933, Officer Ottis (Otto) LaDuke Durkee, a forty-two year old Chetopa night police officer, was shot to death by an unknown assailant in an alley near a Chetopa, Kansas tire shop. Officer Durkee's gun was found near his body; all six shots of the revolver had been fired. The murderer was never found. Durkee, a World War I veteran, was 42 years old at the time of his death. He was survived by his wife and two children.
Kevin S. Easter
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Sedgwick County
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 1/8/1996
Added to Memorial: 1996
Circumstances of Death:
In the early morning hours of January 8, 1996, Deputy Easter of the Sedgwick County Sheriff's Department, began a high speed pursuit of a stolen vehicle. During the chase the stolen vehicle crashed into a fence. At that time, the driver and four passengers exited the vehicle in different directions. Deputy Easter started a foot pursuit of the driver, capturing him behind a house. During the ensuing struggle, the Deputy pinned the driver to the ground. The suspect then reached for a concealed weapon wounding the Deputy above his protective vest. Wichita Police Officers arrived at the scene as the shooting took place. While running from the officers, the assailant accidentally shot himself in the leg and was apprehended at the scene. The passengers were also apprehended at the scene. The suspects were all juveniles. Deputy Easter died later that morning at a local hospital.
Olney E. Eaton
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Salina
County: Saline
Death Date: 5/31/1942
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
On May 24, 1942, while on night duty, Officer Eaton was crossing a street after conferring with fellow officers. The driver of a car, following two other cars through the intersection, failed to see Eaton and the vehicle fatally struck the officer. He died a week later of his injuries.
Adolph J. Eichenberger
Type of Officer: Chief of Police
Jurisdiction: Florence
County: Marion
Death Date: 9/17/1929
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
While on patrol about 4:30 a.m., Chief Eichenberger came upon two men attempting to pry open a store door. Several shots were fired, including five by the chief. Eichenberger died instantly from two wounds. The burglars were never caught.
Jacob N. Elliott
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Eureka
County: Greenwood
Death Date: 11/16/1922
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Officer Elliott was on night patrol and interrupted two burglars attempting to break into the variety store. Evidently the suspects fired on the officer as he came into their view. Officer Elliott died immediately after the shooting.
David Enzbrenner
Type of Officer: Police Sergeant
Jurisdiction: Atchison
County: Atchison
Death Date: 12/9/2011
Added to Memorial: 2012
Circumstances of Death:
On Friday, December 9, 2011, Atchison Police Department Sergeant David Enzbrenner responded to stand by at a residential neighborhood in Atchison to assist city code enforcement officers. As code enforcement officers were concluding their responsibilities, a man in the crowd walked behind Sgt. Enzbrenner and shot him once in the back of the head without any provocation or warning. Law enforcement authorities and emergency medical personnel responded to the scene. Sgt. Enzbrenner was transported to the Atchison Hospital where he was pronounced dead. After shooting Sgt. Enzbrenner, the assailant shot and killed himself. David Enzbrenner was 46-years-old at the time of his death. He was a 24 year veteran of the Atchison County Police Department. David Enzbrenner leaves behind his wife, Kerri, three daughters, Avery, Abbi, and Celia, and many other family members.
Albert H. Erdman
Type of Officer: City Marshal
Jurisdiction: Longton
County: Elk County
Death Date: 2/28/1933
Added to Memorial: 2003
Circumstances of death:
Longton City Marshal Albert H. Erdman was shot and killed by an unknown assailant shortly after midnight on February 28, 1933. City Marshal Erdman apparently was on patrol walking north on Kansas Avenue, Longton's main business street, when he was fired upon by an individual lying in wait in an open area between two buildings. Erdman was armed but did not fire a shot. Investigators could discover no motive for the killing. City Marshal Erdman was sixty-two years old at the time of his death and left two sons.
Brian Etheridge
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Sedgwick County
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 9/28/2009
Added to Memorial: 2010
Circumstances of death:
On Monday, September 28, 2009, Sedgwick County Deputy Sheriff Brian Etheridge was dispatched to a residence in Sedgwick County to take a larceny report. While he was at the residence trying to make contact with the calling party, he was ambushed and shot once in the back with a high-powered rifle. The bullet penetrated his protective vest. Although severely wounded, Deputy Etheridge was able to radio for help. As officers were responding, his attacker was able to obtain Deputy Etheridge's weapon and shoot him a second time with the deputy's own gun. Deputies arrived and were able to pull Deputy Etheridge to safety. He was taken by ambulance to the hospital where he later died from his wounds. During the search by law enforcement officers to apprehend Deputy Etheridge's attacker, the suspect shot at those officers. The officers returned fire, striking the suspect. He later died at the hospital of his wounds. Brian Etheridge was 26 years old at the time of his death. He had served the Sedgwick County Sheriff's Department since July 7, 2008. Deputy Etheridge leaves a wife, Sarah, and their two-year-old daughter, Natalie.
Stephen Mark Evans Type of Officer: Police Officer/Sheriff’s Deputy
Jurisdiction: Burns Police Department
County: Butler
Death Date: 10/25/2021
Added to Memorial: 2022
Circumstances of Death: Vehicle Crash
Stephen Mark Evans, age 44, served as a deputy with the Butler County Sheriff’s Office for just over one year, after spending sixteen years with the Kansas Department of Corrections. At the time of his death on October 25, 2021, Deputy Evans was working part-time as the chief of police for the city of Burns. While traveling south on K-77 highway, south of Burns, Deputy Evans observed what he suspected to be a stolen vehicle traveling in the opposite direction. Upon making a U-turn, Deputy Evans’ patrol vehicle was struck from behind by a vehicle that was also traveling southbound. Deputy Evans succumbed to his severe injuries at the accident scene. Deputy Evans is survived by his wife, two sons and a daughter.
William H. Everett
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Rice County
County: Rice
Death Date: 11/24/1954
Added to Memorial: 2000
Circumstances of Death:
On the evening of November 24, 1954, Rice County Deputy Sheriff William H. Everett was dispatched to an automobile accident at the Little Arkansas River bridge on U.S. Highway 50N east of Little River. Upon arrival at the scene Deputy Everett and Little River City Marshal Wayne Crowl located evidence of an accident but no vehicle. While both officers were searching along the roadway, Crowl observed a vehicle approaching them at a high rate of speed. Marshal Crowl yelled a warning to Deputy Everett and then dove out of the path of the approaching vehicle. The vehicle then struck and killed Deputy Everett. Evidence at the scene indicated that the suspect driver and vehicle may have been involved in the earlier accident. Deputy Everett was a veteran of World War I and had been employed by the Rice County Sheriff’s Department for nearly two years. He was survived by his wife Rhea; daughter Bonadee King; and son Kelly Everett.
Robert Fitzpatrick
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Wichita
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 11/20/1921
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Officer Fitzpatrick and his partner, Rudy LaCroix, were informed that the notorious Eddie Adams gang was in the Wichita area. When the officers stopped a car for a taillight infraction, they recognized one of the occupants as a member of the Adams gang. Fitzpatrick attempted to apprehend the suspects for questioning, but Adams, who was also in the car, accelerated the vehicle and sped off. One of the gang members, Frank Foster, fired from the car, killing Fitzpatrick. The Adams gang, which had killed Officer A. L. Young in early November, would also be responsible, three days following the Fitzpatrick slaying, for the death of Police Officer Charles Hoffman.
Gerald A. Foote
Type of Officer: Sheriff Detective
Jurisdiction: Johnson County
County: Johnson
Death Date: 4/3/1971
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
With Olathe police officer Herbert Hogue, Detective Foote was on a routine investigation in his unmarked patrol car. The car collided with another vehicle. Foote died shortly after the accident. Officer Hogue recovered.
Kurt A. Ford
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Harvey County
County: Harvey
Death Date: 4/9/2005
Added to Memorial: 2006
Circumstances of Death:
Deputy Kurt A. Ford was fatally wounded on April 9, 2005, when he entered the Newton home of suspect Gregory Moore. Moore was the subject of a domestic disturbance that resulted in a standoff with the police. Ford and other law enforcement officers forced their way into the residence after hearing a woman being struck by Moore. Moore opened fire and killed Deputy Ford.
Thomas S Fowler
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Reno County
County: Reno
Death Date: 12/11/1910
Added to Memorial: 1991
Circumstances of Death:
On the evening of December 11, 1910, Deputy Sheriff Thomas Simpson Fowler volunteered to assist the Hutchinson Police Department by participating in a stake out of a collection of hidden burglary tools. The police hoped that the owner(s) would return to pick them up. Unbeknownst to the officers the tools had been left about three days previously by Henry Bowers and an associate preparatory to the robbing of the Hutchinson bank. When Bowers returned to pick up the tools about 6:45 P.M., he was arrested by Fowler. On the way to the station Bowers attempted to bribe Fowler. When that failed, he produced a pistol and proceeded to threaten the officer. Threats and warning shots failed to deter the deputy from reaching for his pistol and asa result Bowers fired fatal shot.
Robert L. Freeman
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Leavenworth County
County: Leavenworth
Death Date: 8/26/1944
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
On January 22, 1944, Arthur Lathrop, just paroled from the state penitentiary in Lansing, stole a car in Leavenworth, wrecked it, and was picked up by passing motorist Ernest Elston. Lathrop forced Elston to drive him to Tonganoxie, where he boarded a bus Elston saw Deputy Freeman and informed him of the incident. Freeman ordered Lathrop from the bus, and as Lathrop exited, he shot Freeman. Paralyzed from the waist down, Deputy Freeman took his own life in August of that year, after being told he could not survive the wound.
John F. Fulton
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Winfield
County: Cowley
Death Date: 9/2/1892
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
A citizen reported to Office Fulton that a George Killion was whipping his wife and disturbing the peace. When Fulton arrived at the location, Killion jumped from a window in an attempt to escape, but he was caught by the officer. A struggle ensued during which Fulton struck Killion with his cane. Witnesses reported that Killion's wife seized Fulton's gun and gave it to her husband who then shot and killed Officer Fulton.
George Gallagher
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Horton
County: Brown
Death Date: 9/26/1902
Added to Memorial: 1994
Circumstances of Death:
Shortly after coming on duty Officers Gallagher and Phiffer were called to arrest an inebriated person. When they appeared on the scene the suspect took off running. Gallagher and Phiffer split up and started a foot chase. A short distance later Gallagher collapsed and died.
John E. Galvin
Type of Officer: Police Lieutenant
Jurisdiction: Wichita
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 11/4/2000
Added to Memorial: 2001
Circumstances of Death:
On November 5, 2000, Lieutenant John E. “Jack” Galvin died of injuries he sustained on October 20, 2000, while assisting in the destruction of commercial fireworks during a bomb squad training exercise. Lt. Galvin was a twenty-year veteran of the Wichita Police Department and a seven-year member of the department’s bomb squad. During his tenure with the department,the forty-nine year old Lieutenant also served as an undercover officer, a member of the police honor guard, a motorcycle officer, and a patrol officer. Lt. Galvin coordinated all special events, parades, and the Wichita River Festival for the department and was noted for his involvement in the community. The department awarded him the Silver Wreath of Valor in 1981, the Bronze Wreath of Merit in 1985 and 1987. He twice received the department’s Distinguished Service Award and was awarded the Kansas Association of Chiefs of Police Gold Award. Lieut. Galvin is survived by his wife Mary and four children.
Donald B. Gamblin, Jr.
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Shawnee
County: Johnson
Death Date: 7/13/1991
Added to Memorial: 1992
Circumstances of Death:
Patrolman Gamblin stopped a car for speeding on the morning of July 13th. As he returned to his motorcycle after issuing the citation, he and the motorcycle were struck by another vehicle. He was killed instantly and the occupants of the vehicle that he had stopped were injured. Gamblin joined the Shawnee Police Department in 1985 and became one of the first officers assigned to motorcycle patrol at Shawnee. The 39 year old officer was survived by his wife and four children.
Paul Garofalo
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Wichita
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 11/8/1980
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Officer Garofalo was on patrol when he stopped to question two women on the street. As he stopped his car, a man emerged and approached his car on the driver's side. The man fired a shotgun through the car window and killed the officer instantly.
Will Garr
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Caney
County: Montgomery
Death Date: 4/14/1908
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Officer Garr, who had arrested a known town drunk and rowdy, Mark Killion, several times, was "called out" by Killion. They talked very briefly before Killion shot Garr three times.
Clay Morsell Germany
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Wichita Police Department
County: Sedgwick County
Death Date: 7/9/2021
Added to Memorial: 2023
Circumstances of death: Clay Morsell Germany, age 58, a 26-year veteran police officer served at the rank of Captain with the Wichita Police Department. During October, 2020 Captain Germany, in the performance of his daily police duties had been in contact with a person confirmed to have COVID-19. On October 20, 2020 Captain Germany tested positive for COVID-19, resulting in ongoing respiratory and COVID-related medical issues. On July 9, 2021 after a lengthy, courageous battle with chronic respiratory failure, Captain Germany succumbed to medical complications resulting from his COVID exposure. Captain Germany is survived by his wife, six daughters and one son.
John W. Gilley
Type of Officer: Police Detective
Jurisdiction: Kansas City
County: Wyandotte
Death Date: 5/13/1889
Added to Memorial: 1997
Circumstances of Death:
Officer Gilley was attending a preliminary hearing for two suspects he had arrested earlier for burglary. While sitting in the courtroom waiting for the hearing procedures to begin, one of the suspects James Smith who was seated on a bench immediately in the rear and behind the officer, stood up and plunged a knife into the back of Gilley's neck. During the ensuing struggle the suspect was shot several times and later died of his injuries. The detective suffered extensive injuries dying two days later on May 13th. Gilley was the first Kansas City Police Detective. There is some evidence that the killing of Gilley was related to his breaking up of a gang called the "Dirty Dozen". Smith was a member of that gang.
Paul E. Gillmore
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Wichita
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 7/18/1930
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Patrolman Gilmore was killed in a traffic accident while on motorcycle patrol.
David Gogian
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Topeka
County: Shawnee
Death Date: 12/16/2012
Added to Memorial: 2013
Circumstances of Death:
Topeka Police Department Corporal David Gogian was shot and killed on December 16, 2012, after responding to the parking lot of a local grocery store on a report of possible drug activity. Corporal Gogian and Officer Jeffrey Atherly had the three vehicle occupants exit the vehicle, and as the occupants exited, one of them shot and killed both Corporal Gogian and Officer Atherly. Corporal Gogian was an eight-year veteran of the Topeka Police Department. He had previously served 12 years as a reserve Topeka Police Department Officer. He was a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and the Kansas Air National Guard. Corporal Gogian was survived by his wife; three sons; one daughter; grandchildren; parents; and three siblings.
Gene Leroy Goldsberry
Type of Officer: Deputy U.S. Marshal
Jurisdiction: Topeka
County: Shawnee
Death Date: 8/5/1993
Added to Memorial: 1994
Circumstances of Death:
Gene L. Goldsberry was fatally shot as he manned his post on the fourth floor of the Frank Carlson Federal Building in Topeka. The assailant was about to be sentenced on federal drug charges. He detonated a car bomb outside the courthouse and went to the fourth floor where he shot and killed Goldsberry and wounded a man an woman. Several others were wounded before the assailant took his life with another bomb.
Dean A. Goodheart
Type of Officer: Kansas Highway Patrol
Jurisdiction: Colby
County: Thomas
Death Date: 9/6/1995
Added to Memorial: 1996
Circumstances of Death:
On September 6, 1995, at about 6:30 a.m. Master Trooper Goodheart was performing a roadside inspection of a semi-truck on westbound Interstate 70 near Colby. As he was conducting a "walk-around" safety inspection of the truck, a westbound car driven by an 18-year-old college student traveling to Colby from her home in Illinois struck him. Goodheart's injuries were immediately fatal. Goodheart's incident brought about the passage of Kansas House Bill 2641, known as the "Goodheart law"which requires motorists to slow down and move over when approaching stopped emergency vehicles.
