Enrichment Activities
Activities for enhancing classroom assignments, gaining new insights into Kansas history, or just having fun.
Annual Events
- Kansas Day in the Classroom - lessons, activities, videos, music, and tours
Resource Materials
- Famous Kansans trading cards - find more than 150 people, known and lesser known, connected with Kansas history
- Food in Kansas - cookbook for young Kansans with historical and nutritional information
- Kansans Breaking Barriers - poster highlighting several female politicians in Kansas
- Kansas Images: An Activity Book for Children - Kansas symbols activities for primary grades
- Kid's Kansas - an activity book for fourth grade
- Today is Kansas Day a read aloud story written by Kristy Nersthemier
- Travel the Santa Fe Trail to Kansas Kids Fitness Day - activity book matching locations on the Santa Fe Trail in Kansas with art, language arts, math, music, physical education, and social studies
Make and Take Activities
Directions, templates, games, and recipes for a variety of hands-on activities.
Supplemental Activities
Primary source, mapping, reading, math, and a variety of other activities to supplement lessons.
Coloring Pages
- Kansas State Symbols Coloring Book
- 34 Star Flag
- Birthday Cake
- Birthday Streamer
- Churning Butter
- Cowboy
- Cutting the Wheat
- The Great Seal of Kansas
- Honeybee State Insect
- Kansas Harvest About 1900
- Kansas Pride
- Little Bluestem
- Ornate Box Turtle - State Reptile of Kansas
- Parts of the Wheat Plant
- Proud Kansan
- Roping Steers
- State Capitol Dome
- Steam Engine
- Sunflower
- Territorial Seal
- Wheat in Kansas
Available to purchase
- Kansas A to Z - perfect for young readers
- Real People. Real Stories. activity books - seven booklets featurning people in Kansas history
- Story of Kansas Coloring Book - featuring the story of Buddy Buffalo, just for beginning artists