List a property
The following is a step-by-step guide to the process for nominating a property in the National Register of Historic Places and/or the Register of Historic Kansas Places (printable version). Click here for more information about nominating a historic district.
1. Submit Initial Determination of Eligibility (IDOE)
SHPO staff can evaluate information about a property initially to determine if it may be eligible for register listing. Requesting an Initial Determination of Eligibility (IDOE) requires two steps:
- completing a KHRI record, and
- submitting an online questionnaire.
A property sponsor (often the property owner) should complete this step. If you are seeking an evaluation for a cemetery, please use this supplemental guide to help you complete your request.
2. Receive Eligibility Determination
Within about 30 days of receiving a complete IDOE, the property sponsor will receive a written response from SHPO staff indicating whether the property is eligible for either register. If the property is eligible, the response will include a nomination form and instructions on how to proceed with the nomination.
3. Submit a Draft Register Nomination*
The nomination process generally takes between 12-18 months to complete.
The Register forms consist of two main parts, Section 7 is a narrative architectural description of the nominated property and Section 8 is a statement of significance. The statement of significance must provide a history of the property and justification of its importance based on the appropriate areas of significance outlined in National Register Bulletin 15. The nomination sponsor or hired consultant is responsible for compiling the draft nomination. For guidance on completing the form, refer to National Register Bulletin 16A: How to Complete the National Register Registration Form. If you need assistance researching your property see our Researching Historic Properties page or refer to the Researching a Historic Property bulletin.
*Submitting a draft nomination does not guarantee a nomination will be placed on the next HSBR agenda. Only compete and adequately documented nominations will be scheduled for the Historic Sites Board of Review meeting. Click here for more about the nomination process.
4. Receive SHPO Staff Feedback
The staff carefully reviews each nomination and requests revisions to produce a nomination that is well documented and supported. The SHPO staff provides a technical review of the draft within 60 days. Revisions will continue until staff determines the documentation is adequate. SHPO staff will inform the preparer when a nomination is scheduled for a Kansas Historic Sites Board of Review meeting. Obtaining the written consent of the property owner to proceed with the nomination is strongly recommended. Complete submissions must include the following (with consultation of the SHPO program coordinator):
- Digital copy of nomination in Microsoft Word format
- Digital photographs in TIFF or high-resolution JPEG format
- Digitally-generated map meeting program requirements
- GIS file (if property is larger than 10 acres)
- Current list of all property owner(s) based on current title or deed research
- Letter of consent from property owner(s), if privately owned
Project Lookup: to see where your project is in the review process, search this table. If you can't find your project, please contact SHPO at ext. 240. Information in the project database is advisory. Official notification regarding project submissions is done in writing to the submitter and property owner.
5. Consideration by the Board
Once a nomination is complete, it will be considered by the Kansas Historic Sites Board of Review. This board, which meets several times a year, is appointed by the Governor to make recommendations on the nomination of properties to the registers. Nominations are presented to the board by Cultural Resources Division staff or qualified professional consultants. Nomination sponsors are encouraged to attend this public meeting.
6. Review Board lists property in the Kansas Register
If approved by the review board and the State Historic Preservation Officer, the property will be listed in the Register of Historic Kansas Places at the meeting it is presented.
7. National Park Service Considers Nomination
If the property is being nominated also to the National Register, the nomination will be forwarded to the National Park Service for consideration. The nomination sponsor and property owner will receive notification from the SHPO when a property is officially entered in the National Register.
Approved nominations are uploaded to the register database.
The nomination process generally takes between 12-18 months to complete.
Regarding plaques: Owners of properties that are listed in the National Register of Historic Places and/or the Register of Historic Kansas Places may wish to display a plaque on their building noting its significance. Although our office encourages owners to display a plaque recognizing their property’s history, we do not sell or distribute plaques. We do have a list of several reputable sources that have catalogs with the different styles of plaques. There may be some local companies not listed that sell custom plaques, too.
Questions? Contact the Cultural Resources Division at 785-272-8681, ext. 240;