Ernest R. E. Gough
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Leavenworth
County: Leavenworth
Death Date: 7/29/1932
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
On July 28, 1932, Officer Gough and his partner, Joe Feidler, were on night patrol and stopped to routinely investigate two men who were crouched down and apparently hiding behind a tree. One of the men, later identified as James Robertson, fired,mortally wounding Gough. Gough died the following day. Robertson had been paroled from state prison four days earlier. A civilian was wounded in the ensuing exchange of gunfire between Officer Feidler and the suspects.
Martin H. Grant
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: McPherson
County: McPherson
Death Date: 2/12/1937
Added to Memorial: 2000
Circumstances of Death:
Officer Martin H. Grant responded to a report of a disturbance at a cafe on North Main Street in McPherson late on the night of February 11, 1937. After arriving on the scene, Officer Grant scuffled with a disorderly suspect, arrested him, and took him to the city jail. Following the arrest, shortly after midnight on February 12, 1937, Officer Grant fell ill and died of a heart attack. A McPherson county native, Grant was fifty years old when he died.
George W. Greenstreet
Type of Officer: Railroad Special Officer
Jurisdiction: Santa Fe Railroad
County: Johnson
Death Date: 6/17/1912
Added to Memorial: 2011
Circumstances of Death:
Santa Fe Railroad Special Officer George W. Greenstreet was struck by a train and killed the evening of June 17, 1912 while looking for thieves who had been stealing from rail cars in the train yard at Edgerton, Kansas. Two of the thieves had been captured several days earlier in Olathe, and Officer Greenstreet was attempting to arrest the remaining members of the gang. Originally from Osage City, Officer Greenstreet was stationed in Topeka at the time of his death. Officer Greenstreet was 37 years old, and was survived by his wife, one daughter and two sons.
Frank W. Griswold
Type of Officer: Police Captain
Jurisdiction: Wichita
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 5/23/1915
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Captain Griswold and Detective Al Harrell responded to a burglary reported at a shoe store. As Griswold entered the store he was fired on and killed instantly. Harrell was wounded.
Michael Haen
Type of Officer: Police Reserve
Jurisdiction: Kansas City
County: Wyandotte
Death Date: 7/28/1978
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Reserve Officer Haen was sent to assist with traffic control at an accident site. During the investigation, a police officer attempted to make an arrest. A disturbance began, shots were exchanged between the officer and the suspect and Haen was hit. He died at the hospital a short time later.
Edward Hageman
Type of Officer: Constable
Jurisdiction: Logan
County: Phillips
Death Date: 5/27/1891
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Hageman, the city constable of Logan in Phillips County, was serving a warrant for foreclosure or payment for property held by Cyrus Aldrich in Norton County. Aldrich shot and killed Hageman when he attempted to retrieve the property.
Code H. Hall
Type of Officer: Chief of Police
Jurisdiction: Hugoton
County: Stevens
Death Date: 8/25/1976
Added to Memorial: 1988
Circumstances of Death:
Chief Hall was called to assist in a high speed pursuit of several subjects on motorcycles. He suffered a fatal heart attack while in pursuit but did manage to get his patrol car stopped without injury to anyone else.
Edward F. Hall
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Wichita
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 4/10/1925
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Officer Hall and a detective were attempting to stop a car. As they pulled alongside, gunfire came from within the vehicle without warning. Officer Hall was killed.
Melvin C. Hamilton
Type of Officer: Undersheriff
Jurisdiction: Labette County
County: Labette
Death Date: 10/15/1930
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
While transporting two prisoners who had been convicted of robbing the Edna bank, from Oswego to the state penitentiary,Undersheriff Hamilton and Sheriff Alfred Coad were shot by one of the prisoners. The assailant had used a concealed revolve rand it was suspected that the gun may have been "slipped" to him by accomplices. Undersheriff Hamilton was killed instantly in the shooting, and Sheriff Coad was seriously wounded. An accompanying special deputy, also riding in the car, shot and killed the assailant.
Robert J. Hammers
Type of Officer: Town Marshal
Jurisdiction: Clearwater
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 3/14/1934
Added to Memorial: 1989
Circumstances of Death:
Although there were no witnesses to the shooting it is supposed that acting Town Marshall Robert J. Hammers discovered a robbery in progress. Approximately 1:30 A.M., March 14th, he engaged in a gun battle with the unknown thieves and lost his
Donald R. Harbour
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Ogden
County: Riley
Death Date: 8/9/1982
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Officer Harbour, assigned to patrol duty in Ogden, responded to a routine call about suspicious activity at a pawnshop. Reportedly one man was attempting to sell a rifle as two others remained in a car outside. As Harbour ordered the two to step out of the car, they attempted to drive away. Harbour shot the tires out, an done suspect fired back, hitting Harbour. The man inside the shop was arrested, while another was arrested after he had abducted a woman and wrecked his car. The third was killed in a car crash as he attempted to run a roadblock.
James Frank Harrington
Type of Officer: City Marshall
Jurisdiction: City of Jewell
County: Jewell County
Death Date: 3/14/1885
Added to Memorial: 2019
Circumstances of Death: On March 14, 1885 the Rice County Kansas sheriff and a deputy traveled to Jewell County in search of a horse thief. The sheriff and his deputy summoned the assistance of Jewell City Marshal Frank Harrington and two Jewell County deputies to go to the farm house where the suspect was known to reside, several miles south and west of Jewell. Upon arriving at the farmstead, the suspect ran from the opposite side of the house, shooting as he retreated. City Marshal Harrington, pulling his horse-drawn wagon up to the farm house, was struck by the horse thief’s gunfire. A deputy with Marshal Harrington exchanged gunfire, killing the horse thief. Marshal Harrington was transported back to the city of Jewell where he was pronounced deceased. Marshal Harrington was 38 years old at the time of his death.
Andrew F. Hartwick
Type of Officer: Park Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Topeka
County: Shawnee
Death Date: 5/19/1921
Added to Memorial: 1997
Circumstances of Death:
Andrew Hartwick, Ripley park (Topeka) police officer, was shot May 19, 1921. He was shot as he attempted to remove three Mexican youths from the park after discovering they were shooting birds. Manuel Lopez and Joaquin Padillo were arrested for the crime. Padillo reportedly had a grudge against Hartwick. He had flashed a gun at Hartwick a week prior when he arrested Padillo for killing fish in the Ripley pool. A coroner's jury found Lopez as the killer and placed him on trial. Padillo claimed that he was at home at the time of the shooting and did not go to trial. Lopez admitted that he and two other youths were in the park and that they were shooting at birds but denied that he did the shooting and blamed it on another youth whose name he did not know. The only "white" witness to the shooting claimed that Lopez and Padillo were not the young "Mexican" who almost collided with her as she went through the park, soon after the shooting. Lopez was acquitted.
Jason E. Harwood
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Topeka
County: Shawnee
Death Date: 9/7/2014
Added to Memorial: 2015
Circumstances of Death:
Topeka Police Department Corporal Jason E. Harwood gave his life In the line of duty on September 7, 2014. While conducting a car stop on the city's east side, one of the vehicle's occupants drew a weapon and fired several times at Corporal Harwood, fatally wounding him. Corporal Harwood joined the Topeka Police Department in June 1999. Promoted to the rank of Corporal in May 2012. Jason served in the hit-and-run unit and the K-9 unit. During his career Corporal Harwood earned a Letter of Commendation, a Distinguished Service Bar, and two Department Challenge Coins. He is survived by his wife and two sons. Corporal Harwood was 40 years old at the time of his death.
Virgil E. Healea
Type of Officer: City Marshal
Jurisdiction: Marion
County: Marion
Death Date: 3/10/1916
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Marshal Healea noticed two suspicious acting men who had awakened a gas station owner to obtain gasoline for their car.Upon questioning them, his suspicions grew. Healea checked with other towns and learned the men had not been truthful. He returned to the station and began to search them, but when he turned his back on one of the suspects, the other drew a gun and shot the marshal.
Harry Hedrick
Type of Officer: Police Sergeant
Jurisdiction: Kansas City
County: Wyandotte
Death Date: 8/5/1963
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Sergeant Hedrick and his partner, Officer Bill Luna, were sent to investigate a report of shots being fired. Upon their arrival at the scene, they observed a man rummaging through a trash can and another with a coat over his arm. When the policy car stopped, the man with the coat approached, questioning the officers. The subject had a handgun under the coat and fired at Hedrick at point blank range, and then exchanged gunfire with Luna. The assailant was shot by another officer who had arrived to assist. Sergeant Hedrick was dead on arrival at the hospital.
Orla F. Hefner
Type of Officer: Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Kearny County
County: Kearny
Death Date: 8/3/1920
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
An itinerant worker at a ranch was attempting to sell a car with Texas license plates. When the attempted sale was reported to the sheriff, he discovered a search was in progress for the vehicle. Hefner went to the ranch to arrest the suspect, Walter Tunis. Tunis accompanied Hefner to the sheriff's car, but when the sheriff began to crank the car to start it, Tunis shot him in the back. The killer was tracked down and killed by a posse.
James H. Helms
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Osawatomie
County: Miami
Death Date: 1/20/1895
Added to Memorial: 1991
Circumstances of Death:
James H. Helms heard an explosion about 3:10 A.M. in downtown Osawatomie Sunday, January 20, 1895. Borrowing a lantern from a friend he went to investigate. Neither officer Helms nor his four companions were especially concerned. His companions allowed him to check the rear of buildings near Main and Church Streets by himself, while they stood and chatted. Less than five minutes later the group heard three shots and a groan. They ran to get weapons and returned. They found the body of officer Helms in a small ditch with a revolver in his hand.
William Hicks
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Kansas City
County: Wyandotte
Death Date: 12/8/1929
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Officer Hicks and his partner were on a motorcycle patrol when a citizen informed them of a burglary in progress. Arriving at the crime scene, Hicks covered the back entrance and his partner watched the front. They ordered the burglars to surrender,but gunshots were exchanged and Hicks was hit. He later died at the hospital.
Bernard C. Hill
Type of Officer: Kansas Highway Patrol
Jurisdiction: El Dorado
County: Butler
Death Date: 5/28/1967
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Trooper Hill was killed west of El Dorado in a head-on collision with a car that was proceeding in the wrong direction.
Frank Hill
Type of Officer:
Jurisdiction: Sedgwick County
County: Sedgwick County
Death Date: 8/16/1927
Added to Memorial: 2003
Circumstances of death:
On August 16, 1927, Deputy Frank Hill was killed during an attempted escape from the Sedgwick County jail. Deputy Hill, the jailer, had opened the main door to the cellblock for a lunch delivery without first securing all the inmates in their cells. Seizing upon this opportunity, three prisoners ran for the opening. Deputy Hill attempted to close the door but one of the prisoners, using a revolver smuggled into him, shot and killed Hill before he could block the avenue of escape. Deputy Hill was forty years old at the time his death and was survived by his wife and daughter.
Milton Hinkle
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Pittsburg
County: Crawford County
Death Date: 12/25/1902
Added to Memorial: 2004
Circumstances of death:
Late on Christmas Eve 1902, Officer Milton Hinkle attempted to arrest a Pittsburg, Kansas resident for disorderly conduct. The man, with the help of several friends, resisted arrest. During the altercation that followed, one of the suspects gained control of Officer Hinkle's gun and shot the officer in the head. Officer Hinkle died a short time later. 41 years old at the time of his death, Hinkle left a wife and daughter.
Charles Hoffman
Type of Officer: Police Detective
Jurisdiction: Wichita
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 11/23/1921
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Suspected murderer and gangster Eddie Adams, whose gang had already killed officers A. L. Young and Robert Fitzpatrick,was attempting to rent a car from a motor livery. Evidently the police were alerted. When Office Hoffman and two others entered the back door of the livery, Adams recognized them and drew his gun. Detective Hoffman lunged forward, seizing Adams, but Adams worked his gun hand free and fired, killing Hoffman instantly. He then fired on one of the other officers,hitting him. The third officer, hidden behind a pillar, took aim and killed Adams. The body of the notorious gangster was taken to the Wichita undertaker and by one o'clock the following afternoon, over nine thousand people had viewed the body.
William Hogsett
Type of Officer: Special Police
Jurisdiction: Oswego
County: Labette
Death Date: 10/3/1874
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
William Hugest attempted to quiet a disturbance at the county fairgrounds between John Bagby and another man who were in an altercation about a seat in the fair's "rotary swing" ride. When Hugest attempted to arrest Bagby, Bagby stabbed the policeman with a large pocketknife. Another policeman, Charles Westfall, rushed to assist and also was stabbed but later recovered. Hogsett died on the scene. The constable and others arrested Bagby but, fearing the crowd was "ready to lynch Bagby on the spot . . . spirited him away to Fort Scott."
Cassius M. Hollister
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Sumner County
County: Sumner
Death Date: 10/18/1884
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Deputy Sheriff "Cash" Hollister, a former deputy U.S. Marshal, and George Davis, a member of a posse, attempted to arrest Bob Cross for abducting the daughter of a well-to-do farmer, Joshua Hannum. Cross was hiding in his home and Hollister had tried to talk him into surrendering. When the deputy threatened to set the house on fire, Cross fired through the door, killing Hollister.
Vernon L. Holzer
Type of Officer: Special Officer
Jurisdiction: Santa Fe Railroad
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 8/21/1923
Added to Memorial: 2009
Circumstances of Death:
Vernon L. Holzer was shot the night of July 25, 1923 as he was riding and guarding a Santa Fe freight train that was leaving Wichita heading to Arkansas City, Kansas. S.O. Holzer was shot by a 20-year old man who was attempting to steal a ride on the roof of one of the train's boxcars. Special Officer Holzer died of his wounds on August 21, 1923. Vernon Holzer was 30 years old at the time of his death.
Marcus W. Hood
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Topeka
County: Shawnee
Death Date: 11/1/1974
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Officer Hodd was killed while on patrol in his police helicopter. The drive shaft broke, causing the helicopter to crash. Hood purposely chose to maneuver his craft to avoid hitting an automobile loaded with passengers.
Stephen L. Hopper
Type of Officer: Sheriff Sergeant
Jurisdiction: Butler County
County: Butler
Death Date: 5/19/1979
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Sergeant Hopper, a former Andover Chief of Police, was responding to a civil disturbance call. En route, he was killed in an automobile accident.
Melvin C. Howe
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Lawrence
County: Douglas
Death Date: 4/24/1931
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Officer Howe had stopped a driver who was swerving his car on the road. Howe did not know that the driver, Oney Knight,was an escaped murderer from the Oklahoma State Penitentiary. Howe approached the car on foot. As he reached the car,Knight stepped out and shot the officer twice. Howe's partner, John Ingals, fired at the escaping fugitive but failed to stop him.
Jeff William Howey
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Topeka
County: Shawnee
Death Date: 6/13/2000
Added to Memorial: 2001
Circumstances of Death:
On the night of June 13, 2000, Officer Jeff William Howey, a Topeka Police Department helicopter pilot, was killed when the helicopter he was riding in crashed while responding to a burglary call. Officer Howey and Officer Charles Joseph “Joey”Bohlender, Jr. were assisting ground units searching for a reported burglar at a southwest Topeka business. The officers were flying in a circular pattern around the business at an altitude of 1500 feet. As the officers were maneuvering a turn over an open elevated field west of the business, the helicopter went out of control for an unknown reason and crashed. The thirty-seven year old Officer Howey died as a result of the accident. He was an eight-year veteran of the Topeka Police Department. He joined the department in August 1992 and served in the uniform patrol division until transferring to the helicopter unit in October 1998. He received the department’s Commendation Bar in 1996. A U.S. Army veteran, Officer Howey served a combined seventeen years with the U.S. Army and U.S. Army National Guard. He is survived by his wife Nina and two daughters.
