Kansas State Historical Records Advisory

The Kansas State Historical Records Advisory Board (KSHRAB) is a central advisory body for historical records planning and preservation. It oversees projects that support historical records programs in Kansas. It reviews grant applications from the state to the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC).
The Kansas State Historical Records Advisory Board (KSHRAB) works with organizations and individuals that create, preserve, and use records with enduring value to ensure the availability of these records to current and future audiences. The board assists these organizations by:
- providing educational opportunities
- identifying fiscal and other resources to assist with records preservation and access
- raising awareness of the challenges of preserving electronic records
- advocating for records preservation to resources allocators and Kansans.
2022-2023 Grants
Kansas Digital Access to Historical Records (KDAHR) Regrant Program
KSHRAB has established the Kansas Digital Access to Historical Records (KDAHR) Regrant Program to enhance online access to historical records and to increase digital literacy and citizen engagement with those historical records. KSHRAB is offering grants to Kansas historical records repositories that demonstrate a financial and programmatic need and a commitment to developing and/or implementing projects that will enhance online access to historical records. These projects may include digitizing collections and placing the digital content online, creating and publishing online finding aids to historical records collections, or developing/upgrading websites specifically designed to highlight the organization’s historical records and increase collections’ discoverability.
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Mission and Vision
The mission of the Kansas State Historical Records Advisory Board (KSHRAB) is to encourage organizations and individuals that create, preserve, and use records with enduring value. The vision of KSHRAB is to ensure the availability of the records with enduring value so current and future audiences can understand democracy, history, and culture. The board will undertake activities to assist these organizations by providing educational opportunities, identifying fiscal and other resources, promoting appreciation of the holdings of these organizations, raising awareness of the challenges of preserving records in the electronic format and advocating for records preservation to resource allocators and all Kansans.
The preservation of records presents a number of challenges as we become an increasingly digital society. Organizations need to be proactive in order to preserve records in electronic formats since the equipment to access the records changes constantly and file formats become obsolete as technology evolves. In addition, information is produced in greater quantities than ever before and users expect online access to this information. The board will encourage those charged with preserving records to join together to meet these challenges collaboratively.