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Kansas State Capitol - Online tour - Capitol Square

Kansas State Capitol grounds

The Kansas State Capitol is situated on 20 acres in a park-like setting. On the grounds you will find a number of statues, monuments, and memorials.

Free visitor parking is available on the first level of the underground parking garage. The entrance to the garage is near 8th and Harrison Streets. The Capitol Visitor Center is located on ground level near the elevator.

The space has changed a great deal over the years. In the 1860s a stone fence was erected to keep out feral animals. The first Arbor Day was celebrated in 1875 when hundreds of trees were planted. Since that time the landscaping and sidewalks have been modified many times.

Surrounding Capitol Square are many other state government offices including Landon State Office Building, Curtis State Office Building, Docking State Office Building, and the Kansas Judicial Center. Underground parking is available at the Capitol and accessible on 8th Avenue near Harrison Street.


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