Larry Lee Huff
Type of Officer: Kansas Highway Patrol
Jurisdiction: Clay Center
County: Clay
Death Date: 11/26/1993
Added to Memorial: 1994
Circumstances of Death:
On November 3, 1993, at about 9:15 p.m., Master Trooper Huff was patrolling southbound on U.S. Highway 81 south of Concordia. He observed a speeder traveling northbound on U.S. 81 and began to make a U-turn to stop the violator. As Huff made the U-turn, a semi-truck that had been following him struck his patrol car. The collision seriously injured Huff, who was pinned in his vehicle for 45 minutes and had to be extricated using the jaws of life. He was transported to St. Joseph's Hospital in Concordia and succumbed to his injuries on November 26, 1993.
William L. Humpries
Type of Officer: Police Detective
Jurisdiction: Wichita
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 2/23/1915
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Humpries, the first Wichita officer to lose his life in the line of duty, was attempting to question a suspect that he had cornered in a pool hall. The trapped suspect pulled a handgun and fired from close range at the officer. Humpries attempted to seize his assailant but collapsed and died.
Robert D. Hurd
Type of Officer: Corrections Officer
Jurisdiction: Lansing
County: Leavenworth
Death Date: 10/11/1981
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Corrections Officer Hurd was stabbed to death by an inmate at the state penitentiary. The inmate was angered by a disciplinary report that Hurd was about to file. Officer Hurd lived in Olathe.
David Leroy Ingle
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Iola Police Department
County: Allen County
Death Date: 1/4/2022
Added to Memorial: 2023
Circumstances of death: David Leroy Ingle, age 52, a 12-year veteran police officer served with the City of Iola for the past 9 years. During mid to late December, 2021, Officer Ingle had been responding daily to work assignments and calls for service involving persons who had or were suspected of having COVID-19. Testing positive for COVID-19 on December 30, 2021, Officer Ingle was hospitalized and subsequently was transferred to Topeka for further medical treatment. On January 4, 2022, following a very short, courageous battle with the COVID virus, Officer Ingle succumbed to medical complications resulting from his COVID exposure. Officer Ingle is survived by his wife, two daughters, and two sons.
Jerry R. Ivey
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Salina
County: Saline
Death Date: 6/13/1975
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Officer Ivey stopped a vehicle answering the description of a car used moments earlier in a robbery at a Dillon's grocery store.The suspect jumped from the car, sprayed the officer with mace, and both men drew their weapons. Ivey fired six rounds and the suspect fired twelve. As Ivey attempted to reach his shotgun in the patrol car, the suspect shot him in the back. Following a chase and additional gunfire, the suspect was captured by several police officers.
Alfred F. Jacka
Type of Officer: Undersheriff
Jurisdiction: Barton County
County: Barton
Death Date: 11/28/1950
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Undersheriff Jacka, who had recently been elected sheriff, was searching for two farmers reported overdue at their homes. Driving west of Great Bend, he discovered the two men, electrocuted by electrical wires which had been shot down by vandals. As Jacka approached the bodies in the dark, he brushed a wire and was also electrocuted.
Archie K. Jacobs
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Morton County
County: Morton
Death Date: 11/26/1976
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
On patrol in a zero visibility blizzard, Jacobs' car and another vehicle collided at a rural intersection. Jacobs had been on the force for two years and was only twenty-two years old when he died.
Jimmie Jacobs
Type of Officer: Kansas Highway Patrol
Jurisdiction: El Dorado
County: Butler
Death Date: 10/6/1959
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Trooper Jacobs was on an emergency blood plasma run when he was killed in an auto accident on a county road south of El Dorado.
Steve A. Jenkins
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Augusta
County: Butler
Death Date: 4/25/1924
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
While on patrol on August 18, 1924, Officer Jenkins noticed a man hiding inside the Augusta Standard Oil service station. Jenkins ordered him to come out. The suspected burglar came out shooting, hitting Officer Jenkins four times. Jenkins was able to return the fire, instantly killing burglar Harry Parsons. Officer Jenkins died of his wounds seven days later.
James L. Johnson
Type of Officer: Sheriff
Jurisdiction: County
County: Sheridan
Death Date: 10/26/2006
Added to Memorial: 2007
Circumstances of Death:
On October 26, 2006, Sheridan County Sheriff James L. "Jimmy" Johnson called a local citizen into his office to discuss some activities and behavior the man had been displaying since the death of his father at the hands of a drunk driver. Sheriff Johnson convinced the man to commit himself to a mental health facility to get help, but when asked to take off his jacket, the man pulled out a handgun and shot Sheriff Johnson multiple times. A deputy in the office responded and shot and killed the assailant. Sheriff Johnson was taken to the Sheridan County Hospital and pronounced dead en route to Colby Municipal Airport, where he was to be flown to Wichita for treatment. James Johnson was first elected Sheriff of Sheridan County in 1988. He was 54 years old at the time of his death. Sheriff Johnson is survived by his wife, Linda, and six adult children
John W. Johnson
Type of Officer: Corrections Officer
Jurisdiction: U.S. Penitentiary, Leavenworth
County: Leavenworth
Death Date: 9/29/1974
Added to Memorial: 2006
Circumstances of Death:
Corrections Officer John W. Johnson was fatally stabbed by an inmate while working on the third tier of “B” cellhouse. No motive was given for the stabbing.
Roy V. Johnson
Type of Officer: Sheriff Detective
Jurisdiction: Sedgwick County
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 10/31/1974
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
In an attempt to escape, a county prisoner seized a police officer's gun. During the ensuing scuffle, the officer was shot and the prisoner continued his escape. Detective Johnson and another officer responded to the shooting and attempted to rescue the wounded officer and capture the prisoner. In the attempt, both Johnson and the other officer were shot. Another officer responding was also shot by the prisoner. Detective Johnson was dead on arrival at the hospital. Detective Johnson was awarded the department's Medal of Honor.
Wilson "Alex" C. Johnson, Jr.
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Junction City
County: Geary
Death Date: 12/3/2001
Added to Memorial: 2002
Circumstances of Death:
At 4:30 a.m. on December 3, 2001, Officer Wilson C. A. Johnson, Jr. received a fatal gunshot wound while assisting a domestic battery victim to recover her two children who were being held in a Junction City apartment building. The domestic battery suspect shot Officer Johnson during a confrontation in the apartment. Officer Johnson died at the scene. After shooting Officer Johnson, the suspect attempted to leave the building but another Junction City police officer thwarted his escape. The suspect retreated to the apartment where he took his own life. The two children, ages one and three, were unharmed. Officer Johnson served the Junction City Police Department for eighteen years as a patrolman and detective. He joined the department after a twenty-year Army career that included two tours of duty in Vietnam and tours of duty in Korea and Germany. He was a member of the Fraternal Order of Police, the Junction City Police Officers Association, and the Kansas Peace Officers Association. Officer Johnson was fifty-six years old at the time of his death. He is survived by his wife Hermine Linda Johnson and two stepsons, David and Michael Quintenar.
Oliver P. Jones
Type of Officer: City Marshal
Jurisdiction: Enterprise
County: Dickinson
Death Date: 3/29/1962
Added to Memorial: 1988
Circumstances of Death:
Marshal Jones, as was his usual daily practice, parked his patrol car on First Street to monitor the heavy traffic of sand trucks from a nearby quarry. One of the trucks failed to negotiate the corner and struck the patrol car. Jones was knocked to the ground and run over.
W. G. Jones
Type of Officer: City Marshal
Jurisdiction: Cherryvale
County: Montgomery County
Death Date: 12/29/1903
Added to Memorial: 2004
Circumstances of death:
Cherryvale City Marshal W. G. Jones was shot on the afternoon of December 28, 1903, while attempting to serve an arrest warrant to a local resident. Jones and his deputy knocked on the door of the local citizen and, not being welcomed, forced their way into the dwelling. As Marshal Jones climbed the stairs in search of suspect, the man fired on him from above. Jones' deputy sought medical attention for the marsahl as soon as possible, but Jones died of his wounds early the next morning. Marshal Jones, a Kentuckian who had lived in Kansas for 2 years, was 38 years old at the time of his death. He was survived by his wife and three children.
James M. Karr, Jr.
Type of Officer: Motorcycle Patrolman
Jurisdiction: Rosedale
County: Wyandotte
Death Date: 7/16/1916
Added to Memorial: 2014
Circumstances of Death:
Motorcycle Patrolman James M. Karr, Jr. was shot and killed the morning of July 10, 1916. He was pursuing a car used by a gang wanted for robbing banks and businesses on both sides of the Kansas-Missouri state line in the Kansas City area. Several witnesses observed when occupants in the car stood up and fired at the pursuing patrolman. Officer Karr was struck twice and died at the scene.
Henry N. Kenaga
Type of Officer: Corrections Officer
Jurisdiction: Lansing
County: Leavenworth
Death Date: 6/20/1954
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Corrections Office Kenaga responded to a situation in which inmates at the state penitentiary, armed with guns and knives, had rushed the visitors' room and seized at least six hostages. The inmates were crossing the prison yard when they encountered Kenaga. When the office attempted to prevent their escape, he was fatally shot. After a brief exchange of gunfire, and a call for additional enforcement officers, the prisoners were surrounded and returned to their cells. They were charged with first degree murder.
Kenneth M. Kennedy
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Hutchinson
County: Reno
Death Date: 9/15/1972
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Officer Kennedy was making an undercover purchase of alcoholic beverages at a location suspected to be bootlegging and operating illegal gambling devices. After making the purchase, Officer Kennedy and fellow officer John Coldren identified themselves and attempted to make the arrest. As the officers scuffled with suspect Elmo Anderson, a Mrs. Jobe came from the kitchen with a gun and shot Coldren and Kennedy. Before he was shot, Kennedy shouted a warning to Coldren, who turned,thus causing the shot to miss a vital mark. Kennedy shot Mrs. Jobe before he died. Coldren survived his wound. Mrs. Jobe was convicted of second degree murder.
Leonard M. Kennedy
Type of Officer: Special Officer
Jurisdiction: Burlington
County: Coffey
Death Date: 07/19/1922
Added to Memorial: 2018
Circumstances of Death:
Special Officer Leonard M. Kennedy died in the early morning on July 19, 1922 as he guarded the Otter Creek Bridge near Burlington during a railroad strike. His body was found in the water under the bridge by his relief officer. A coroner's jury ruled that Special Officer Kennedy was likely knocked off the bridge by a passing train. Special Officer Kennedy was 26 years old and was survived by his father and two brothers.
James R. Kenney
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Clay County
County: Clay
Death Date: 11/16/1999
Added to Memorial: 2000
Circumstances of Death:
On the afternoon of November 16, 1999, Clay County Deputy Sheriff James R. “Monk” Kenney approached the Morganville residence of an escaped inmate with other officers seeking to serve a search warrant. The officers were attempting to locate an escapee from the Cloud County Jail in Concordia. During the effort to execute the warrant, the suspect shot and killed Deputy Kenney. The deputy’s police dog, Copper, also was killed in the incident. The suspect was apprehended after the shooting and charged with capital murder. A six-year veteran of the Clay County Sheriff’s Department, the sixty-two-year-old Deputy Kenney had established the department’s canine unit. He had served with the Arkansas City and Wichita Police Department earlier in his career. He is survived by his wife Shirley Thompson; son Robert Kenney; daughters Julie Page and Suzanne Shields; stepson Dennis Pickering; and stepdaughters Christi Sanders, Cathy Weaver, and Wendi Holt.
David A. Kenyon
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Wichita
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 10/26/1962
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Officer Kenyon was attempting to settle a domestic disturbance. He escorted a woman from the scene when her husband obtained a weapon and fired, evidently at his wife, but hit and killed Kenyon.
Earl J. Kerns
Type of Officer: Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Stevens County
County: Stevens
Death Date: 12/13/1949
Added to Memorial: 1988
Circumstances of Death:
In the process of arresting a subject for public drunkenness, Sheriff Kerns suffered a blow to the chest. He died later that night from a heart attack.
William Kime
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Coffeyville
County: Montgomery
Death Date: 4/22/1898
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
On April 20, 1898, James Wood and Lou Burdick had attacked a citizen with stones and revolvers. When they returned to Coffeyville, the police were notified and Officer Kime set out to arrest them. Kime recognized Wood and Burdick outside the Missouri Pacific depot dining hall and ordered them to surrender. While Kime held his gun on one of the suspects, the other drew a pistol and shot the officer. Kime died two days later. The suspects were convicted of murder.
Carlos B. King
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Harvey County
County: Harvey
Death Date: 9/23/1871
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Deputy Sheriff Carlos King had disarmed one Thomas Edwards for disturbing the peace, and had run him out of town. Edwards rearmed himself and returned to town, shooting and killing Deputy King. Although Harvey County was not organized until February 29, 1872, it is likely that a deputy sheriff was in the county. Although specific sources have not been located, it is possible, based upon similar situations, that King was sent from Sedgwick County. Sedgwick County had the judicial and administrative responsibility for Harvey County prior to and at the time of its organization. It is more likely that King was a deputy sheriff rather than a city police officer.
Theresa Sue King
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Wyandotte County
County: Wyandotte
Death Date: 6/16/2018
Added to Memorial: 2019
Circumstances of Death: On June 15, 2018, Deputies Theresa King and Patrick Rohrer were transporting a prisoner from a court hearing back to the Wyandotte County Correction and Court Services Building. As the deputies were removing the prisoner from the transport van in the building’s exterior sally port the prisoner disarmed and shot Deputy Rohrer. The prisoner then shot Deputy King during an exchange of gunfire. The prisoner was shot several times by Deputy King however survived the encounter. Deputy King and Deputy Rohrer’s valiant actions prevented the prisoner from escaping custody. Deputy King, 44 years old, succumbed to her wounds on June 16, 2018.
Richard Kreuger
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Winfield
County: Cowley
Death Date: 9/3/1920
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
The Winfield Police Department received a call reporting that John Shoup had been following and annoying a woman. Officers Kreuger and George Nichols responded and confronted Shoup in his car. Shoup, who was drunk, began shooting, killing Kreuger instantly, and wounded Nichols. Shoup escaped but later wrecked his car and was taken into custody.
E. Ray Kumpf
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Hamilton County
County: Hamilton
Death Date: 7/3/1939
Added to Memorial: 2000
Circumstances of Death:
On the morning of July 3, 1939, Hamilton County Undersheriff E. R. “Ray” Kumpf received a telephone call from Holly, Colorado officials informing him that two men who had attempted to rob a grocery store in that town were on their way toward Syracuse. Anticipating that the men likely would appear at the railroad depot, Undersheriff Kumpf went to the Santa Fe railroad station to search for them. The undersheriff, acting on information provided by a Santa Fe employee, found the two men at the east end of the station seeking to board a train. After talking with the men for several minutes, Undersheriff Kumpf ordered them to walk ahead of him to the county jail. As they started to move forward, one of the suspects whirled around, pulled a gun, and shot Undersheriff Kumpf in the chest. The undersheriff swayed but remained on his feet and attempted to pull his own gun. The suspect fired a second time and struck Undersheriff Kumpf in the head. He died before an ambulance could arrive. Following a brief search, a group of Syracuse citizens apprehended one of the suspects and recovered a handgun. The suspect later confessed to the shooting and was sentenced to life in prison. Undersheriff Kumpf was sixty-four years old and an eighteen year veteran of the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Department. At the time of his death, he was survived by two children, Mrs. Maude Morris and Gus Kumpf, both of La Junta, Colorado.
