National and State Registers of Historic Places
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County: Wabaunsee
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Alma Downtown Historic District

Alma (Wabaunsee County)
Listed in National Register Nov 6, 2009
Architect: unknown
Area of Significance: city hall; post office; meeting hall; commerce
Architectural Style(s): Commercial; Italianate; Romanesque; Late Victorian; Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movements
Alma's central business district is located along Highway 99 on Missouri Street between Second and Fifth Streets, and is characterized by two-story stone and brick commercial buildings from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The architectural character of the downtown was largely defined after 1887 when the Rock Island railroad built its main line along the southern edge of town and includes Italianate, Romanesque, and Commercial styles. Nearby stone quarries provided much of the building material for Alma's turn-of-the-century historic resources, and even today the town is known as "the city of native stone". The district is locally significant for its architecture and its reflection of the community's commercial building patterns associated with the economic growth when the town flourished as a rural railroad market center and county seat during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Beecher Bible and Rifle Church

Wabaunsee (Wabaunsee County)
Listed in National Register Feb 24, 1971
Architect: Not listed
Area of Significance: religious facility
Architectural Style(s): Other
Brandt Hotel

Alma (Wabaunsee County)
Listed in National Register Jul 2, 2008
Architect: Not listed
Area of Significance: vacant/not in use; hotel
Architectural Style(s): Italianate
Built in 1887 by Joseph and Cristena Brandt, the Brandt Hotel is a two-story native stone commercial building located on a prominent corner in downtown Alma. The building is nominated for its associations with the development of downtown Alma and its architectural significance. The building's Italianate-style features include an ornamental pressed metal cornice and smooth-cut stone blocks that accentuate the corner entrance to form quoins.
East Stone Arch Bridge - Lake Wabaunsee

Eskridge (Wabaunsee County)
Listed in National Register Dec 30, 2009
Architect: John Brink, WPA Engineer
Area of Significance: road-related
Architectural Style(s): Bridge
Thematic Nomination: Masonry Arch Bridges of KansasNew Deal-era Resources of Kansas
The idea for a recreational lake in Wabaunsee County was conceived in the 1920s and - with the help of Federal New Deal programs - finally became a reality in the late 1930s. Lake Wabaunsee's grand opening was held on August 26, 1939. A single paved roadway encircles the New Deal-era lake and includes two historic stone arch bridges. The construction of the three-arch stone bridge took place in 1937 and 1938 and was funded by the Works Progress Administration. The bridge is nominated to the National Register as part of the "Masonry Arch Bridges of Kansas" and "New Deal-Era Resources of Kansas" multiple property listings. Today, lakefront houses dating from the middle and late 20th century dot the perimeter. New Deal-era camp buildings are no longer extant and modern development prevents listing the entire lake site in the National Register. The East Bridge remains an integral part of the historic road system encircling Lake Wabaunsee.
Eskridge City Park & Bandstand

Eskridge (Wabaunsee County)
Listed in National Register Jan 6, 2017
Architect: Unknown
Area of Significance: music facility
Architectural Style(s): Other
The Eskridge City Park & Bandstand, built between June 1908 and March 1909, was nominated under Criterion A for its local significance in the area of Entertainment/Recreation. Standing in the approximate center of Eskridge City Park (established in 1903), the bandstand is the park's focal structure. The park and bandstand are associated with the most vigorous period of economic growth and community development in the history of Eskridge. Built primarily for use for the city band, the bandstand has a long history of use for other public and private social events, including Chautauquas, carnivals, city fairs, graduations, baccalaureates, and weddings. The period of significance begins with its construction in 1908 and extends to 1966, the 50-year convention to provide sufficient passage of time to evaluate eligibility.
Fix Farmstead

Alma (Volland vic.) (Wabaunsee County)
Listed in National Register Apr 14, 2015
Architect: Unknown
Area of Significance: Agricultural District
Architectural Style(s): Italianate
Thematic Nomination: Historic Agriculture Related Resources of Kansas
The Fix Farmstead is situated in a picturesque rural setting on a terrace above the West Branch of Mill Creek, less than a mile northeast of the unincorporated hamlet of Volland. The property is accessed by a long lane that extends from the gravel road. The farmstead is comprised of an impressive Italianate-style house, a tenant house, barn and granary, storage cellar, storm cellar, and garage. The German-American Fix family migrated to Wabaunsee County in 1860. Upon his return from service during the Civil War, John R. Fix married Rebecca Larch and settled on this land in Washington Township. The majority of extant farmstead features post-date 1880, likely representing the height of prosperity on the farm. It was nominated as part of the "Historic Agriculture-Related Resources of Kansas" multiple property nomination for its local significance in the areas of early settlement, agriculture, and architecture.
Grimm-Schultz Farmstead

Alma (Wabaunsee County)
Listed in National Register Oct 5, 2020
Architect: n/a
Area of Significance: agricultural outbuilding; domestic; single dwelling; Agricultural District
Architectural Style(s): Other
The Grimm-Schultz farmstead is a group of eight related structures and one related site on 18.5 acres located in Wabaunsee County, Kansas. Built between 1875 and 1915, the farmstead's historic buildings include five primary farm structures—a stone house, stone barn, stone corn crib/wash house, stone and frame granary, and a frame and concrete hay shed. Secondary structures include a cattle shed built along a stone wall, spring house ruins, stone walls, and a modern metal shed. The farmstead house and outbuildings are in good to excellent condition. They have received alterations since initial construction but retain their integrity of design, materials, and location.
Kratzer Brothers Store

Volland (Wabaunsee County)
Listed in State Register Feb 8, 2014
Architect: Unknown
Area of Significance: commerce
Architectural Style(s): Commercial
Brothers Bill and Otto Kratzer constructed this building in 1913 at a cost of $8,000 to house their general store, which served as the commercial center of Volland until it closed 1970. The development of Volland and the Kratzer Brothers store also reflects the railroad history of Wabaunsee County and the summer pasturing industry that developed in the area. Volland prospered in the early 20th century as a shipping point on the Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific Railroad for Texas cattle fattened on the prairie grass of Wabaunsee County pastures. Generally, the economy of Volland and its surrounding trade area was based on small-scale diversified farming and stock-raising. The area began to decline in the 1960s when the cattle-shipping industry bypassed Volland, and today only a few structures remain in the unincorporated village.
Mount Mitchell Heritage Prairie Historic District
Wamego (Wabaunsee County)
Listed in National Register Jul 7, 2022
Architect: Captain William Mitchell
Area of Significance: conservation area
Architectural Style(s): Other
The Mount Mitchell Heritage Prairie Historic District is locally significant under Criterion A for its associations with the exploration and settlement of Kansas as well as the development of agriculture in the state. The area of native prairie and the archaeological site included in the district is associated with the pre-history of the central Great Plains. The Fort Riley-Mount Mitchell Trail Segment and the Captain William Mitchell Farmstead are associated with the exploration and settlement of Kansas. The trail and Mitchell log house are associated with the Underground Railroad and free-state colonization of Kansas, which opposed pro-slavery settlers. Other buildings standing on the Mitchell farmstead are primarily associated with five of the nine historic contexts outlined in “Historic Agriculture-related Resources of Kansas” from the 1870s through 1941.15 The Mitchell and Fielding monuments are associated with commemorations that were popular in the period after World War II. The period of significance for the historic district is from 1856 to 1957.
Paxico Historic District

Paxico (Wabaunsee County)
Listed in National Register Oct 30, 1998
Architect: Not listed
Area of Significance: commercial district
Architectural Style(s): Other; Late Victorian
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