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Kansas Preservation Conference

We look forward to seeing you in Topeka in 2025!

The Kansas Preservation Conference is returning this spring, inviting preservationists, historians, architects, and enthusiasts to join us in Topeka from May 7-9, 2025. The theme of the conference is Planning for the Future of Preservation, emphasizing the importance of trades, resiliency planning, and engaging the next generation of preservationists.


The conference will primarily be at The Beacon, 420 SW 9th St, Topeka, KS 66612. Other trainings and receptions will be throughout Topeka. 

There is a hotel block at the Cyrus Hotel in Downtown Topeka. The group rate is $139/night.

Book your group rate for Kansas Preservation Conference

Schedule at a Glance

Wednesday, May 7th:
  • Workshops
  • Capitol Dome Tours
  • Opening Reception
Thursday, May 8th:
  • Educational sessions
  • Featured speaker Andrew Gustafson of the Johnson County Museum presenting on the museum's 2022 special exhibit, Redlined: Cities, Suburbs, and Segregation
  • Behind the scenes tour of the Kansas State Archives and Kansas Museum of History
  • African American History of Topeka bus tour
  • Elizabeth and Ethan Finklestein of Cheap Old Houses open to the public evening event
Friday, May 9th:
  • Educational sessions
  • Preservation advocacy panel
  • Kansas Preservation Alliance (KPA) Kansas Awards of Excellence


Call for Student Posters

The Kansas State Historic Preservation Office is now accepting proposals for a student poster presentation. The poster presentation will consist of an informal evening reception on Thursday, May 7, 2025, in downtown Topeka in the evening.

The theme of this year’s conference is Preparing for the Future of Preservation. Sessions and activities will focus on the trades, resiliency planning, and the next generation of preservationists.

Applications are open to current undergraduate and graduate students or recent graduates, within the last year. Applicants must be present to stand by their poster during the poster presentation session to engage with conference attendees and provide additional information. Posters should be no larger than 36” x 48”.

Proposal application requirements:

  • Complete application
  • One-page resume or CV
  • Sample one-page visual mock-up or relevant photographs

Evaluation criteria:

Proposals will be reviewed for relevance to the field of historic preservation, quality and completeness of application, and clarity of the visual component.


April 1, 2025

Submit Here


Previous Conferences
2024 - Newton
2023 - Independence
2021 - Virtual
2019 - Dodge City
2018 - Lawrence
2017 - Wichita
2016 - Abilene
2014 - Emporia
2013 - Salina
2012 - Wichita
2011 - Topeka
2010 - Newton
2009 - Topeka
2008 - Hutchinson
2007 - Dodge City
2006 - Lawrence
2005 - Topeka
2004 - Wichita
2002 - Abilene
2001 - Wichita
1999 - Topeka
1997 - Hutchinson
1994 - Wichita

To learn more about conference information and other educational opportunities hosted by the State Historic Preservation Office offers by following this web page, our events page, or our Facebook page.

This conference has been financed in part with federal funds from the National Park Service, a division of the United States Department of the Interior, and administered by the Kansas Historical Society. Neither the contents nor the opinions expressed during the conference necessarily reflect the view or policies of the United States Department of the Interior or the Kansas Historical Society.