Robert Kenneth Kunze, III
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Sedgwick County
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 9/16/2018
Added to Memorial: 2019
Circumstances of Death: On September 16, 2018, Deputy Robert Kunze was dispatched to a suspicious character call in rural northwest Sedgwick County. Alongside a rural roadway Deputy Kunze located a subject matching the suspicious character description, along with a stolen vehicle. Following his contact with the individual, Deputy Kunze activated his radio’s emergency alert button, also calling out that he had been shot. During the encounter Deputy Kunze and the suspect exchanged gunfire. Both Deputy Kunze and the suspect succumbed to their wounds. Deputy Kunze, 41 years old, was a 12-year veteran with the Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Office and previously served six years with the Shawnee County Kansas Sheriff’s Office.
Edward R. Kyser
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Parsons
County: Labette
Death Date: 12/4/1886
Added to Memorial: 1994
Circumstances of Death:
Isaac Irwin McCann stole a hat at the Centropolis Hotel in Parsons the night of December 2, 1886. The owner of the hat and of the hotel sent his "runner" Joe Davis in pursuit to retrieve it. Davis caught up with the thief at the Missouri Pacific Depot but he refused to give up the hat. Officer Kyser who was standing near by was called on to assist. He took the thief by the arm and told him he was under arrest. After a brief verbal exchange McCann jerked away, pulled a pistol and shot Kyser. Kyser died two days later. McCann was later captured, tried and hung.
Danny Laffey
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Wichita
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 1/5/1982
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Officer Laffey was investigating a disturbance call at the Zanzibar club. He had stopped a suspect vehicle in the street and was in the process of removing the occupants when a passing vehicle, traveling at a high rate of speed and having defective brakes, jumped the curb and struck Officer Laffey.
Brad Lancaster
Type of Officer: Police Detective
Jurisdiction: Kansas City
County: Wyandotte
Death Date: 05/09/2016
Added to Memorial: 2017
Circumstances of Death:
On May 19, 2016, Kansas City, Kansas Police Detective Brad Lancaster #1912 was killed by gunfire. On aforementioned date, at 1217 hours, officers of the Kansas City, Kansas Police Department were dispatched to 777 Hollywood Casino Boulevard on reports of a suspicious person outside the casino. Detective Brad Lancaster, who was in the area, responded to assist his fellow officers. Officers attempted to make contact with the suspect at 110th and State, but the suspect fled on foot toward the casino. Detective Lancaster located the suspect and attempted to make contact with him. The suspect turned and fired several rounds at Detective Lancaster. Detective Lancaster was transported to KU Medical Center where he later died from his injuries.
Peter R. Lanihan
Type of Officer: Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Ellis County
County: Ellis
Death Date: 7/18/1871
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
A former deputy of Wild Bill Hickok, “Rattlesnake Pete” Lanihan (or Lanahan) defeated Hickok in the sheriff’s election of 1869.Evidently, Lanihan’s election upset some criminal elements and it is conjectured that they plotted to “set up” the new sheriff. On the night of July 16, 1871, a fight started in Henry “Dog” Kelley’s saloon, and when Lanihan attempted to stop the disturbance,he was shot twice. He died of the wounds within two days.
Seldon B. Lard
Type of Officer: Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Riley County
County: Riley
Death Date: 10/20/1897
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Sheriff Lard, accompanied by a deputy and the county attorney, was attempting to serve a warrant for disturbing the peace and violation of the prohibitory law on Ike Warren and his wife in Leonardville. The officers took possession of Warren's café. Later, as Sheriff Lard approached Warren on the street, words were exchanged and Warren shot and killed the sheriff. The offender was pursued and captured by citizens of Leonardville.
Andrew H. Leonard
Type of Officer: Captain
Jurisdiction: U.S. Penitentiary, Leavenworth
County: Leavenworth
Death Date: 11/14/1922
Added to Memorial: 2006
Circumstances of Death:
Captain Andrew H. Leonard was fatally stabbed while attempting to subdue a noncompliant inmate. The inmate, Joe Martinez, seriously injured several other correctional officer before being subdued by two inmates in a coal bunker.
James Lucero
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff/Railroad Special Officer
Jurisdiction: Ford County Sheriff's Office
County: Ford County
Death Date: 1/3/1922
Added to Memorial: 2023
Circumstances of death: James Lucero, age 49, served as a deputy sheriff with the Ford County Sheriff’s Office from October 19, 1921 until his death on January 3, 1922. Deputy Lucero also served as a special officer with the Santa Fe Railway. On January 2, 1922 Deputy Lucero responded to a death threat call, subsequently escorting the intoxicated suspect home. Shortly after arriving at the suspect’s home the individual became violent. The inebriated suspect pulled a gun, shooting Deputy Lucero in the head at close range. Deputy Lucero succumbed to his gunshot wound the following day, January 3, 1922. Arrested and convicted of second degree murder, the suspect was sentenced to the Kansas State Penitentiary. At the time of his death Deputy Lucero was survived by three young children.
Charles Q. Lukens
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Wyandotte County
County: Wyandotte
Death Date: 12/8/1909
Added to Memorial: 1988
Circumstances of Death:
Deputy Sheriff Lukens and Rosedale Night Marshal Drew attempted to serve divorce papers on one Charles T. Galloway on the afternoon of December 8, 1909. Galloway resisted and ran from the officers firing his .38 caliber revolver. In his efforts to stop Galloway Charles Lukens was shot and killed. Galloway was later killed in a gun duel with police in a house he had commandeered.
Roger Lutcher
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Kansas City
County: Wyandotte
Death Date: 1/8/1970
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Officer Lutcher and his partner, Howard Berry, were on patrol when they observed another officer, Robert Mackey, pursuing a suspect. The officer chased the suspect into an alley and ordered him to surrender. He complied, but as Officers Lutcher and Berry approached him, he pulled a gun and opened fire, hitting and killing Lutcher. The suspect was shot and killed by the other officer. It was learned later that the killer was wanted by police for other crimes.
Rudy Markl
Type of Officer: Police Detective
Jurisdiction: Kansas city
County: Wyandotte
Death Date: 12/25/1924
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
While investigating a robbery on December 20, 1924, Detective Markl and his partner observed the suspects' vehicle parked in front of a pharmacy. As they approached the vehicle, a man jumped from the car and ran. He was pursued by Markl's partner. Markl remained, and upon entering the pharmacy, was confronted by three more suspects who opened fire, hitting him four times. The detective managed to return their fire before collapsing.
Joseph E. Marshall
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Wichita
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 8/9/1927
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Officer Marshall was in the sidecar of a motorcycle being driven by Officer Frank Busy when they recognized an automobile that had been involved in a robbery. They stopped the vehicle, and as Marshall approached, the men in the car opened fire. The killers, members of the well-known Porter Meeks gang, were shot and mortally wounded by Officer Bush.
Donald R. Martin
Type of Officer: Corrections Officer
Jurisdiction: Lansing
County: Leavenworth
Death Date: 8/19/1978
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
On August 14, 1978, Corrections Officer Martin had been assigned to the state penitentiary hospital unit. He was attacked and fatally beaten by an inmate who was holding a female hostage during an escape attempt. Martin resided in Leavenworth.
Edward J. Masterson
Type of Officer: City Marshal
Jurisdiction: Dodge City
County: Ford
Death Date: 4/9/1878
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
City Marshal Masterson (older brother of Bat Masterson) disarmed Jack Wagner, who was drunk and in violation of Dodge City's ordinance against carrying guns in town. Wagner gave Masterson his pistol, but as the marshal stepped into the street to leave, Wagner drew another pistol and shot Masterson. Masterson managed to shoot Wagner, who later died from his wounds.
Caswell S. Matthews
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Topeka
County: Shawnee
Death Date: 5/6/1912
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Officer Matthews, alerted that two men who had robbed the city marshal of Bonner Springs might be on the 6:00 a.m. train on May 5, 1912, went to the Union Pacific depot. When two suspicious looking men appeared, Matthews attempted to question them and one opened fire. Matthews, mortally wounded, returned their fire, wounding one of the assailants. Police Chief Morris Jenkins single-handedly captured one of the suspects in a hand-to-hand fight. The other wounded suspect was arrested near the Kansas River at Topeka. Matthews died the day after he was shot.
Harry T. McCarty
Type of Officer: Deputy U.S. Marshal
Jurisdiction: Dodge City
County: Ford
Death Date: 7/13/1878
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Deputy U.S. Marshal McCarty was drinking in the Long Branch Saloon in Dodge City when on Thomas Roach, angered that he was the butt of cowboys' jokes, created a disturbance and began fighting with the cowboys. Roach became involved with McCarty, seized the marshal's gun and shot him.
E. L. McCracken
Type of Officer: Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Barber County
County: Barber
Death Date: 3/21/1908
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
On March 19, 1908, Sheriff McCracken and City Marshal Bunton of Kiowa were attempting to serve a warrant on one James Clark for selling whiskey. As the two approached Clark's house, the suspect ran and hid in the outdoor privy. As the sheriff attempted to talk him into surrendering, Clark shot through the privy door and fatally wounded McCracken. The marshal wounded Clark as he attempted to escape.
Martin McDonald
Type of Officer: City Marshal
Jurisdiction: Kansas City
County: Wyandotte
Death Date: 9/21/1908
Added to Memorial: 1990
Circumstances of Death:
Martin McDonald was marshal of the North City Court of Kansas City, Kansas. He was shot through the heart on September 21, 1908 by Emil Lewis at a house in Armourdale. McDonald and humane officer Festus Foster had gone to the house to serve a warrant on Lewis that had been sworn by the mother of a 15 year old girl. Lewis was supposedly living with the girl. He was also wanted for some offense in Oklahoma. When McDonald announced to Lewis that he was under arrest, he grabbed a 38revolver from the dresser and pointed it the officers. Although Foster disarmed Lewis he was able to knock McDonald down and take his pistol. Lewis removed the cylinder and dumped out the bullets from McDonalds gun and grabbed his own out of Foster's hand. He then shot officer McDonald and himself. Lewis later died in the hospital, while officer McDonald died at the scene. McDonald was 65 years old at the time.
John McInroy
Type of Officer: City Marshal
Jurisdiction: Caney
County: Montgomery
Death Date: 11/12/1913
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
On November 12, 1913, City Marshal McInroy was attempting to place into custody a thief, Nip Vann, when he was shot and killed by Vann. It was not until 1937 that Vann was captured.
Samuel B. McLemore
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Fort Scott
County: Bourbon
Death Date: 1/23/1892
Added to Memorial: 2014
Circumstances of Death:
Police Officer Samuel B. McLemore was shot and killed the morning of January 23, 1892 as he attempted to arrest two suspected train robbers. Officer McLemore and railroad agents had been alerted early in the morning that two suspects were believed to be en route to Fort Scott. Officer McLemore was in the process of arresting the two robbers when one of them shot and killed him
John B McMurray
Type of Officer: Kansas Highway Patrol
Jurisdiction: Manhattan
County: Riley
Death Date: 12/6/1964
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Highway Patrol Trooper McMurray had completed a radar setup and was loading the equipment into the trunk of his car. The vehicle of an intoxicated driver left the roadway, struck a patrol car that was parked behind McMurray's car, and pinned the trooper between the vehicles. McMurray died in the hospital.
Terry W. McNett
Type of Officer: Detective
Jurisdiction: Sedgwick County
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 2/2/1988
Added to Memorial: 1988
Circumstances of Death:
On February 2, 1988, Sedgwick County Sheriff's Office narcotics detectives met with resistance while executing a search warrant on suspects in a Wichita residence. Upon hearing the officers, the main suspect ran into the kitchen and took a human shield. When Detective Terry McNett entered the kitchen to secure the room he was shot and died instantly. The suspect came out of the kitchen and fired at deputies. He was shot in both legs and after a short standoff was taken into custody. He was convicted and is now serving a 103-year sentence.
Michael Meagher
Type of Officer: Special Policeman
Jurisdiction: Caldwell
County: Sumner
Death Date: 12/17/1881
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Being threatened by a group of about five cowboys, former city marshal Meagher went to Caldwell City Marshal John Wilson for assistance or protection. Wilson asked Meagher to serve as a special policeman to assist in the arrest of one of the cowboys.As the two men approached the group, the cowboys dispersed. Later, with Meagher still acting as a special policeman, a Jim Talbot fired at Marshal Wilson. Wilson and Meagher circled the block, and on reappearing, Talbot shot and killed Meagher.
Robert D. Melton
Type of Officer: Police Captain
Jurisdiction: Kansas City
County: Wyandotte
Death Date: 07/19/2016
Added to Memorial: 2017
Circumstances of Death:
On July 19, 2016, Kansas City, Kansas Police Captain Robert Melton #1799 was killed by gunfire. On aforementioned date, at 1333 hours, officers of the Kansas City, Kansas Police Department were dispatched to 2nd and Edgerton Avenue on reports of shots fired in the area. A general description of the suspect vehicle was broadcast and shortly thereafter officers located the vehicle. A vehicle pursuit was initiated to the area of 15th and Rowland, at which time the suspects bailed from the vehicle. One suspect was quickly taken into custody and was found to be in possession of a firearm. The second suspect fled on foot to the area of 22nd and Haskell where Captain Robert Melton encountered him. Several shots were fired by the suspect at Captain Melton. Captain melton sustained critical injuries from the gun shots and was transported to KU Medical Center where he died from his injuries.
Thomas W. Mendina
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Wyandotte County
County: Wyandotte
Death Date: 3/4/1956
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Deputy Mendina, on patrol, was called to assist another officer, William Scherzer, who was investigating two men who had stopped alongside highway K-32 west of Edwardsville. According to the deputy who was with Mendina, just as Mendina opened the car door to exit, he was fatally struck by a passing car. The driver of the vehicle was later convicted of driving under the influence.
Edward Metz
Type of Officer: Undersheriff
Jurisdiction: Reno County
County: Reno
Death Date: 1/7/1901
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Undersheriff Metz was on his way to board the Missouri Pacific train for Wellington as he was to appear there at the trial of ahorse thief he had apprehended. His body was later discovered lying on the tracks with his legs and one hand severed. Although his death may have been an accident, an investigation indicated signs of a struggle. The case was not investigated further
Andrew Miller
Type of Officer: City Marshal
Jurisdiction: Ellis
County: Ellis
Death Date: 11/15/1921
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Marshal Miller was fatally shot while trying to stop a public disturbance created by a group of "toughs" led by a notorious troublemaker named Greenwood. After the shooting, Greenwood prevented anyone from assisting the marshal, who died within a short time. Miller had previously been the city marshal of Hays, as well as the undersheriff and sheriff of Ellis County.
Eldon K. Miller
Type of Officer: Kansas Highway Patrol
Jurisdiction: Overland Park
County: Johnson
Death Date: 1/19/1968
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Sergeant Miller, of the Kansas Highway Patrol, responded to a bank robbery call in Overland Park at the Metcalf Bank. Along with officers from several other agencies, Miller was assisting in the apprehension of the suspect, Henry Floyd Brown, when he was shot and killed. Sergeant Miller was the first trooper to die by gunshot.
Govan C Mills
Type of Officer: Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Hamilton County
County: Hamilton
Death Date: 9/13/1927
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
On September 10, 1927, Sheriff Mills, with his wife along, observed a car parked in a suspicious manner along the roadside. He retrieved Deputy Ray Kumpf and they proceeded to investigate the vehicle. When Kumpf entered the suspect car to take it to the police station, two men exited from the car and held Sheriff Mills at gunpoint. The deputy was confronted by a third man.When one of the men covering the sheriff withdrew to disable the sheriff's car, Mills attacked the remaining suspect. The man holding a gun on the deputy turned and shot Sheriff Mills and the deputy. The suspects were captured after a long chase and gun battle near Pueblo, Colorado. Sheriff Mills died three days after he was wounded.
