Professional support
The current emphasis on reading and math often shortchanges history in the classroom. Let the Kansas Historical Society help integrate history education into a limited school day.
History Time: A Newsletter for Kansas Educators
Past issues of History Time: A Newsletter for Kansas Educators
Subscribe to History Time: A Newsletter for Kansas Educators to receive monthly electronic updates of lesson plans, videos, activities, and a wealth of other educational materials provided for Kansas teachers.
Kansas Historical Society Education on YouTube
The Kansas Historical Society's YouTube channel for educators offers educational resources, sing alongs, video tours, and more. Check back often for new additions.
KSHS Educational Resources - Let us tell you about the variety of educational resources we offer.
Archived recordings of our Museum After Hours lecture series offers you indepth information on a variety of subjects presented by a wide variety of historians and authors.
Find us at Conferences, Inservices, and Events
Anytime - Virtual Sessions and Inservices on KSHS Educational Resources
Are you having difficulties locating resources to teach Kansas history in your classroom? Book a virtual session with Assistant Director of Education and Outreach, Trae Johnson, to learn the ins and outs of kshs.org, find award-winning lesson plans, and locate over 730,000 primary sources. Instructional coaches, curriculum specialists, and teachers can email Trae at trae.johnson@ks.govto schedule a session.
Friday, February 2, 2024, 4:00-6:00 p.m., Topeka - St Matthews Resource Fair
- Education staff from the Kansas Museum of History and State Archives will share resources available through the Kansas Historical Society with teachers at Topeka area Catholic schools.
Saturday, February 17, 2024, Wichita - Kansas Social Studies Conference
- We will share information about the educational resources available through the Kansas Historical Society. Using traveling resource trunks in the classroom will be highlighted.
Thursday, March 7, 2024, 9:00-11:45 a.m. - Indian Hills Career Day
- During this career day our staff will share their personal museum related work experiences, answer students' questions, and demonstrate potential career paths for students in their local community.