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Thematic Nominations

The Multiple Property Documentation Form is a cover document and not a nomination in its own right, but serves as a basis for evaluating the National Register eligibility of related properties. It may be used to nominate and register thematically-related historic properties simultaneously or to establish the registration requirements for properties that may be nominated in the future. The nomination of each building, site, district, structure, or object within a thematic group is made on the National Register Registration Form (NPS 10-900). The name of the thematic group, denoting the historical framework of nominated properties, is the multiple property listing. When nominated and listed in the National Register of Historic Places, the Multiple Property Documentation Form, together with individual Registration Forms, constitute a multiple property submission.

Multiple property documents are designed to streamline the method of organizing information collected in historic resource surveys and research for future National Register listing and preservation planning purposes. The form facilitates the evaluation of individual properties by comparing them with resources that share similar physical characteristics and historical associations. Information common to the group of properties is presented in the historic context, while information specific to each individual building, site, district, structure, or object is placed in an individual registration form.

To learn if a particular property mentioned in any of these historic contexts is listed in the National Register of Historic Places or Register of Historic Kansas Places, search this database.

National / Multi-State

Civil War Era National Cemeteries

Historic Residential Suburbs in the United States, 1830-1960

Historic Resources of the Santa Fe Trail (Amended 2013)

United States Second Generation Veterans Hospitals

Statewide / Multi-County

Aboriginal Lithic Source Areas in Kansas

Carnegie Libraries of Kansas

Historic Agriculture Related Resources of Kansas

Historic County Courthouses of Kansas

Historic Public Schools of Kansas

Historic Railroad Resources of Kansas

Historic Resources of Route 66 in Kansas

Historic Resources of the Soule Canal

Historic Theaters and Opera Houses of Kansas

Kansas Post Offices with Artwork

Kansas Rock Art

Kanza People of Kansas

Lustron Houses of Kansas

Masonry Arch Bridges of Kansas

Metal Truss Bridges in Kansas

National Guard Armories of Kansas

Nebraska-Kansas Public Land Survey

New Deal-era Resources of Kansas

Post Rock Limestone Properties in Kansas, 1870-1948

Rainbow Arch Bridges of Kansas

Roadside Kansas

World War II-Era Aviation-Related Resources of Kansas

Doniphan County

Byre and Bluff Barns of Doniphan County

Historic Resources of Highland

Douglas County

Historic Resources of Lawrence (2001)

Historic Resources of Lawrence (2014 post-WWII resources)

Leavenworth County

Designs of Architects William Pratt Feth and Myron Kauffman Feth in Leavenworth, KS, ca 1895-1942

Prehistoric Sites of Stranger Creek Basin, Leavenworth County

Lyon County

Craftsman-Style Dwellings of Emporia, 1900-1930

Reno County

Commercial and Industrial Resources of Hutchinson

Riley County

African American Resources in Manhattan, KS

Late 19th Century and Early 20th Century Residential Resources in Manhattan, KS

Late 19th Century Vernacular Stone Houses in Manhattan, KS

Prehistoric Sites of Wildcat Creek Watershed, Riley County, KS

Sedgwick County

African American Resources in Wichita, KS

Residential Resources of Wichita, Sedgwick County, KS, 1870-1957

Shawnee County

Historic Houses of the Garlinghouse Company in Topeka

Mid-Century Modern Non-Single-Family Residential Architecture in Topeka 1945-1975

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