Window Repair Videos
For decades, consumers have been led to believe that replacing their old wood windows with new vinyl, metal or clad windows will improve their home. Replacement windows have been marketed as energy efficient, and therefore environmentally friendly, and economical, by saving the homeowner money over the lifespan of the window. In reality, properly repaired wood windows can be equally energy efficient, are more environmentally friendly, are a better financial investment, and preserve one of the most important character-defining features of a historic home.
For the past several years, the SHPO staff has observed an increase in the number of our state’s historic properties that have been negatively impacted by replacement windows. While KSHS offers several financial incentives to aid in the restoration of listed properties, our agency has struggled to find effective ways to educate the public on this issue. Since neither KSHS nor the preservation community has millions of dollars to spend on print and television ad campaigns to counter the window replacement manufacturers and advocate the need to retain historic windows, we turned to a newer form of media, the Internet. The SHPO staff teamed up with two Kansas experts in window repair, Dennis Brown and Mike Goans of Lawrence, to produce five videos on window repair of the “do-it-yourself” homeowner.
The first two video segments are informational with the focus on understanding all the working parts of a window and how even minor fixes can promote energy efficiency. The next three videos address various step-by-step repairs, such as replacing broken sash cords, safely removing old windows and re-glazing windowpanes. A viewer will also learn how to use and appropriate epoxy mix to repair rotted and damaged wooden parts.
The videos are also located on You Tube. They include:
An Introduction
Anatomy of a Window
Sash Cord Repair
Epoxy Repair
Glazing Repair
If you have any questions about making repairs to your building and available financial incentives, please call the Cultural Resources Division at 785-272-8681, ext. 240.