Reason S. Monroe
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Hutchinson
County: Reno
Death Date: 7/2/1924
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
On July 1, 1924, following reports of a family disturbance, Officer Monroe arrived at the Maynor Cheek home to find that Cheek had pistol whipped his wife, taken their child, and gone to a store. When Monroe approached Cheek, who still had his son with him, Cheek fired. Because of the child, Monroe did not return fire. Monroe died the next day. Police Officers, the National Guard, guards from the reformatory and citizens engaged in manhunt for Cheek. He was captured two hours later after the incident. He received a life sentence for murdering Monroe.
George C. Montgomery
Type of Officer: Santa Fe Railroad Special Officer
Jurisdiction: Santa Fe Railroad
County: Cowley
Death Date: 10/5/1901
Added to Memorial: 2007
Circumstances of Death:
On the night of October 5, 1901, Santa Fe Special Officer George C. Montgomery sat at a table in his Winfield home preparing his weekly reports for the Santa Fe Railway home office in Topeka. From directly outside his sitting room window an unknown assailant fired a shotgun blast killing him instantly. Numerous threats had been made by cowboys against Special Officer Montgomery's life because of his investigations. One such threat against his life had been inscribed on a brick at the Santa Fe depot in Winfield prior to his death. Several individuals were subsequently arrested and trials held however no one was ever convicted of Montgomery's death.
Allen Moore
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Lawrence
County: Douglas
Death Date: 5/22/1901
Added to Memorial: 1997
Circumstances of Death:
Lawrence Police Officer Allen Moore was in the Union Pacific Telegraph Office in the early morning of May 22nd. It was a practice in the Lawrence Police Department at this time to move ones pistol around in from when on duty at night, so that it could be more readily be available when needed. As he stooped to pick up his hat, which had fallen off as he was preparing to leave the depot, the revolver fell out and was discharged hitting him in the stomach. He died later in the morning.
Martin Moore
Type of Officer: Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Morton County
County: Morton
Death Date: 7/22/1916
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Sheriff Moore had been called to investigate a public disturbance call at a Rolla residence. After the sheriff arrived at the house, he was attacked and beaten by several individuals. Then, Don Van Wormer held a shotgun on Moore and ordered him off the property. The sheriff obtained a warrant for Van Wormer's arrest, returned and attempted to place the suspect in custody. However,four of Van Wormer's friends attacked Sheriff Moore, enabling Van Wormer to return to the house, acquire a shotgun and shot Sheriff Moore. The sheriff was killed instantly.
John T. Morgan
Type of Officer: Reserve Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Marion County
County: Marion
Death Date: 5/22/1979
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Reserve Deputy Sheriff Morgan answered a family disturbance call in the town of Goessel. His son was with him at the time. As Morgan exited his car, he was shot with a rifle and killed. As a result of the civil disturbance, the assailant also killed his ex-wife and wounded her boyfriend.
W. K. Morgan
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Sumner County
County: Sumner
Death Date: 9/22/1935
Added to Memorial: 1999
Circumstances of Death:
In the early morning hours of Sunday, September 22, 1935, Officer Morgan was making his rounds as night watchman in Belle Plaine A few days earlier, he had served papers on a local man whom he had known for some years and counted as a friend.The fact that Morgan had served the papers caused resentment which grew worse in the other man's mind after a Saturday night of heavy drinking. Around one in the morning the man attempted to get into a fight with Morgan but was talked out of it.Two hours later the man returned with a gun, took Morgan by surprise, and shot him. Officer Morgan died almost immediately. Forty-eight years of age, he was survived by his wife.
William Morris
Type of Officer: Police Sergeant
Jurisdiction: Kansas City
County: Wyandotte
Death Date: 9/2/1902
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
On his early morning patrol, Sergeant Morris routinely checked the Metropolitan Street Car barn. On September 2, he discovered two gunmen forcing the night watchman to open the safe. Morris struck one of the men, but as he attempted to draw his gun,the suspects opened fire, killing Morris and wounding the watchman.
John T. Moyer
Type of Officer: Chief of Police
Jurisdiction: Baxter Springs
County: Cherokee
Death Date: 5/24/1939
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Chief of Police Moyer was shot and killed while attempting to apprehend one Charles Kinzie, an escapee from an insane asylum. The owner of the hotel where Moyer found Kinzie was also wounded and later died from his injuries.
Otho H. Munger
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Smith County
County: Smith
Death Date: 09/27/1919
Added to Memorial: 2018
Circumstances of Death:
Deputy Sheriff Munger was shot and killed on September 27, 1919 while attempting to arrest two men suspected of robbing banks and businesses in the Smith County area. A druggist by trade, Deputy Munger had been commissioned by the Smith County Sheriff after his store was robbed two weeks prior to his murder. It is believed that Deputy Munger recognized the men as they were driving near Athol, and was killed as he attempted to arrest them. Deputy Munger was 27 years old and was survived by his wife, Iva; son, Bernard; his father; his mother; and his sister.
Maureen Gentry Murphy
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Bonner Springs
County: Johnson
Death Date: 1/31/1986
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
The second woman police officer killed in the line of duty in Kansas was Officer Murphy. At work in her patrol car filling out reports, she was killed by a sniper who shot through the window of the car with a high-powered rifle. The suspect apprehended for the murder hanged himself in his cell. Officer Murphy's husband was a Kansas City, Kansas, police detective.
Stacy Annette Murrow Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Linn County
County: Linn
Death Date: 12/27/2021
Added to Memorial: 2022
Circumstances of Death: COVID-19
Stacy Annette Murrow, age 49, a 21-year veteran sheriff’s deputy with
the Linn County Sheriff’s Office, had been responding daily to work
assignments and calls for service involving persons who had or were
suspected of having COVID-19. In December 2021, Deputy Murrow tested
positive for COVID-19 and was hospitalized. Following hospitalization,
she returned home for a brief stint before having a relapse.
On December 27, 2021, following a short courageous battle with the COVID virus,
Deputy Murrow succumbed to medical complications resulting from her COVID exposure. Deputy Murrow is survived by her wife and daughter.
George R Nettleingham
Type of Officer: Chief of Police, Fire Chief
Jurisdiction: Hoisington
County: Barton
Death Date: 11/29/1968
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
When a Hoisington cafe caught fire on Thanksgiving night, Chief of Police Nettleingham, who was also the fire chief, directed the fire fighting and general control efforts throughout the night. He succumbed to a heart attack immediately after the fire was extinguished.
Charles H. Newman
Type of Officer: City Marshal
Jurisdiction: Hugoton
County: Stevens
Death Date: 10/15/1931
Added to Memorial: 1988
Circumstances of Death:
Marshal Newman arrested one H. L. McBee for public drunkenness as he was on a general rampage around town. On the way to the jail McBee wrestled Newman's gun from him and shot him in the abdomen. He died three days later.
Kent Newport
Type of Officer: Kansas Highway Patrol
Jurisdiction: Maize
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 10/27/2014
Added to Memorial: 2016
Circumstances of Death:
Technical Trooper Kent Newport died on October 27, 2014 after assisting in the capture of a burglary suspect involved in a high-speed pursuit. At approximately 1:30 p.m., Trooper Newport deployed a tire deflation device along K-96 Highway near Maize, Kansas in an attempt to stop the suspect vehicle, which was fleeing in excess of 100 MPH. Subsequently, his supervisors were advised that Newport had become seriously ill and was transported to the hospital where he succumbed to a massive heart attack.
Luke D. Nihart
Type of Officer: Park Ranger
Jurisdiction: Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks
County: Riley
Death Date: 6/26/2010
Added to Memorial: 2011
Circumstances of Death:
Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks Ranger Luke D. Nihart was killed when his all-terrain vehicle went out of control and crashed as he was working an event at Tuttle Creek State Park on June 26, 2010. Park Ranger Nihart began his services with the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks after graduating from the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center in December 2000. Luke was awarded the KDWP Award of Valor in 2005 and the Kansas Recreation and Parks Service Award in 2003 and 2004. Park Ranger Nihart was 32 years old at the time of his death. He is survived by his wife, Keri Lynn, children Hunter and Brooke, and other loving family members.
Thomas C. Nixon
Type of Officer: Assistant City Marshal
Jurisdiction: Dodge City
County: Ford
Death Date: 7/21/1884
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Well-known former buffalo hunter Nixon had a long running feud with another well-known character, "Mysterious" Dave Mather, who was a former assistant marshal. For unknown reasons, Nixon had shot at Mather three days prior to the fatal incident. While Nixon was on night patrol on July 21, 1884, Mather fatally shot Nixon. Although a personal feud certainly was involved,Nixon was assistant marshal and on patrol when Mather ambushed and killed him.
Elmer L. Nonnast
Type of Officer: Game Warden
Jurisdiction: Newton
County: Harvey
Death Date: 5/8/1974
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Warden Nonnast and another game warden were patrolling the Arkansas River investigating reported illegal snagging and hand fishing. They arrested one person, and as they were leaving, they observed another group of fishermen illegally hand fishing.One member of the group fled, and Nonnast pursued on foot. Upon returning to the remaining violators, he became engaged in a violent argument. When the officers left the scene, Nonnast suffered a heart attack and later died at a hospital.
Edward Nugent
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Kansas City
County: Wyandotte
Death Date: 8/2/1943
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Officer Nugent was on his way home when a young woman stopped him to report that a man had tried to force her into an alley. Nugent located the suspect, searched him, and took him into custody. While en route to the jail, the suspect produced a revolver and shot Nugent. Nugent later died at the hospital.
Conroy G. O'Brien
Type of Officer: Kansas Highway Patrol
Jurisdiction: Matfield Green
County: Chase
Death Date: 5/24/1978
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Trooper O'Brien of the Highway Patrol had stopped a car, occupied by three people, for speeding near Matfield Green. He was killed by two gunshots during the stop, and was later found by a truck driver. Later that same day, after a massive manhunt, law officers captured the three men, who were wanted for a string of armed robberies.
Vernon E. Ogden
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Wichita
County: Sedgwick County
Death Date: 7/5/1927
Added to Memorial: 2003
Circumstances of death:
Officer Ogden was pursuing a speeder on his motorcycle on Cleveland Ave., when he crashed into the side of a fast-moving Frisco passenger train. Officer Ogden died the following day from injuries received in the collision.
Theodore James Ohlemeier Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Colwich
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 12/8/2021
Added to Memorial: 2022
Circumstances of Death: COVID-19
Theodore James Ohlemeier, age 58, a 33-year veteran police officer served
with the City of Colwich for the past three years. During late November, 2021,
Officer Ohlemeier had been responding to calls for service and making arrests
involving persons who had or were suspected of having COVID-19. In early December
Officer Ohlemeier tested positive for COVID-19 and was hospitalized. On December 8, 2021,following a very short, courageous battle with the COVID virus, Officer Ohlemeier
succumbed to medical complications resulting from his COVID exposure. Officer Ohlemeieris survived by his daughter and sister.
Jonah Oswald
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Fairway Police Department
County: Johnson County
Death Date: 8/7/2023
Added to Memorial: 2024
Circumstances of death: Jonah Oswald, age 29, a veteran police officer served as a patrol officer with the Fairway Police Department for 4 years. At 7:30am on August 6, 2023, Lenexa police officers responded to reports of a stolen vehicle. As responding officers attempted to apprehend the male and female suspects, the stolen vehicle struck a Lenexa patrol car. Officers from neighboring agencies, including the Fairway Police Department, responded to assist in the pursuit which ended when the suspects crashed their vehicle and ran inside a convenience store. When Officer Oswald and other responding officers entered the store attempting to arrest the fleeing suspects, gunfire erupted. Officer Oswald, critically wounded during the gunfire exchange, succumbed to his wounds the following day. The male suspect was shot and killed; the female suspect was taken into custody. Officer Oswald is survived by his wife and two sons.
William H. Owens
Type of Officer: Corrections Officer
Jurisdiction: Lansing
County: Leavenworth
Death Date: 10/5/1905
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
On October 4, 1905, Officer Owens had taken prisoner W. B. Cunningham to do survey work outside the penitentiary. In an escape attempt, Cunningham assaulted the officer by delivering a severe blow to Owen's solar plexus. The inmate was quickly captured and was charged with felonious assault and murder. The blow to Owens resulted in internal bleeding and a heart attack. He died the day after the assault.
Marcus L. Parker
Type of Officer: Deputy US Marshall
Jurisdiction: Silverdale
County: Cowley
Death Date: 03/22/1873
Added to Memorial: 2018
Circumstances of Death:
Deputy United States Marshal Marcus L. Parker was shot and killed during a gun battle on March 22, 1873, as he and other law enforcement officers attempted to arrest a group of suspected horse thieves near Silverdale in southern Cowley County. One of the suspected thieves ws convicted of manslaughter for the death of Marshal Parker and sentenced to three years in prison. Another suspect, who was shot and wounded during the gunfight, was taken from law enforcement officers by a group of armed citizens and hanged several days after Marshal Parker's murder.
Elmer M. Parmer
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Leavenworth County
County: Leavenworth
Death Date: 8/28/1960
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
A speeding vehicle that Deputy Sheriff Parmer was chasing collided with a motorcycle and struck a power pole. As Parmer and a passing driver were attempting to clear an electrical wire from the roadway, Parmer was electrocuted.
Tony Patterson
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Topeka
County: Shawnee
Death Date: 10/12/1995
Added to Memorial: 1996
Circumstances of Death:
Shortly before 3:00 A.M. on the morning of October 12, 1995, officers from the Topeka Police Department approached the front door of an apartment in central Topeka. The exterior door was locked, and Officer Patterson swung a battering ram once,splitting the door in two. Inside the large unlit foyer, Officer Patterson struck the apartment door of the suspected drug dealer three times with the ram before a vertical panel flew into the apartment. The officer paused to adjust his grip, and as he continued to swing the battering ram a shot rang out from inside the apartment. Officer Patterson was struck by a bullet that passed through his upper left arm, then entered his chest. The suspect was shot by officers and apprehended at the scene. Officer Patterson died instantly from his wounds. He was wearing a protective vest at the time of the shooting.
Ed Payne
Type of Officer: Chief of Police
Jurisdiction: Garnett
County: Anderson
Death Date: 7/22/1947
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Garnett Chief of Police Payne stopped a speeder in Garnett. The suspect, Edward Smerchek, while seated in his car, shot and killed Payne. He fled but was located by the sheriff, the undersheriff and the fire chief. As the three drove into Smerchek's yard, shots were fired and the undersheriff and fire chief were wounded. Smerchek had just been released from the army on a medical discharge and was drunk at the time of the shootings.
Donald Pittenger
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Pottawatomie County
County: Pottawatomie
Death Date: 4/27/1986
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
On April 24, 1986, Deputy Pittenger was dispatched to a residence northeast of St. George to investigate a domestic disturbance between two males and a female. Shots had been fired. With assistance of Wamego and St. George police officers, Pittenger separated the individuals and secured two weapons. While taking statements, Deputy Pittenger complained of feeling ill, went to his car, and collapsed. He died as a result of a stroke three days later.
Maurice R. Plummer
Type of Officer: Kansas Highway Patrol
Jurisdiction: Hays
County: Ellis
Death Date: 12/16/1944
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Trooper Plummer, the first Kansas Highway Patrol officer to die in the line of duty, was fatally injured in an automobile accident near Hays.
