Kansas State Capitol - Directions and parking
SW 8th and SW Van Buren • Topeka KS 66612
Driving directions
Traveling east on I-70: exit at 8th Avenue (Exit 362B.) Merge onto Monroe Street. Right onto SE 8th Avenue to the Capitol.
Traveling west on I-70: exit at 8th Avenue (Exit 362B.) Left onto SE 8th Avenue to the Capitol.
From the south: exit Kansas Turnpike at Topeka Boulevard. Left onto SW Topeka Boulevard. Right onto SW 8th Avenue to the Capitol.
All visitors must enter through the Capitol Visitor Center on ground level, north wing, on 8th Avenue. All visitors exit through the same location.
Underground parking garage
- Located on 8th Avenue between Harrison and Van Buren
- Open 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, 10 a.m. - 4p.m. Saturday.
- Parking is free for two hours.
- Clearance into garage is 8 feet 2 inches.
- Elevators from garage take visitors to security entrance.
On street parking
- Metered parking on SW Jackson Street between SW 8th and SW 9th avenues for up to 10 hours. Meter fees vary. Free parking Saturday and Sunday.
- Visitors can enter building on ground level at the semi-circle drive on SW 8th Avenue.
- Crosby Place Parking Garage, 108 SW 8th Avenue, between S Kansas Avenue and SW Jackson Street. Hourly fee.
- Centre City Parking Garage, 109 SW 9th Avenue, between S Kansas Avenue and SW Jackson Street. Hourly fee.
Bus parking
- Buses can be drop off visitors at the semi-circle drive on SW 8th Avenue
- Visitors can enter the building on ground level.
- Free bus parking for up to four hours is available at the Judicial Center parking lot, SW 10th Avenue and SW Harrison Street.
- School groups should provide adult chaperones and bus drivers with parking, drop off, and pick up information.
- Print driving and parking directions
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