Online collections
Many of the Kansas Historical Society's collections are available online. The Historical Society offers several digital portals, and also partners with others in presenting digital content. Find these online collections:
Kansas Memory digital collections - find hundreds of thousands of primary sources in our popular portal - photographs, maps, documents, objects
Civil War On The Western Border - a joint project with other Kansas and Missouri libraries
Territorial Kansas Online - a joint project with the University of Kansas
Newspapers - free online newspapers available through our digital partners; free access to Newspapers.com requires a Kansas driver’s license or state ID card.
Ancestry.com for Kansans - through a partnership with Ancestry.com, records from the State Archives are free for Kansans who login with a driver’s license or state ID card
National and State Register of Historic Places - list administered by the National Park Service of historically significant properties in Kansas
Building survey - the Kansas Historic Resources Inventory (KHRI) database, administered by the Historical Society, is a searchable inventory of the state’s surveyed historic properties
Kansas Historical Quarterly and Kansas Historical Collections - Kansas Historical Society publications
Kansas state agency publications - a joint project with the State Library of Kansas