Irvin Powell
Type of Officer: Jailer/Dispatcher
Jurisdiction: Haskell County
County: Haskell
Death Date: 3/19/1995
Added to Memorial: 1995
Circumstances of Death:
Powell, a jailer and dispatcher, was shot twice during a jailbreak on March 17th at the Haskell County Jail. The three escapees were on work detail when they stole a .22 caliber pistol by using a hand grinder to cut through a lock on a gun cabinet. They then used to gun to shoot Powell. They were later apprehended in Colorado. Sheriff Dennis Quimby stated that Powell did have the power of arrest and was a police reserve officer as well as a dispatcher.
Samuel C. Pratt
Type of Officer: Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Thomas County
County: Thomas
Death Date: 8/24/1925
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Two robbers on a two-state crime spree had killed a police officer in North Platte, Nebraska and were headed for the Kansas line. A posse led by Sheriff Pratt blockaded the road north of Colby. When the bandits stopped their car, the sheriff approached the side of the car and was shot and killed. The two men made their escape with a posse of cars, airplanes and ground searches in pursuit. One of the assailants was captured in New Mexico and the other was killed in Oklahoma.
Ferdinand F. Pribbenow
Type of Officer: Kansas Highway Patrol
Jurisdiction: El Dorado
County: Butler
Death Date: 7/11/1981
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Trooper Pribbenow was shot and fatally wounded during a routine traffic stop on the Kansas Turnpike north of El Dorado. Pribbenow had pulled over George Eric Rainey, of Wisconsin, for speeding. As Pribbenow approached Rainey's car, Rainey opened the door and began firing at Pribbenow. Rainey fled the scene and minutes later was cornered in Wichita by Wichita police. There, he shot at officers, who returned fire, wounding the suspect. Rainey was sentence to life in prison for the death of Trooper Pribbenow.
T. Wilson Pringle
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Lawrence
County: Douglas
Death Date: 10/16/1909
Added to Memorial: 1990
Circumstances of Death:
T. Wilson Pringle, Lawrence police officer, was shot Monday October 11, 1909 by Earl Bullock and died at Simmon's Hospital in Lawrence, October 16, 1909. Bullock reportedly despondent after his fiancee broke off their engagement broke into Albert Nollers' 2nd hand shop in Lawrence and stole two guns which he later used to rob the State Bank of Eudora of approximately$1,000. Although Deputy Sheriff Woods had gone to Eudora to arrest Bullock, prior to the bank robbery, Bullock got the jump on him and locked both Woods and Cashier Wilson in the vault. Bullock returned to Lawrence and officer Pringle, acting on a tip,went to a house at 1201 Haskell where Bullock was living to arrest him for the 2nd hand shop robbery. He knew nothing of the bank robbery. Pringle knocked on the door and was instantly shot in the neck. He was taken to the hospital but died five day slater. Bullock joined with an accomplice and robbed the Eudora bank again on November 12, 1909. When cornered by a posse one was captured and Bullock shot himself. He died the next day.
James O. Pugh
Type of Officer: Police Lieutenant
Jurisdiction: Wichita
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 8/16/1930
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Lieutenant Pugh was on motorcycle patrol and was killed in a traffic accident.
Alexander Ramsey
Type of Officer: Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Ellis County
County: Ellis
Death Date: 6/7/1875
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Ellis County Sheriff Ramsey, noted for his effectiveness as an officer, was traveling to Stockton in Rooks County, with Deputy Sheriff Frank Shepherd, to recover stolen property. As they traveled they noticed a fresh horse trail. Aware that one of the West's most wanted men and horse thieves, Henry "Dutch Henry" Born(e) was operating in the area, they decided to follow the
trail. Entering Stockton, they observed two men selling horses. As the sheriff and deputy approached, one of the men, named Deems, fired. Ramsey was mortally wounded by was able to shoot and kill Deems. The other man, William Stanley, escaped but had been wounded by the deputy sheriff. Stanley was later captured near Kirwin. It was discovered that the horses had been stolen from Indians, and therefore "technically" the two were not guilty of any crime. Stanley was later tried for assaulting a police officer and found not guilty.
Will C. Reed
Type of Officer: Railroad Special Agent
Jurisdiction: Wichita
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 7/4/1920
Added to Memorial: 2002
Circumstances of Death:
At 3:00 a.m. on July 4, 1920, Rock Island Railroad Special Agent Will C. Reed and his partner B. B. Collins received word that three men had broken into a freight car at Elbing, Kansas, stolen some cigarettes, and illegally boarded a freight train bound for Wichita. Agents Reed and Collins met the train when it arrived at the Wichita yards but did not immediately find the suspects. Agents Reed and Collins patrolled the railroad tracks in search of the men and soon saw the suspects emerge from a hiding place in the weeds. As the agents approached the men, one of the suspects pulled out a revolver and shot Agent Reed, killing him instantly. Agent Collins, unharmed, returned fire as the suspects fled across a field. The three men were found and arrested a few hours later. Special Agent Reed was forty-two years old at the time of his death. He was survived by his wife and two children.
James L. Reynolds
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Wyandotte County
County: Wyandotte
Death Date: 8/4/1984
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Deputy Sheriff Reynolds, a member of the motorcycle division, was assisting in the pursuit of a fleeing traffic offender. He lost control of his cycle and in the accident he received massive internal injuries. Normally a full-time booking officer, Reynolds had voluntarily worked with officers on the motorcycle unit.
William H. Rich
Type of Officer: Police Office
Jurisdiction: Pratt
County: Pratt
Death Date: 6/21/1929
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Around 1:00 a.m., as Officer Rich was painting a "No U Turn" sign on a street, he was struck by a car and killed. In the darkness, the driver of the car had been unable to see Rich.
Forrest E. Richards
Type of Officer: Undersheriff
Jurisdiction: Butler County
County: Butler
Death Date: 9/23/1962
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Undersheriff Richards had returned to duty directing the Augusta office of the sheriff's department after recuperating from a heart attack suffered on April 18. On September 23, he stopped a driver for drunk driving. After placing the suspect under arrest, Richards left the man in order to move the driver's car from the road. As he did, the suspect fled. Richards fired a shot over the fleeing man's head, radioed for assistance, and began a foot chase. He ran about one hundred feet, collapsed and died from a heart attack.
G. Milton Rickman
Type of Officer: Undersheriff
Jurisdiction: Coffey County
County: Coffey
Death Date: 5/6/1930
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
An armed and suspicious acting man was observed boarding a train without a ticket. Undersheriff Rickman ordered him off the train and to surrender the gun he was carrying. The suspect, Clarence Hays, fatally shot Rickman and wounded City Marshal George Griffith. Hays, wanted for escape from General Hospital in Kansas City, had robbed two cab drivers and had forced one to transport him to Burlington. Following Rickman's death, Hays was located and killed by a posse.
Cory A. Ricks
Type of Officer: Detention Officer
Jurisdiction: Seward County
County: Seward
Death Date: 1/13/2006
Added to Memorial: 2006
Circumstances of death:
Detention Officer Cory A. Ricks was transporting a young prisoner from the Finney County Detention Center in Garden City back to Liberal. Ricks failed to stop for a gravel truck that had stopped in the highway, waiting to make a left-hand turn off of US 83 and slammed into the back of the truck. The accident resulted in his death and the death of his passenger Arielle Martinez-Eikenberry, aged 14.
James E. Roberts
Type of Officer: Deputy
Jurisdiction: Dunlap
County: Morris County
Death Date: 5/12/1900
Added to Memorial: 2003
Circumstances of death:
On the evening of May 12, 1900, James Edward Roberts and and another deputized Dunlap, Kansas citizen stationed themselves on the railroad bridge north of town in an attempt to capture two prisoners who had escaped from the Marysville prison. As Mr. Roberts peered over the edge of the bridge, one of the escaped prisoners, wielding a shotgun from ground level underneath the bridge, shot and killed Mr. Roberts. The fugitives fled the scene of the shooting but were captured two days later near Hartford. Mr. Roberts left a wife and several children.
Frank Rohrbach
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Wyandotte County
County: Wyandotte
Death Date: 8/6/1931
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Deputy Rohrbach received a citizen call at home to investigate two men who were observed with guns in their car. The deputy, in uniform, investigated and removed three guns from the car and one from a suspect. As he continued the search, the other suspect drew a weapon and fatally shot Rohrbach. It was nearly five years before the two suspects were apprehended.
Patrick Thomas Rohrer
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Wyandotte County
County: Wyandotte
Death Date: 6/15/2018
Added to Memorial: 2019
Circumstances of Death: On June 15, 2018, Deputies Patrick Rohrer and Theresa King were transporting a prisoner from a court hearing back to the Wyandotte County Correction and Court Services Building. As the deputies were removing the prisoner from the transport van in the building’s exterior sally port the prisoner disarmed and shot Deputy Rohrer. The prisoner then shot Deputy King during an exchange of gunfire. The prisoner was shot several times by Deputy King however survived the encounter. Deputy King and Deputy Rohrer’s valiant actions prevented the prisoner from escaping custody. Deputy Rohrer, 35 years old, succumbed to his wounds on June 15, 2018.
Deanna Hummel Rose
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Overland Park
County: Johnson
Death Date: 1/26/1985
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
On January 24, 1985, Officer Hummel-Rose had stopped a vehicle and was attempting to arrest the driver on suspicion of driving while intoxicated. She was fatally injured when the suspect driver knocked her to the ground and then intentionally struck her with the vehicle. She died two days later from the injuries. Hummel-Rose was the first woman officer to be killed in the line of duty in Kansas, and the only city officer to be killed in Overland Park. Prior to working for the Overland Park Police Department, she had graduated from Wichita State University in Criminal Justice,and had been a member of the San Diego, California County Sheriff's office.
Marion Ross
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Manhattan
County: Riley
Death Date: 3/10/1918
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Ross, on patrol in Aggieville, the campus town near Kansas State University in Manhattan, approached a drunk in the city park.When the officer tried to awaken him, the drunk's wife told Ross to stop. Milton Moorehead, a foreman of the laundry at Camp Funston, was with the drunk and his wife and came to their assistance. Moorehead fought with Ross, beating him severely.Ross was dead on arrival at the hospital.
Matthew Samuels
Type of Officer: Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Greenwood County
County: Greenwood
Death Date: 1/19/2005
Added to Memorial: 2006
Circumstances of Death:
Sheriff Matthew Samuels was serving a search and arrest warrant at a home in a remote part of Greenwood County. Scott Cheaver, the man for whom the warrant had been issued, fired on the officers present and Samuels was shot. He died at the scene. Samuels, 42, had served as a law enforcement officer for Greenwood County since 1986. He was a third generation lawman.
Clarence A. Sanger
Type of Officer: City Marshal
Jurisdiction: Moran
County: Allen
Death Date: 3/28/1942
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
While on his rounds, Marshal Sanger discovered two men attempting to break into a garage. Sanger, with pistol drawn,challenged them at the rear door. The suspects immediately fired at the marshal with a shotgun, killing him almost instantly.
Fred Schaumeyer
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Kansas City
County: Wyandotte
Death Date: 2/12/1948
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
On February 12, 1948, Officer Shaumeyer was investigating a report of a car parked on the Frisco railroad tracks. Perhaps because of the ice and snow, Shaumeyer fell from the bridge and was killed.
Charles Schram
Type of Officer: Night Marshal
Jurisdiction: El Dorado
County: Butler
Death Date: 7/13/1915
Added to Memorial: 1988
Circumstances of Death:
Night Marshal Schram climbed the stairs leading over Wiley's Smoky House the morning of June 28, 1915 to investigate a noise. He was slugged as he reached the top by an unknown assailant. He fell to the bottom of the stairs suffering further injuries. Schram died 16 days later.
Earl Scothorn
Type of Officer: Special Officer
Jurisdiction: Santa Fe Railroad
County: Johnson
Death Date: 11/13/1927
Added to Memorial: 2007
Circumstances of Death:
Several weeks prior to his death on November 13, 1927, Santa Fe Railway Special Officer Earl Scothorn was on duty in the Santa Fe Railway yards in Argentine when he received injuries believed to have been a result of being struck by a train. T Special officer Scothorn was 32-years-old at the time of his death. Prior to working for Santa Fe, he had been a Lawrence, Kanss police officer.
Edward Scotten
Type of Officer: Deputy Policeman
Jurisdiction: Hunnewell
County: Sumner
Death Date: 9/2/1884
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Deputy Ed Scotten was killed when he attempted to disarm four cowboys who were "shooting up" the town. On August 12,1884, he was shot in the neck, which resulted in paralysis. He died of his injuries on September 2, 1884.
Robert C Scudder
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Wichita
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 11/27/1923
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
On November 24th, 1923, Office Scudder was responding to a disturbance call at a dance hall. Proceeding up the stairs, hemet Ray Foor, whom he halted and attempted to body search. The suspect pulled a gun and fired, wounding Scudder, and then fled. Another officer followed in pursuit. Officer Scudder died three days later of his wound.
H. C. Seaman
Type of Officer: City Marshal
Jurisdiction: Baxter Springs
County: Cherokee
Death Date: 11/7/1870
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
A “fallen woman” by the name of Nellie Starr, who is listed in the Cherokee County census as operating a brothel, became involved in an argument with two Texas cattle drovers at the Wiggins House Hotel. She fired a pistol at one of the men. Marshal Seaman attempted to arrest Starr, but several more shots were fired and one of the Texans shot the marshal. Before Seaman died, he seriously wounded one of the suspects. During the shooting, the owner of the Wiggins House was wounded and the hotel caught on fire. Marshal C. M. Taylor was appointed by Mayor J. R. Boyd to succeed Seaman. On June 29, 1872, Mayor Boyd shot and killed Marshal Taylor in a dispute.
Wayne L. Selle
Type of Officer: Corrections Officer
Jurisdiction: U.S. Penitentiary, Leavenworth
County: Leavenworth
Death Date: 7/31/1973
Added to Memorial: 2006
Circumstances of Death:
Corrections Officer Wayne L. Selle was stabbed to death during an inmate disturbance that started in “A” cellblock. Hooded inmates then took four hostages and demanded an audience with Warden Loren Daggett and representatives of the press. The hostages were released after the warden agreed to meet with a committee of the inmates.
William Semans
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Ellsworth
County: Ellsworth
Death Date: 8/2/1869
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Ellsworth city policeman William “Apache Bill” Semans was attempting to stop a row at the dance hall and was killed during the attempt. No other information has been located.
Albert T. Shenneman
Type of Officer: Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Cowley County
County: Cowley
Death Date: 1/25/1883
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Sheriff Shenneman had received notice that Charles Cobb, who had killed Valley Falls Marshal Daniel Weiser, was traveling in his direction. Cobb, working at a ranch near Udall Station (now Udall) aroused suspicion of the owner when he kept loaded weapons close at hand. The rancher notified Shenneman. Using an assumed name, the sheriff went into the ranch house,observed Cobb, decided he was the wanted person and attempted to arrest him. Cobb, however, shot and killed Shenneman but was captured by the owner and ranch hands and taken to Winfield. When a large crowd gathered, Cobb was moved to Wichita for safekeeping. He was returned, however, to Winfield for a court hearing. A large mob again gathered, took him from the jail, and lynched him from the Kansas City, Lawrence and Southern Kansas railroad trestle. While in jail, Cobb explained that books on Jesse James and other "desperados" had influenced his spree of crime.
