Preservation Standards and Techniques
Preserving and maintaining historic buildings requires techniques that differ from those used on modern buildings. Well-meaning, but inappropriate, repairs can result in irreparable damage. The purpose of this information is to educate owners of historic buildings about the properties of historic materials so they can be successfully repaired and maintained.
Preservation Standards
The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, established by the National Park Service, are aimed at ensuring appropriate restoration, rehabilitation, preservation or reconstruction.
Preservation Briefs
Over 45 National Park Service Preservation Briefs cover topics from masonry cleaning to storefront rehabilitation.
Design Guidelines for Awnings and Design Guidelines for Signage
In many historic downtown commercial districts, the design of new awnings and signage maybe debated. This document was developed to help communities understand the recommendations of the Kansas SHPO.
Sustainability, Energy Efficiency & Historic Preservation
Compilation of links for information about how to make your historic building more energy efficient.
Window Repair Videos
The Kansas SHPO has produced five videos that illustrate the process for repairing historic wood windows.
Barn Rehabilitation Videos
In June 2010, the Kansas Barn Alliance hosted a five-day barn repair workshop in Doniphan County funded in part by a Historic Preservation Fund grant from the Kansas Historical Society. The work was recorded by videographer, Ron Frank in this three-video series.
Historic Tax Credit Seminar
In February 2019, we hosted a one-day Historic Tax Credit Seminar. Two sessions were recorded and are available on the Kansas Historical Society's YouTube channel. Click on the provided links for the individual videos of the Welcome/Application Basics and KDOR Panel. This attached Dropbox link has all the PowerPoints from the seminar.
U.S. General Services Administration's Historic Preservation Technical Procedures
Technical Notes
National Park Service's Preservation Tech Notes - illustrated case studies of preservation projects
Repair Renovation Paint Rule (2010)
United States Environmental Protection Agency web link
Renovate Right Brochure by EPA and HUD
Information about lead hazards and how to renovate safely.
KSHS Consultant Source List
Preservation consultants are generally hired to help with documentation projects such as historic resource surveys, drafting of design guidelines, and nomination of properties and districts to the National Register of Historic Places. Some preservation consultants are also hired to advise property owners on appropriate rehabilitation treatments or to complete applications for funding programs such as tax incentives and grants.
KSHS Contractor Source List
This list is provided and compiled by the Kansas Historical Society, Kansas State Historic Preservation Office. This list is provided as a service to individuals, organizations, and communities. The State Historic Preservation Office does not attest to personal and corporate qualifications of these or any other consultants/contractors, whose level of experience and costs may vary. Contracting individuals/organizations are encouraged to ask any consultant/contractor for references and recent work samples. Projects are not limited to the sources on this list, nor are there any preferences for any one consultant/contractor.