John Sherman
Type of Officer: Railroad Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Topeka
County: Shawnee
Death Date: 8/31/1927
Added to Memorial: 1997
Circumstances of Death:
Union Pacific Special Agent John Sherman was shot in the back August 17, 1927 by a youth after he had taken two youths from a train in the Topeka yards. He almost finished searching one man for weapons when the second pulled a gun and shot him. The two assailants escaped. Sherman would linger until August 31st when he died. The following year Vincent Williamson and Herman Lemp were implicated in the slaying. Williamson was already in jail at Hutchinson for the derailment of three trains. A fireman was killed in one of the derailments. Williamson admitted the shooting to Lemp while in jail. The cell had been bugged. As a result he pled guilty and was sentenced to the state penitentiary.
Clarence L. Shields
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Topeka
County: Shawnee
Death Date: 4/11/1955
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Officer "Boots" Shields, who was either responding to a tip or was continuing an investigation into a burglary ring, made a patrol stop at the Moose Lodge Club in North Topeka. He surprised burglars on the roof of the lodge and was mortally wounded by them. Shields managed to return their fire, wounding one of the suspects. The investigation into Shields' killing and arrest of suspects led to the disbanding of a large burglary ring.
George Shindle
Type of Officer: Special Agent
Jurisdiction: Union Pacific Railroad
County: Logan
Death Date: 7/3/1916
Added to Memorial: 2007
Circumstances of Death:
On June 21, 1916 Union Pacific Railroad Special Agent George Shindle was stabbed by a railroad worker in the Union Pacific Railroad yards in Oakley while investigating reports of someone peddling liquor on railroad property. Shindle was treated for his wounds by a physician in Oakley, was transferred to a hospital in Denver where he died. Agent Shindle had been an employee of Union Pacific for 12 years and was survived by his wife and two sons.
Carl A. Simons
Type of Officer: Chief of Police
Jurisdiction: Leoti
County: Wichita
Death Date: 5/25/1976
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
North of Leoti, Chief Carl Simons stopped a car driven by Richard McCowan, who was in violation of parole. A general requestor McCowan's arrest had been circulated, and Simons stopped McCowan on that charge. McCowan, who had his children with him in the car, was handcuffed by Officer Simons and was taken to the officer's car, but McCowan returned to his car to check on his children. At his car, McCowan retrieved his gun (probably given to him by one of his children) and walked back to the police car. While still handcuffed, McCowan engaged in a struggle with Simons, and Simons was shot and killed. When Simons did not report in from duty, his wife went to look for him and found him. McCowan was captured in Eads, Colorado, three hours after the incident.
Jube Simpson
Type of Officer: Night Marshal
Jurisdiction: Lenora
County: Norton
Death Date: 11/21/1932
Added to Memorial: 1988
Circumstances of Death:
Although there were no witnesses to the killing it is believed that Night Marshal Simpson was overpowered at the Home Oil Station in Lenora by two men who had intended to loot various businesses in town. Two Colorado men were later charged in the killing but the case was dismissed.
Hugh H. Siverd
Type of Officer: Constable
Jurisdiction: Winfield
County: Cowley
Death Date: 10/25/1893
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Constable Siverd arrested bootlegger Wilbur Norton on a warrant, and was taking him to jail when they were confronted by Morgan Wright, a friend of Norton's. Wright ordered Siverd to release Norton. Norton jumped to one side and Wright shot and killed the constable. A gold star in the sidewalk marks the spot of Siverd's death.
Samuel A. Smith
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Franklin County
County: Franklin
Death Date: 7/23/2010
Added to Memorial: 2011
Circumstances of Death:
Franklin County Sheriff’s Deputy Samuel A. Smith was killed en route to a domestic disturbance call near the City of Pomona on July 23, 2010. Deputy Smith lost control of his patrol vehicle, left the roadway and struck a tree. Deputy Smith began his service with the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office in November 2009 and graduated from the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center in the spring of 2010. Prior to joining the Sheriff’s Office, Sam was known for his community service work. The Ottawa City Commission recognized his volunteer service by observing November 12, 2001 as Sam Smith Day. Deputy Smith was 22 years old at the time of his death. He is survived by his mother, Kathleen.
Thomas J. Smith
Type of Officer: Chief of Police
Jurisdiction: Abilene
County: Dickinson
Death Date: 11/2/1870
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Thomas Smith, chief of police of Abilene, was well known for his effectiveness in that position. During the last week of October 1870, Smith, who was also an appointed deputy sheriff, was asked to serve a warrant for the re-arrest of a murder suspect,Andrew McConnell. Smith may have been acting in any one of his official capacities. McConnell lived in a dugout outside of town. Chief Smith and Officer James McDonald went to the location to serve the warrant. At the site, McConnell’s friend, a man named Miles who had given false testimony to originally save McConnell from prosecution,was with him. When Smith informed McConnell he had a warrant for his arrest, McConnell shot Smith through the right lung. Smith in turn wounded McConnell and they began to grapple. Miles truck Smith in the head, grabbed an axes and cut his “head nearly from his body.” Officer McDonald immediately returned to Abilene and a posse was raised. Several days later, police magistrate C. C. Kuney and James Gainsford, two of the original posse, captured McConnell and miles north of Clay Center with the assistance of Clay County Sheriff P. Rothman and two other men. The Abilene Chronicle wrote of Smith that he was “an officer who never shrank from the performance of his duty. He was a stranger to fear…..He came to this place last spring, when lawlessness was controlling the town…and soon order and quiet took the place of the wild shouts and pistol shots of ruffians who for two years had kept orderly citizens in dread for their lives…It will be a long time before his equal will be found in all the essentials required to make a model police officer…In years to come there will be those who will look back to the days when it required brave hearts and strong hands to put down barbarism in this new country and among the names of the bravest and truest [will be Tom Smith].”
William Smith
Type of Officer: Special Agent
Jurisdiction: U.S. Treasury Department
County: Crawford
Death Date: 12/25/1937
Added to Memorial: 2007
Circumstances of Death:
U.S. Treasury Department Special Agent William E. Smith suffered a head injury in a vehicle crash while he and another agent were pursuing a suspected bootlegger near Mulberry, Kansas on August 11, 1937. More than four months later, Smith was still under a doctor's care for injuries suffered in the crash. On December 22, 1937, Special Agent Smith suffered a stroke while on duty and died three days later. He was a 17 year veteran of the Treasury Department and a veteran of the U.S. Army. Special Agent Smith was survived by his wife.
Kenneth E Snider
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Sedgwick County
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 4/18/1997
Added to Memorial: 1998
Circumstances of Death:
Shortly after midnight, Sergeant Snider and three other officers of the Sedgwick County sheriff's office responded to a domestic disturbance at a house in the Oaklawn neighborhood just outside Wichita. Snider was the first to enter the house, and began trying to calm the occupants. As two other officers arrived, one of the occupants ran for the back door. During the ensuing struggle, officer Snider was stabbed in the shoulder. Mortally wounded, he died an hour later. Sergeant Snider was 48 years old. A native of Ellis, Kansas, he had been a Sedgwick County sheriff's deputy since 1976, serving earlier with the Wichita Police Department.
James A Spillman
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Lyon County
County: Lyon
Death Date: 8/4/1881
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Deputy Spillman had escorted an inmate named Edward Johnson to Johnson's former apartment at the latter's request to look for clothing. Johnson had been arrested the previous May on a variety of charges. At the time of his arrest he was described as a"walking arsenal," and the court had declared him insane. At the apartment, Spillman inventoried the contents of Johnson's trunk, finding four pistols and two butcher knives. He returned everything to the trunk and proceeded with Johnson into the yard. Johnson said he had to return to the apartment for something and before Spillman could react, Johnson went to the house and retrieved a pistol and knife. He fired at Spillman, but missed, then stabbed the deputy to death. Spillman died at the scene.
John M. Starnes
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Leavenworth
County: Leavenworth
Death Date: 7/13/1919
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Five men who were "joyriding" collided their car with another vehicle and then continued riding through the streets of Leavenworth. After many complaints were received, the Leavenworth Police Department began searching for the suspects. Upon locating them, Officer Starnes attempted to arrest the men, but was knocked from the running board of their car by a blow to the head. It was thought that a crankshaft was used to deliver the blow. Two of the men were captured shortly after the incident and the other three surrendered a week later. Starnes' injury was at first thought to be minor, but he deteriorated slowly and died nearly a week later.
George R. Stewart
Type of Officer: Railroad Special Agent
Jurisdiction: Union Pacific Railroad
County: Jefferson County
Death Date: 7/27/1918
Added to Memorial: 2024
Circumstances of death: George R. Stewart, age 57, a railroad special agent employed in his first year with the Union Pacific Railroad, was assigned bridge security duties near Perry, Kansas. During World War I, the railroad received frequent threats to bomb or sabotage railroad bridges that carried military troop trains. The railroad assigned special agents to security duties which required agents to cross bridges immediately behind passenger train movements to protect against potential threats. While performing his law enforcement duties at the railroad’s Delaware River bridge near Perry, Special Agent Stewart was following on foot behind a westbound troop train that had just passed. Agent Stewart failed to see an eastbound train which struck him, killing him instantly. Special Agent Stewart was survived by his wife, two daughters, two sons and three stepsons.
Roy Stewart
Type of Officer: Special Officer
Jurisdiction: Santa Fe Railroad
County: Harvey
Death Date: 1/9/1926
Added to Memorial: 2007
Circumstances of Death:
On August 9, 1921, while riding a locomotive through Newton's Sand Creek yards, Santa Fe Railway Special Officer Roy Stewart observed two trespassers. While he was questioning the trespassers, one of them fired two shots at Stewart, seriously wounding him. With the assistance of a posse and blood hounds, the two suspects were quickly arrested. As a result of the serious wounds inflicted, Special Officer Stewart died on January 9, 1926. He was 41-years-old at the time of his death.
John Stonebraker
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Salina
County: Saline
Death Date: 2/12/1917
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Responding to a call involving a public disturbance, Officer Stonebraker and Chief of Police Howard Burke entered a rooming house where the suspect was located. As the officers entered, the suspect opened fire, immediately killing Officer Stonebraker and wounding Burke.
Gregory A Stubbs
Type of Officer: Sheriff's Deputy
Jurisdiction: Shawnee County
County: Shawnee
Death Date: 6/29/1998
Added to Memorial: 2000
Circumstances of Death:
Shawnee County Sheriff’s Deputy Greg Stubbs died of a heart attack while on duty shortly after eight o’clock the evening of June 29, 1998. Deputy Stubbs had taken part in the first of several drug raids earlier in his shift when he began to feel ill. He had driven to a local convenience store for a soft drink and pain reliever. He was discovered slumped over the wheel of his patrol car by civilian passersby, but their efforts to resuscitate him were unsuccessful. Deputy Stubbs was a ten-year veteran of the Shawnee County Sheriff’s Department and had worked a second job as the Chief of Police of Auburn, Kansas.
William J. Talbott
Type of Officer: City Marshall
Jurisdiction: City of La Crosse
County: Rush County
Death Date: 2/1/1904
Added to Memorial: 2024
Circumstances of death: Gunshot William J. Talbott, age 55, a La Crosse City Marshal and Civil War veteran was shot and killed on February 1, 1904, by a local merchant who had been drinking for several hours before the tragic encounter. Marshal Talbott attempted to arrest the man for public intoxication after the prominent La Crosse merchant made verbal threats against the Marshal’s life. Marshal Talbott ordered the merchant to remain inside his place of business and to stay off the streets. Following a verbal altercation, the man retreated momentarily back inside his store only to return, shooting Marshal Talbott once with a Colt revolver. Talbott succumbed to his gunshot wound a few minutes later. The prominent merchant was convicted and sentenced to the Kansas Penitentiary at Lansing. La Crosse City Marshal Talbott was survived by his wife, and three living sons at the time of his death.
C. M. Taylor
Type of Officer: City Marshal
Jurisdiction: Baxter Springs
County: Cherokee
Death Date: 6/29/1872
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Mayor J. R. Boyd of Baxter Springs was involved in a dispute with the lumberyard owner over the mayor's debt. A fight ensued and the owner swore a warrant for Boyd's arrest. City Marshal Taylor was serving the warrant when an argument began and Mayor Boyd shot and killed Taylor. Marshal Taylor had been appointed by Boyd in November of 1870 to replace Marshal H. C. Seaman, who had been killed in the line of duty.
Pleasant E. Teel
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Herington
County: Dickinson
Death Date: 1/17/1960
Added to Memorial: 1992
Circumstances of Death:
Everett Teel, 53 year old Herington police officer died of a heart attack Sunday, January 17, 1960 after pursuing a reckless driving suspect on foot. The chase took place about 3:15 A.M. when the suspect turned around in the middle of the street, got out of his car and began running. Teel tackled the man after a chase of about a block and a half. He collapsed after he and Officer Dean Stroda had returned the suspect to the police station. He was taken to the hospital where he died. Medical authorities attributed the heart attack to the tussle with the prisoner. Teel joined the police force in October of 1957 and was a popular member of the force. He was survived by a wife and one son. In December of 1960 he was awarded the Medal of Merit for Valor at the Police Hall of Fame at Port Charlotte, Florida. The award was sponsored by the National Police Officers Association of America, the largest professional police organization in the U. S. at the time. Their new $75,000 Police Hall of Fame was located in Port Charlotte, Florida.
Bret D. Tepe
Type of Officer: Investigator
Jurisdiction: Ford County
County: Ford County
Death Date: 9/23/2003
Added to Memorial: 2004
Circumstances of death:
On the morning of September 23, 2003, Ford County Sheriff's Office investigator Bret D. Tepe was driving to meet with an agent from the Kansas Bureau of Investigation to conduct interviews. Investigator Tepe was traveling on Highway 50 west of Spearville wgen the right rear tire of an eastbound vehicle blew out. That vehicle went left of center, striking Investigator Tepe's vehicle head-on. Investigator Tepe was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident. The driver of the east bound vehicle also died in the accident. Bret D. Tepe was 37 years old at the time of his death. Investigator Tepe is survived by his wife, Angela, and three children.
John Teter
Type of Officer: Chief of Police
Jurisdiction: Oxford
County: Sumner
Death Date: 4/9/1995
Added to Memorial: 1995
Circumstances of Death:
Oxford Police Chief John Teter was critically injured April 2nd when he lost control of the vehicle he was driving while pursuing a suspect driving a stolen mini van. The high speed chase, which included units from Winfield Police Department and the Sumner County sheriff's office, continued and the suspect was later apprehended. Teter died from his injuries April 9th without
regaining consciousness.
E. Clay Thompson
Type of Officer: Patrolman
Jurisdiction: Leavenworth
County: Leavenworth
Death Date: 10/28/1925
Added to Memorial: 2018
Circumstances of Death:
Leavenworth Police Department Patrolman E. Clay Thompson was struck by a passing motorist on October 28, 1925 as he and another officer walked their beat on Second Avenue. Patrolman Thompson was transported to the hospital where he died from his injuries. The driver stopped immediately and cooperated with the investigation. Patrolman Thompson was survived by a son, John, three brothers, and a sister.
James D. Thornton
Type of Officer: Kansas Highway Patrol
Jurisdiction: Topeka
County: Shawnee
Death Date: 10/2/1973
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Trooper Thornton stopped to investigate a hitchhiker on I-70 east of Topeka, unaware that the man was wanted in New York for murder. The hitchhiker shot and killed Thornton, and was himself shot and killed by other officers after he refused to surrender.
Daniel D. Trail
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Beloit
County: Mitchell
Death Date: 6/25/1995
Added to Memorial: 1996
Circumstances of Death:
Several Beloit residents were riding the Solomon River in inner tubes. As they approached the river spillway in Beloit, two of them decided to go over the spillway and through the rapids. The Glen Elder dam was releasing a great deal of flood water from upstream at the time and the rain swollen rivers current was described at torrential. One individual was thrown clear of the rapids below the spillway but one was trapped in the backwater. Trail, a volunteer fireman and several others formed a human chain to try and reach the trapped individual. While straining to reach the individual the chain broke. Trail and the fireman fell into the water. The fireman was thrown clear but Trail was unable to reach safety and drown.
Andrew F. Turner
Type of Officer: Corrections Officer
Jurisdiction: U.S. Penitentiary, Leavenworth
County: Leavenworth
Death Date: 3/26/1916
Added to Memorial: 2006
Corrections Officer Andrew F. Turner was fatally stabbed by inmate Robert Stroud during the noon meal in the prison dining area. Authorities believed that Stroud stabbed Turner because the guard was going to put him on “report” for bad conduct.
John Van Horn
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Parsons
County: Labette
Death Date: 7/27/1899
Added to Memorial: 1994
Circumstances of Death:
Policeman Van Horn heard two shots fired near the Gulf depot in Parsons on the night of July 27th and went to investigate. Van Horn found four men in the vicinity and arrested one of them who was carrying a revolver. The three others fled the scene. On the way back to the jail one came back and was also subsequently arrested. In a block or so another of the original four was found to be sitting on a fence. When Van Horn went to pull him of the fence the killer fired twice mortally wounding Officer Van Horn. Van Horn returned fire striking his assailant J. W. Cook in the stomach. Cook would later survive his wounds and serve fifteen years in the Penitentiary at Lansing.
David L VanMeter
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Minneapolis
County: Ottawa
Death Date: 8/11/1977
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Officer VanMeter was probably on his way to check the city-county airport when his car careened off the highway in a heavy rain. He was killed instantly in the accident. VanMeter was the first officer in Ottawa County to die in the line of duty.
Robert H Vest
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Cowley County
County: Cowley
Death Date: 1/17/1964
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
While on patrol near Arkansas City, Deputy Vest was killed in a one car accident.
William E. Waers
Type of Officer: Rock Island Railway Police
Jurisdiction: Herington
County: Dickinson
Death Date: 1/11/1922
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Rock Island Railway policeman Waers was brought to Herington to assist in an ongoing investigation concerning nine murders in the railroad yards over the past five years. Waers, it was later learned, evidently interrupted two men stealing coal from the yards and was shot when he attempted to arrest them. Waers and other railroad police had been cooperating with local authorities at the time of his death. After his killing, additional railroad police were brought into the case and Waers' two killers were identified.
Wesley G Walden
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Wyandotte County
County: Wyandotte
Death Date: 11/19/1955
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Walden, only nineteen days on the force, was riding with another officer at approximately 4 a.m. when they responded to an accident call. While en route, their patrol vehicle struck the rear of a truck parked along the roadside near Muncie. The driver of the truck had stopped to aid another motorist and the rear of his truck was left protruding onto the roadway. Walden was killed in the accident, and the other officer was severely wounded.
J. B. Waldrupe
Type of Officer: Corrections Officer
Jurisdiction: Leavenworth
County: Leavenworth
Death Date: 11/16/1901
Added to Memorial: 1997
Circumstances of Death:
Three hundred and thirty eight prisoners were working at the new site for the federal prison just north of Leavenworth and two miles west of Fort Leavenworth and the federal prison. They were under the control of twenty seven guards. At approximately 3:30 P. M. a whistle sounded from a small steam engine inside the stockade. Thee inmates instantly dropped their tools and drew three Colts revolvers and marched up the superintendent's office. Superintendent Hinds and two guards were walked out of the building in font of the convicts. As they advanced additional guards were added to the human shield (no weapons were allowed within the stockade). The convicts charged one gun tower where all of the weapons were held and removed them and took the guard hostage. After being turned away from the west gate the convicts turned to the southwest corner of the stockade. One tower was rushed but the guards rifle did not fire. He was slightly wounded but they left him alone when he threw the rifle down. By this time the three hundred and fifty convicts who refused to joint the "Mutiny" were shouting and cheering while guards fired from twelve different towers. About one hundred yards east of the first tower was that of J. B. Waldrupe. The convicts started to fire but he was unable to return fire because of the captive guards. His tower was constructed of wood and offered little protection. He fell wounded in the hip. The tower was rushed and he rose to fire. Waldrupe killed one of the attackers. Almost instantly Waldrupe was struck in the head with a bullet. When the tower was rushed he was able to knock the first attacker down the ladder. The second attacker closed the trap door and protected the mortally wounded officer from his fellows. The captives were released about a quarter of a mile from the prison. The twenty six escapees spread out throughout the state and people from all walks of life went on the hunt. Many depredations were committed by the escapees, some of them were killed, but the majority were eventually captured. Waldrupe lingered nine days before he died.
R.G. Warnke
Type of Officer: Foreman
Jurisdiction: U.S. Penitentiary, Leavenworth
County: Leavenworth
Death Date: 6/20/1920
Added to Memorial: 2006
Circumstances of Death:
Foreman R. G. Warnke was fatally beaten by inmate Carl Panzram in the prison laundry room. The inmate struck Warnke in the head with a heavy flat iron.
Paul J. Weber
Type of Officer: Parole Officer
Jurisdiction: Kansas City
County: Wyandotte
Death Date: 10/19/1976
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Parole Officer Weber went to the home of a parolee at the mother's request to have her son move out. As Weber followed the parolee into the kitchen, the man seized a butcher knife and stabbed Officer Weber to death. The parolee was convicted of assault on a law enforcement officer and first degree murder.
Daniel Weiser
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Valley Falls
County: Jefferson
Death Date: 1/6/1883
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
The night prior to Weiser's death, Charles Cobb and another man had argued after a lyceum presentation, Cobb finally shooting at the other man. The assaulted man filed a charge and Officer Weiser went to the home of Charles Cobb to serve the warrant.Cobb was waiting and, as Weiser approached, Cobb shot and killed the officer. Cobb then made his escape and the Jefferson County sheriff issued a telegraphic bulletin. Near Udall a rancher became suspicious of one of his new workers and informed Cowley County sheriff A. T. Shenneman who investigated, recognized Cobb from the bulletin, and attempted to arrest him, but was shot and killed in the process. Cobb was captured and later lynched in Winfield. See entry under Shenneman.
A. O. Welfelt
Type of Officer: Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Cowley County
County: Cowley
Death Date: 1/28/1907
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Sheriff Welfelt had tracked murderer Louis Bloomfield to Ponca City, Oklahoma Territory. On November 22, 1906, as Welfelt approached Bloomfield, he drew his revolver and accidentally discharged the weapon into his own leg. After the accident,Welfelt continued to work diligently, even arresting a suspect in the murder of Arkansas City constable John Breene. He continued to overwork and at one point his deputies locked him in a cell to restrain him. Welfelt finally succumbed to the wound,which was complicated by other illnesses, on January 28, 1907, nearly three months after he had been shot. The wound had caused his retirement as sheriff prior to the elections and he was no longer an officer at the time of his death.
Isaac West
Type of Officer: Night Marshal
Jurisdiction: Gas City
County: Allen
Death Date: 12/15/1921
Added to Memorial: 1995
Circumstances of Death:
Marshall West was shot and killed in Gas City as he approached a local home owner in an attempt to serve an order given by the city council. The property owner had repeatedly refused to remove a section of barbed wire which he had strung across his sidewalk. West was shot without warning as he approached the house.
Fred Wheeler
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Kansas City
County: Wyandotte
Death Date: 9/1/1922
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Officer Wheeler and Sergeant Elmer Biggs observed several persons unloading tires from a parked truck. When the officers approached to investigate, the suspects opened fire, killing Biggs instantly and seriously wounding Wheeler. Wheeler later died at the hospital.
James R. White
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Junction City
County: Geary
Death Date: 11/18/1901
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Officers White and Robert Cooper were attempting to quell as disturbance created by Fourteenth Cavalry soldiers from nearby Fort Riley. The disturbance became violent and both officers were shot and killed by cavalry trooper W. B. Buchanan. The suspect later committed suicide in his cell.
Lee White
Type of Officer: Corrections Officer
Jurisdiction: Hutchinson
County: Reno
Death Date: 7/26/1928
Added to Memorial: 1997
Circumstances of Death:
Lee White a guard with the Hutchinson State Reformatory was in charge of a work detail on July 25, 1928 at the State Fairgrounds. The five inmates were involved with smoothing out the finishing coat of cement work on the new grandstands. They finished about 11:00 and began picking up tools. Just as White turned out a searchlight he was struck on the head by two of the inmates, Glenn Bellfield and Jake Schell, and knocked unconscious. The two escaped, changed clothes, shot a young girl in the cheek while commandeering her car, and left town. White regained consciousness and was treated by a local physician. After receiving the first aid White returned to the reformatory. Even though advised against it he was determined to join in the chase. Later that morning he took his brother's Lincoln Touring car, an inmate driver, and two other reformatory officers. The automobile was traveling at a high rate of speed when it approached a curve in the road. The driver realized that he would be unable to make the turn and determined to go straight. The car hit a stump and rolled two times. As it came to rest White was underneath it. He died at the scene while the others suffered minor injuries. After a cross country manhunt the two
assailants were captured after a shootout in Roswell, New Mexico on July 29, 1928.
Chauncey B. Whitney
Type of Officer: Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Ellsworth County
County: Ellsworth
Death Date: 8/15/1873
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
Whitney, well-known lawman and scout who had participated in the Battle of Beecher Island in 1868, became sheriff of Ellsworth County in 1871. Billy Thompson, buffalo hunter and general frontiersman, tried to start a fight over a card game. Whitney stepped in to stop the disturbance and Thompson shot him with a double-barreled shotgun. Thompson was quoted assaying, (when asked why he would shoot someone like Whitney), "I would have shot if it had been Jesus Christ."
Todd Michael Widman
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Brown County
County: Brown
Death Date: 3/1/2000
Added to Memorial: 2000
Circumstances of Death:
During the early evening of March 1, 2000, Brown County Deputy Sheriff Todd Widman responded to a report of a transient walking along U.S. highway 73 northeast of Hiawatha. Not finding anyone at that location, he continued patrolling the Hiawatha area. An hour later, he located an individual matching the earlier description walking east on Oregon Street in Hiawatha. Believing the young man to be a runaway juvenile, Deputy Widman placed the youth in the front seat of his canine cruiser. While en route to the Sheriff’s Department, the sixteen-year-old juvenile removed a handgun from his duffel bag and shot Deputy Widman multiple times. Deputy Widman managed to get out of the patrol car and radio a distress call before collapsing in a resident’s driveway near 12th and Oregon St. Emergency medical personnel took Deputy Widman to Hiawatha Community Hospital where he died of his wounds a short time later. Nearly three hours after the shooting, following a manhunt by several police agencies, the suspect was shot and killed after firing upon officers just west of Hiawatha. Deputy Widman, a lifelong Brown County resident, was twenty-one years old and a junior at Washburn University seeking a degree in criminal justice. He had worked for the Brown County Sheriff’s Department for nearly two years as a reserve officer and part-time deputy. He is survived by his mother and stepfather Brenda and Dean Wenger and his sister Jill Widman.
Ben Wiggins
Type of Officer: Night Marshal
Jurisdiction: Lyons
County: Rice
Death Date: 3/30/1936
Added to Memorial: 1988
Circumstances of Death:
Officer Wiggins was found dead on the morning of March 30 at the rear of the Williamson Brooks furniture store. It was apparent that he had surprised burglars in the store and was shot before he could act in defense.
Christopher C. Willems
Type of Officer: Deputy Sheriff
Jurisdiction: Sedgwick County
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 5/12/1991
Added to Memorial: 1992
Circumstances of Death:
Officer Willems was returning to police headquarters at the end of his shift at 11:00 P.M. when he stopped a van to question the three occupants. One of the occupants, Garland Deavers, had an outstanding pick up warrant out on him. He had no identification and gave the officer his brother's name. Willems was suspicious and obtained a waiver to search the van. The officer asked the occupants to step to the front of the van. He located a film canister of Marijuana and notified Garland Deavers that he was under arrest. Garland struck the officer and a fight ensued. A second occupant, Fred Wayne Deaver, took advantage of the confusion to grab a .357 revolver from the van and shoot the patrolman in the upper right thigh. As the officer lay on the ground Fred Deaver shot him through the head. The third occupant ran from the scene prior to the shooting and was not charged. The two Deaver's were convicted and sentenced to prison.
Mike Williams
Type of Officer: Policeman/Special Deputy
Jurisdiction: Abilene
County: Dickinson
Death Date: 10/5/1871
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
City Marshal James Butler "Wild Bill" Hickok became involved with a group of men when he attempted to quell their disturbance on the Abilene streets. Hickok warned the group and left. Later, when Phil Coe fired his revolver, Hickok thought the men,numbering about fifty, would likely cause a fight or a major disturbance. Hickok confronted Coe, both men drew their revolvers and began firing. In the midst of the gunfire, Mike Williams, evidently responding to assist Hickok, came around the corner of a building. In the dark, Hickok did not recognize the officer and Wild Bill mistakenly shot and killed Williams. The newspaper identified Williams as a policeman and as Hickok's deputy. Williams had been a city policeman but absolute proof that he was on the force at the time of his death cannot be located. It is probable that he was working as a special police officer for one of the halls, and still may have been on the city force. Hickok also may have asked him for assistance. Given the usual attitude toward law enforcement in that time period, it may be assumed that Williams was on the force, deputized by Hickok, or responding to assist an officer based upon his role as a special officer.
A. A. Wilson
Type of Officer: City Marshal
Jurisdiction: Sedan
County: Chautauqua
Death Date: 8/31/1899
Added to Memorial: 2009
Circumstances of Death:
Sedan, Kansas City Marshall A.A. Wilson was shot and killed on August 31, 1899 while attempting to serve an arrest warrant for horse stealing. Chautauqua County Sheriff O.G. Kizer was shot and wounded in the same incident by the suspect’s cousin. The cousins escaped the scene but a posse was organized and both were subsequently captured. According to news accounts at the time, A. A. Wilson had been city marshal and street commissioner of Sedan for approximately 15 years at the time of his death.
Alvin T. Wolf Jr.
Type of Officer: Sheriff's Patrol Sergeant
Jurisdiction: Butler County
County: Butler
Death Date: 4/19/1982
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
A semi-truck driver, involved in several hit and run accidents, was being pursued through Sedgwick County. As he approached the Butler County line, he encountered a roadblock that had been set up by the Butler County Sheriff's Department. The driver of the truck ran the roadblock and Deputy Wolf gave chase. Wolf passed the truck hoping to get in front and slow the truck down. The offending vehicle rammed the deputy's car several times, finally locking bumpers. The truck and patrol car left the road and rammed a house, killing Wolf instantly.
Evan Yoakum
Type of Officer: City Marshal
Jurisdiction: Fall River
County: Greenwood
Death Date: 4/5/1930
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
City Marshal Yoakum ordered Henry Giles, who was drinking and creating a disturbance, to leave town. Giles later returned armed with a double-barreled shotgun. When the marshal was informed that Giles was back, he met him in the street and ordered him to surrender. They both fired and Yoakum was killed instantly.
A. L. Young
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Wichita
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 11/5/1921
Added to Memorial: 1987
Circumstances of Death:
While walking a beat, Young was fired upon and killed from ambush by Eddie Adams. Adams was also responsible for the killings of two other Wichita officers, Robert Fitzpatrick and Charles Hoffman, later this same year.
Jeffrey A. Young
Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Kansas City
County: Wyandotte
Death Date: 8/1/1989
Added to Memorial: 1990
Circumstances of Death:
Jeffrey A. Young joined the Kansas City Police Force as a cadet in 1977 and was sworn in as a patrolman in 1980. Officer Young was struck by an automobile as he manned a roadblock on November 10th, 1988, he died on August 1, 1989.